You Said It iaaiir, AikiitiLiiiii incubate their amply?†'. the the ttttt ' answer I e _,t',Nit'il' thil unmet been for "dtatt . Mon Ittretie than and? ill-a on when. Or simply mum Imam the can, the timing in tttttyet,,',".."',',',',.',',',',",",:.',".,?,',?] itrNmrtt..rnittty'rt_t"i11. give’you In actuate ttttMBttN of whether you handled Juniot'o nation Infuse 'tyu,orqruthorrpu should fill out-late atrlieationtortherrttl1- taIHWU. Jli't1ur,',t:f22iltt/,t/1t; question‘meunnd our gSi,oiy,e,'"tS"tt 2th'rl ill'; " are if you “boo-1t the Biiris's aoi'nething‘ um yoii might futd of ‘3: atik ttahh Walt8t. 2gi'gg,ti2f,,ft f ing'gmt was an: itt wi at GiiiiiiuiUAtiktiiiities to “Tofu; curd-ya. -e" ’} Enthusiasm in the outward 0m .. d devotion to something; and}! that t t-natobtrour ,irorkurotmpatiott,- than those who are devoted to it will Giu-tiatutppld.Butthttts- iiiiiriif'iuieyettirtetttaNttilto iith'-tirr.t! Gsiitworttuitith_ttidthfothqttyti.ttg yountpubidn it, intuh-termding ('1'tthf,','f,t'ta1y ghtif a. m :’ nu ri ti you ve ya ;dseidodwi.tmunntto&o;bm,hnving ""tifit1ed,y,tfistt 'siiuAiitatlmu'it.t.sutttt l . “mob in!“ who to . them] ï¬ï¬vamm in; Ibo; ia, 'jiiiiitiit' _' Stirvival Test. is _-lr-r" Enthusiasm itrthe key to success mm:- Whammw'm 'Teartainlrteott.itltir*if mndminl" _ tttetaamptsruuxisturtheouido eil,i,)?,i,diy2t,th/j,ttt - "njrittirtgiitotOh,artd ."T - Ci'id Ending it ).ihelU.'ttfgl',"d'l'ri'lSl (“an or how m '."'i'iiiiioiia.rit.T L'ct"'-u' Jinn-“ ' . ac." ic,. #3:}... local l 'ill ' i'-l-t1i'-ii?,it-i'iii. andâ€. m. Fr), lick. amthell '2ggi4',"g, Firerl _ - _ '"iiiiiiirir/a,s,turwtr, um _hautotfiinr1ir-i,tsuts"tdtetto the has}: a 13:301.: walled-y srtomingltttingturhMttsttagto . tt)ehmefu1rartrtmuttnitutroumna thrgiTfai'gt'Sifhf/dt, tnttfltrdttt'2ltl'tt', ll. Fat $09an time this manner, ,rmrehihiuhluhbiuttduhdrourear attheendof the driveway. You: a)pieuditup,putitinitspetrrMte, and informed the ypunm he was ttithtuttt,0,fdtt9itt'te, an _ MrNet 'l'eSh'l1'f'J','ltt'ta12t'l'ill'i'li't",1 trydeh't-atalrrttnooirrtt,andatrrou really achieve or excel at anything else oaafdsthetthtseeautrettmrmmsrdevote th-hrastottrtything. chey wouldwm uptothe neodto tu1lygihdthe+ittmmidtyryt_oitt totu'tuwi-tthinethetrmrerdWBut ingtmtdsturkepiamatdeaiottNtrr solve. in m and an mar know tuirtnf-mrortuextartttoshidt Agg'tlfglrgh ieldnotbetnettim+rittt!teing otr-drrfthytmr-hiehtut4tntltt. "vei1uyiydryexseytetorsire.tatly odirsiBheirgnngetxettittms1rEttlte about u stupid as the person lining in gii,'.Tgitit/efiegt',,efd2: hxmttettteuttrtrfimrlqondstarirte, mmdyour .Youmldhn "givrrmtsuoitdttmtr'1leMrrttue aittmArmr-ktotahddtetfrtttr Gstu".Brtsotgieirtgtmm,itiairreit- M3 ' _ , w ‘ _ ‘3 .'"'"""W-"'-""'"-"-'"'-'---'-" T ' "Tuttiâ€! tt.Eidram-rrurtrsittgiratN Ill "i'iiiiii7SiiiiEiirr â€Mahmud-Inch. 'tT'-' _ a)emttinuedto-sdalieioeartd __ ‘ mm! thM,tt'll,',iauii,, _ . d'J .thqurvivnlin‘im . - "t 't'S.,1,tt",',,t.t'i1thtt'g't: .iitget.eehtyt1.etyoitroetltt Geoffrey Fellows itimtiiatttiootr'srri"takelttsstiteillhtdti Safes?†Ken Wain: Waterloo f fe 1» dnmdmmth-t,tuese-d ."er_'._.,' ,emrh'rsasrudisorttktb.vitstomiu. -irsthetip . 4. Ytmboughth'ttuda'qtt_etther ahirtott91otaltauti_t1u'grtrte 'gtfi'aic: a)mr'. "W that III In cumin “don'tbolookingfotdm of autumn." b)dmtttatittto_tltacar,drthtrtftt thedub.lndt¢llhorywm'tbebock until Ibe’nuud ttpherrmnter'tourth, oruhorDtsr,whidtevera-fimt. 5.Whenyouremindedthemofhow whoolyu fast approaching. they com- t0"oh,andrumssomsthrmrnttodo behelgobnck." b)"Wi111ugtttiyrpinrrqelterore ,nrMla-iurkirttrooeturt" life through new warped idea of sweets, whereas the trick is to devote yourself to each and every facet of your life and keep them all in balance. . . . How often have you heard the em ion, "why should I knock myself out?" Which, tranalatod - why should I give more than I absolutely have to, in order to draw my pay, or get along with my spouse, or neighbours, or whatever the situation might be? “use are- the some people who will argue that if] give all ofmyaelfl may get hart, or disappointed, or rejected, or impaled upon. Little do they know that by not devoting themselves. they not in motionttsou%sryfoexmorhichtheytrtotrt (our. My guarantee the hurt, disappoint- tttmtta.ndroort. J,2tt,t'S'g")ttt tTill",', Ite or. ' . not fgit'gt'tt,11it,1h,itlli,t/lf, "aAmtteyaqridrtyt.-s.ittim.rin 1uytmr,asttmrusotiteemer "If you're Canadian you're hop ing for them to win. N like them to make it, but it's hard to my.†Elleniycqmy 'siqht,trotarurlate,tsirtrttterdoit hiretortupkrrdtttot.Yew. 1)an their air!" no they will be "-iatienndauetrrttprrtherd".veto we tuitttottotuaiittsd.terivt T.Yoevetmrtedrmsrkidsto_ mkholidly 'ttrth,visiutoeveey 2h'l'l'd11'2tt'lfll'Ue"ll Australia, went camping on weekends, day trips (the. and who you at them how tuirssumm-t,ttterany: a)"thntaatie,tmttartooitort." b)"notud,tttebestttert-hettaty friend broke his nun falling at! his skateboard." - Nomuddit up, scoring fivepointafor every (a)anorerand0for every (MI! yoGaei2tr36,wut,dorouthinkyou are, Beaver Cleaver'. parents or some thint?itN20,rourkidsamtml youmore thanyoulike.010.junlikethereotof us normal parents, ymhe ready for uomyU,Hurthepitttstiluupfhatin themtveek. Jtit:kamphelli-emlman-rtnlre RataeiooChmniele. Wrath-Quantum- ble for them to receive more, For those thtpt do give of 1hemtelves te upon ititratorthgert that have the problem but their employers. Farther mic will quickly outgrow their jobs and move out to where they will get the recognition that is their due. All entrepreneurs know that they can't help but give themselves entirely to thee projects. And did you ever meet any that weren't enthusiastic about what they were doing? But you don't have to be an entrepreneur to get the same rewards. Do yotuxsalimthatthereeanbenogmaqe without devotion lo your project? How much of'youraelf are you giving to the work you have freely chosen? Or my other of your activities? The answer will determine your future. - Fellow: open!“ the Human Renew animating?“ P. a. Pu "No, I don't think they will They haven't got the team 5pm it." 'rMAtNrf, :0. no - PAGE " i, Niit 5W1. providing Roman Mature Kitchener