. - locker Elk [hope everyone Hubbub“ !rurryner,buoowitutimrti-t beektopmus,p-tdtsoouf A week and bark†M sonaby.bu¢nh'eadyoomuchhu happened.Gndo9Itudont-m gisrtrtarttrtrreleoert-dny nthdo Ninquy Mum timetehtdtrrirttopirtiei- pated. Thank-toll! dumb whomadoGndoNino ' we!!! Amigo TO BLOB VALEphom mink]; ,.mkatrtrttrrtuthade9cBtsttt KRTJndthoOndekludM F a a EC-rd " r. L'.e'E-?1U-yteLu.?.fLeih911.'tier"itqrrtt-htat- Weléoma hock Offering Foe Sale Their Work SEPTEMBER 16 & l7 Sunni-L in...» no no.;.n; Sou-4n WIT â€Ll-5†makers. wood-veA, can. all. an: 50 Superb Ami-an. Demonstrating their Craft mummm WWW“ “HOME fifiliifl', Ward/MW '90LAurtattseaanaeaa, Wot“! thallflbulou. TheMutualGroup The Waterloo Chamber of Commerce thanks ' the sponsors & the community _ for making Buskers '89 a success. mndttmlratriiet.dUrt-nuo "on.mltntottettttrreeCnnt 'ttntionofthetirBtttrD.rrw 1.iiaer, . aâ€? “at: L, 1 . on. t?ii'/it,iil?,ftiiiiteii,,?i?: WWII on punk-u rdtu't",'TJ,t"a,,'lt P,taeSuNe, 1m†. m Wuhan-MW“ do.t'yetletumrr-iptums .eallcA-rutrivenioth. Him-“MM MONDAY SEPTEMBER 18th, 8:00 PH. _ Tickets '5.00 - Call 884-2665 for information and reservations. Exercise Your Mind at Words Worth Books now It 100 King St. South Waterloo Btu-BOOK (2665) at The Seagram Museum on Night Travellers -t ladies of the House readinF from her long- awaited nave _ SANDRA BIRDSELI. The â€losing Ghlld Thank you painful-the battle-,- iiii,'ili,'i?i5'li'iri'ii'ii?:i tf,'Parggt2,gut, 1itmml I i,"i',tt.V.8t.t2tntt tom, rink .C.l.; than“ _tlt-singesdtrkd-iiitte tteldhrttehBh-isdW.C.1. Mubqulllmmd 'tties"',':.',,',,",']',: “my team “already begtusand.tttut-ndeoaehi. 'l22rk'artgl,tet,te. Pee").' PNMM Sim-Pdmhw I my†d.†will isririurx authorof SingorSowl Clash. . 'a, ‘u ""'ll2'fll,'2lifl'll "r- '-", 1ltttxm*tgBqittmm"thnttftfartAt,Mt,rM' l tttassisted-ttttttttri-tttttthier," l, Drugvtty1tL8ltg.tiareeation T " ['lE',crriIr] egia"iiiiii-""iaiii _ LIMrrE'o SPAc'Es AVAILABLE amou. room