|® New Kâ€"W Hospital, program provides assessment without intimidation | OKTOBERFEST SPIRIT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th 'FASSKELMRFESHMU.EDlNNERIDANOEwaoxW mw%mmmmm;m.vw.uw&m shows between entertainment; 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.; $25.00 per person, dinner SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th * GEMUTLICHKEIT FESTHALLE DINNER/DANCE Andre Blumauer Oktoberiest Band m. Bavarian Dance Groups; Full service Oktobertest Buffet Bmnor ‘seating; 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., $25.00 per person, dinner include CAE * FASSKELLAR «~WATERLOO FAGORELLAR PEDINAENE ZODTRDDINLITO BMz inshulad Ad Vi f Lunnn e i8 poha Sound shows live entertainment; 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.; $25.00 per person, Fasskeller = Lower Level Pub Reservations available through the Office. TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW! ), MareERrLOO INN. 475 King St. N., Waterioo 884â€"0220 {frome not included) Portraits printed in Canada Frce incluges $2 gepout. Portrom an reamong! bockgrounds White and biack backgrounch Chitmas background Vignene one othec Speco‘ Efech portram not avorgble in oavermec package Poses our selec han $2 for each ag@ona! person in pormar MS appointment necesia. Adutts & fomies wecome Use your Seort Card Alse ovailable: instunt Celou Posspert Photo: and Copy 4 Resieration ‘ epprommate uzes We m se maen s heee. in store in tnne Shopping Centre, 75 King Street South. Offer Good Through SATURDAY, OCT. 14 8x 10s, 2â€"5x7s and 10 wallets * $1495 Your money‘s worth _ and more‘