Bantam puts on a "brave show . Bmttsaettsotttt-ooBantantt+tt-rurt.tttttmt ts-tss-rg-ag-tNIO-tyt-ttelf-ttte "artiu,ttutGatthhtttt#itNr-tttttmemttotdnr. rtnmtir.trtrter-r-mrtttum. _ Thermsdeittetthetmmtamertt -frtinnls, but,- tb mi I and gtttmrdomt with alt in t-darlittlteWatmHottN- “who“ l'tatqtIglhtgt2 ttteNorthWaterko Pm ball Bantam Division. Waterloo heidatHillaideptrk, Gttheueuoftt7to2winover Baden. the Waterloo team lost their first game with Gelt last starortia4totaeorrr. "It pututsintotuloairtgroute," mum playing Baden, and handily defeating them baip. Ieplae The Armaclad Enclosure and Root System mkmuwm "iqq_rNrtrtt$.-tartAr'-rmt, Bung-macaw Att-at" Manama-human AWN NMQACE ...THArShrrtmtut" -riGeriitoiit.Grkit - 7, I." tuxte-trtriteh-.Agninwa. tarhasmrsrs_ttrEitd-r7 to8. WWW!» . can um um hurl')') mam-Wad» teatrt,prhieh ,mttdtmtttrant145Hii, "rtwdst-irsattalt,',m wrmldltamuit.rrtartretoto" Gait m on to play New Hmbmgfutwomlntho fimt-,altmetibtr.hstu seexmd,theNemrUrtthttrghor won the tourney with I 15-1 emtdtmihrNrltettttr,D-0r BIKES! i'i"iriiiiityKEsi I W.“ SC“ I fot'tt,, tzidfieto Lt "vo"ii"aGir"h"ttuy a mm it you detrptaiiaritiiimt (j,th,A,g."gg Mméhuftnpogybflflgmwh you your . a , T ' "s itmttatgytti_ttrethttrt _ 'LOHI m ' mwm.Fsorpor-omlmch-fl as" '. “I. p m 279 do! t.N.. N243â€. _ [w M WW.OM. "S.4tto0 g m? q i,†li'gg21t2tt'fkl'tl1li1'ltt?eflr, Tah‘ 'i'gl fest "Do at“ here, hteririr ttrg,,,',, CYCLING GLOVES -qB. % v ttt . p... â€I“ ttmet Ai.