FOR VOUR APPONWEM " ,..-‘ PAGEZG-WATEROOWEWYMIS.“ Not a genius or a stylized character, Banks is a highly believable, yet a nondescript eharac. ter m many ways, He chain smokes, likes his booze and elassical music, yet he maintains a lower pror1le than mystery readers have come to expect. Although Banks lacks eccentric mannensms and clothing and has a wife and chddren, Just an ordinary chap, he can pycho iogzcally dissect the suspects and come up with a w1nner. or rather, a loser Kate and Sam Greenock the B&B owners. Stephen and Nicholas Collier the rich landed gentry. Freddie Metcalf the bartender, John Fletcher the gentlemen farmer comprise the tapestry of characters. Enter Chief Inspector Banks, private investi- gator. Compared to predecessor British Sleuths Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple, Banks is newer and fresher. The story opens with Neil Fellowâ€, an unassuming clerk, taking a walking holiday in the Yorkshire Dales. Bluebell: sway in the breeze; sunlight rilterg through the woods; an enchanted valley is scented with wild roses and the sky is filled with warbling skylarks. Amidst this, Fellowes detects an odor quite out of character with the surroundings. ita source, he discovers, is a half defolnposed body. Kitchener-Waterloo's Finest Eygwecu Boutique S!tjntherrtliinghiiuintttemiaanae Y.?.ruhitintluii1ugeofsminahead,thji vyarittlikrhundreatsothersirtBrtuid yreriryrthtthiryrstmtrut-tto-r-i .fritrtdltrPtywfthltteai-iihiwarm been. bed and breakfast home, and elderly, pipe smoking crouieo hanging about on I stone bridge. Itiart'ttdunthrtcanadia-uoeat teg,ten,g ',fl"athtt2t Ntar ttLn1kr,TheBueintrvalirr. 'le',',"',:",,':,',',','?,','.??,,',,),,?,:',', Yogi?" fiNenreago,ersahtistg . tom-m I perspective that loch at Toronto and Can:- fitetrxterothtumttsideuttkirtein,anitiir. ineide.looring up. _ the 'murder victim ls Bernard Allen Peter Robinson's. written another great mystery trah; tiLstit51NBrirEiTr Marg Zavaros is a Waterloo freelance writer. success. The author's first Inspector Banks mystery, Gallows View has won awards in Britain and the Crime Writers of Canada first novel award. A Dedicated Man and A Neces. sary End, his second and third mysteries were well received by mystery readers? Peter Robin- son lives and teaches in Toronto. The Hanging Valley. Peter Robinson. Viking/ Penguin. 273 p. $22.95 . Impactor Banks sweets I link ti'it'i,ii!f?i?itti'r1tr, in Swain-head anoint: diam a young women, Anne . t,'hattt when Banks learns that Allen saw in Toronto. lnterspeued with his search for Anne Rai. Iton at British-style who, Blah makes side tripemN' FaluandtlteMeMiehae lArt Gallery in I8l'i'ldtl Finally, tttUr too much cold beer and felt food, he fin& Ralston and learns why the left the village. Happy to be back to Britain, Bunk: hasn’t recovered from jet lag, when he is informed of another murder in Swainahead. When Banks reveals the murderer, the solution is resolved in an abrupt and unexpected manner. Robinson takes a poke at the Thatcher government, the old class system and the postcard village that tourists never see With this mystery writer’s storytelling skill, perhaps he could write a television mystery series set in Britain end/or Canada. Considering the cur. rent craze for British style and mannerisms in decorating and fashion, it would be a wild yte.irrttae whot visiting from thn_adr. World of Books Marg Zavaros mgy..wm T gamma l Man: / ' I CttluysNAhtt - ', msm'sm - I mums mums i cmr/rown ' To emu: Return the form below to the lnlonwion Boom at Conway I Mall no later than Friday, September 22nd (maximum 100 I magnum). . SUCCESSlUl. mom Will. BE CONTACTED " PHONE I Carlee content rules pnd additional entry loans available at Causing: I “a Additional entry form. null-bk iaGGaritiaiiG \"ONESTOCA MALL INVITES Att BOYS AND GIRLS AGE 8.11 INCLUSIVE TC) PARTICIPAIE IN THIS EXCITING CONTEST. The 1989 theme will be Kids Sense. Kids Sense is safety sense. Tell the judges about yourself and your views on personal and family "safety sense" in a "personal interview" on Thursday,' September 28th. Finalists will be chosen from the "personal interview" session to participate in the Mal to be held Saturday, October 7th at 1:00 pm. Finalists will prepare an art poster and take part in a public speaking presentation based on their knowledge of "kids Sense" of safety matters. $100 Conestoga Mall Gift Certificate C®ï¬EITm Oktoberfest Ambassador Contest Entry deadline Sept. " 1989 Oktoberfest AmbasaTdEr‘ [SENSE '5 Entry Form For Boys & Girls Ages 8-11 . 1989 Theme . 1st Prize 1m" x.