take turn: tata d the recyclables at Waterloo', lTech Recycling ttt 505 Dotaert Ct. The vast majority duke: our house- holds produce is recyclable. ehe says. Tri-Tech will weep: from householdeu (and tdten pey e nominal am) - thing from white pletlc gooey but to “Ifthere’eawnytonotaenddlthisto a dump, it’s got to he butts than throwingatufroitt,'iiduitttmturd. Her f.etilr.gtartMo1tttrmtttiO recyclables in plastic by. Wheat-g family got used to the system. irwitettedtolatteiudb_intttiG ment. uriu+aplaatietmrintttekiettett tocollect that day’s Wane!) the children sort them into the right bins later in the day. It's u out environment lesson for the kids, Ike "yomfytak-rhodrteeieooiiamt apartofthesohatioitoodrmtvi%tmen. aim _ "ppeerottlerttreurtgait,itano problem at all.Andit foehngoodto .knowtltiajtsttotrringto1ieinsoiGtieid beingunelea. â€Overtheyeanl’vewonduedwhywe 9rywoytaatnueltytoedtssre'igut tolseabettarwar." Once the three funnies have and 1tourh-eterri.tixeeorsor:ther -trogttrt_ttqd-rimemttair-u, maximum [:11le tootteteeeth'utemandplaitfe =l'e"l'rd'llg1'ltSttfe'r'v."A',2ttt. is)? "We'd an all». wand» -ured' n" has outlived 'tytrdtrant within-tsity _ limits." _ .1 'ttretrr,thtttretitmiiii"rrt,atitunt to do Mr bit for the -tieytmtt.., It, takes about 10 minute. did-k 'yeihtr' _ want-tum, "id8tmthard. '