/' IhlietinBttatd Team for In and Wm will meet Sew 'fdQ'iNtr.tttrt cauon And ke&rship Ihilk a hunk "tformat-eau Gordon WnyItW-le or MmeeAdun-u 5762868. l/tttttttt_ iugtstrattoeshrth+0y-illlte "RimtmtChuedtillrhtNiegelool,8qt6 m7lnd8pnPu-Mhrm ummume-m. BeesmteiarrCeettmenhuttmrHut uyimeoftuhluqrirt-:d-rxom, orunrrung.dBtn,lurtehtredrtiing.thteo “mummifxmhu inttrrmatimenll57Bamo. 3-30 to 9'30 pm fir nocrorrmtti, mi- denu at the New Hamburg community cenue Scout registration fugtatratiors ford] aquatic-nine†Inwmviuhaheldw7m ll' 8:3It-yt. for Tymtstutrmidrtu Ind Special "new program PAaEA26-WATEMu9otMRtMttltE.tf%ltiy. What-IWKNCIM dian hT.,,rupil 1Tith'st'g'ig el-rr-tg 11 1 “human mag-amt» in Youth-tau-Ab-ilu-t umpu: metdsrlartd8qo.tati.tttr md [new]. Idni-im nod tmst-tits To-e-liar-ttat. SapLSth-erb'dmm ofCanadiart 0am: (in! " but BalarteqL'ht1.ed-amdn-lm" WMMMHNIKSLI. CummiuTor-mnl‘u hr further irtAonntitmeall BO.8T00qr Wondomm trip ' chin-much. a- 'l1tLlheu'ttl"lfo'l'h't",alx'l,rl 9.11th Aoruetrhtertimtali1tvitolatt brs_tdryrqfet'"tethtt-tier. KPL main branch mega “U60“ -""-"i" -,-_ BOB GRAY MUSIC LTD. Chosen asbest in its classby 7 TheRoyal YAMAHA of Music. - AY.. (terr-re---"- 9? AAw EA. GRAN) RNR tu. GA. Bong, RA. 5rS5100 LE. Fond, ESA., MEd. 745-6851 Jd. Gluy, EA., M.Ed. 742-1751 t.t.tbtahttoOA.' "_-___ an»? . 1th00a.m. 385-0800 T Cindi 10, H, 12 ":00 um. WE:“MMMMHWmWWMMJhd-twlbOWGWH:50¢,m. 1jliAmliD0 Cd. as snub. (A, man. 884-9590 FOREST MOMS C.l. It1KNtNBtAlamlitXt C. I " WY wasâ€. 'Menriil"autilllr011anr-omte--g-tiige-t W.H. Honor, 3.5:.,M.A. Grmi.9lhetuAa%run) - 743-8265 God: lon 13KYduWrtertes+tmrrxmt) Nottnuss"nmtart"xrkmrihtrth-dsdtetuottumiAiwmdwadeiiusdtodtottssun. WWW 0&1“th 'AStllRXX) C.l. "mr-ot-i-a-Grant/ei." "amdrtmb-_htsm-r2r30e 'Melt' W WAT " rams M ON 'trttMltll F. NEVA]! C.l. Grads 10, n, 12, won: M. Fay, tra., MA., Mid. (but! kt Han-loom) tAHMeht Mtttft8 C.I. 855.9%)!» EA. thï¬hâ€"wdfldï¬uï¬unhmuflmdhbwmmwm -l-truhtitsdtaniThr. bp!tt_tlbttarHapitikt"eprts6tmhidd-tntr-ttrttkaddFrtesr, WimbwwthMMaflbhmthWfl asmm-ts-rher6t-trrVdt.tumttAhvdetet-i-mtirte-tmt,a- lmdhh-Mduuodnflnhmmm5.355.5armoddmadrduflumdd MM: 'ir"hAmrrtsrhe.lutertst_bt.360.ksrdsrmr-ytmd-tth'rrsdtodmams. 'tttltmd_lhtrexreme_sdtot0tekernttsrt-de-utitsotAswqbokxmsdesasukrss. W" stud-m stud-m .. 'tttedt-Atty-ttmore- 'reryim. tot-Canning 'o1'J'llTd'Jul'l"l'stL'C"Jurt'35', i981WuMMMIuIagmd19flo-S9mm, WWWWflbmmop-Mdoyï¬wmthadmwbh â€mad-hot an hthtai6trnd_tdtr*tt*l"rttmiedd-rtvtq b “mmwwmmmwmuaw«m.mm&murh uuwz&maws,1m.mwmnmuma tlmte4tMMr-$rrt-rr-Mtm*+tt09r L'xri2NLr=CiLrr-T55TT? 'ii22aGa=iE=Ci, Iâ€, and, irsA., hud. Nmv$takreslGmtins 10-1300 851 t'pL1'drt't,'uos,,d Lira-y) . b Fdysl?emtilMYcNxktuAudesrGit) t7r+tlemd11NtetriksAssdtrsrurt) iima9ttkrxorttrAsdesrut4 azmmwmmpamm The Waterloo County Board of Education PT'."', can 2 t'l'lh"o'."3'lG'h't (142-2530; in Canin- it'tht Cam macaw ad 'eioo at: H12, 3,4tmd6tlteterHtm-xxtt) h! (AetesAst%r'aart) IB M & _ttstdmqArsdtodestt-.ktttielt- ij'4jili';irr;' (s'tl,kti:.l'l/l:'l (752:285'):.'-.~ Carbide-.969- Grmks10m13KYCiitett Grmk9iNstrttstkAkxon) t7rrstu9itt-tttag-em) Guiana» 13/0“: (tierttt+emrrxxrt) - h WWW." MW- . -dieFrhltEiGiAiihus.mer., _ 11Peysdqrt ... . - 1ll','2"tblt,'r'g'tL,,o,,, foe, 131cm: MC . 10:30a.m. "'fi2ptlt'fLs,t-,s-",,s,,,,,.l,0ii0,','i't. yawn) MW.“ “and“ f 2:00 pun. W,00 am. “:30 mm. 1th30 am. 10..00 am. Ir.00 mm. Ith30 on. th00 Gun. W.30 on.