White Sex ,r,li),1,riita,'t'1'i'i'i?iityilitiii end season tt'itt,tg'dtn'2tgltgr The Waterloo no just :1 p ace In Basel»!!! Uagueeirttt , " road win oier the Caaihrid 'ge Bulldogs on Saturday. F V Another win for the hip, now 174, or a [on hr the lam-plan Kitchener Dodger! Mm; would clinch the pennant " WMloo. Expos The petutantarimtitig team gets Noun '._itttttFtttets sum 10mm. 1e0etulrttert"nlat. , 530 sun.- V Te " . ER. #2 Elan. Ont. 84q09tts ' , Low†on south-Odo. at Elon. on'tho Elan '- Guqlpp tttttptr , '_i" mmiv'maw Sale- I RICHWOODS ll 'ii?itN';Fi'ic". after LC pennant 7' Love Seat ' Sale price $799. "LIKE no mien STORE" Pyihrtnckmi/iiiU __ __ Them“; " PM“ MM ltrutia" ter tt bed-Raven Grii%ii leads dined! to the league ruusla. fawn ' came upcoming 'pll',ultTlit2 will .'trmr1iotihetuguhu/vG .teattts..ThepPtnttntiinnersen] “mum While going 3 c".lrt','jr" "" ', 5 "1'???" T .. - xaei T y ' v - ' 1ittiledgttut 25390.... um... 'ite a. 1irtievietwa. PI the. winning Specials on our entire inventory plus any order in items will be offered at attractive reduced prices. . Canadiana Reproductions Italian Leather t Marble Traditional Upholstery Custom Wood Studio Braided Rugs Lighting Anniversary I W"" i/Gr, J.-- - 'mertibinuetruotarsdintm. Y1.tt toAilton in the champi- Mbtmoet agiinst Itranit% EB; day at 7:30 at Bechtel Park, no: kataiiiiii/iii; a g'lfiltell'll tonight in tttt ford, They finish the regular PaetArtinst_Brartttud Than safelyonee. CltritrRigttrtripud homeamn _i1thttra.tieinniigatsthiruiT, WI" liming on seven hits. tlym hits. E5313 o?The" "th,itfiiititiii?.i CG. ylrt',"llh'llltfl',fff'/'lh',"g Ttttik-tlet-m., 'ysiFiuiiirii"i"iu"ii'i, TG M lied '2lilll.It: :1: " the 3th; Widow 'gr.t'"tus'iilir"iiiiirii 'tht: Blah-lot de hated 3-1.0!ymph 3-1 m HIV-L1? mil I'l'll iii-amadm'm' Athktim 1,riltr,Y ittrt {M 'trttrat 'iGriituiii;ii"i;'Gh' "P. illt;l;' 'itit/lrlll was." in the isattinirGiier" J"iiii kMAtitkf,",s'iti%'A'6',t'p,'u2k's'it'r'., mavardedthe It you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after school, please S" " fill in the application form and send it to our office immediately. I Carriers are needed in - ', the loilowing areas: an er. AT Iâ€! IT. “museum will" MtD0tltu11 AT - "I IT. " and." an AT m an AT thMBMt an: a. " new 'lli'ltglN'lP -ligrtgtt AT m ecu-u IT. I. atuMt* " IATAIA M AT um 91mm - ram CtqttmttxE mutton new " Klan a. B., when». N24 195 Earn Extra Money! kiiic7iiiuirir, .3433 ,yrrsittefiii'i'bavi'iia. Can-din a... Buddy unit the Mtt of the mwm whirl tlt,.'""'?""-' iii,ittt,argttgtttt, 'tmmtpexrrithd f).m and. so“ Lrll'1 in! team, ix Hilda-Inland mew-tau. therrhmmirtthetiaad LatTtiiiiiTiiii gulf! I '; 'trtst "b/.i vf F mf' u)iriirLrl,iia'auQ ,iyy 'ad ') u. 'i.. ',.tl" M " wax," w" ,v Mir, . MI rr a, "ter'irs, Itttti' .€&_*‘-“4’ -u"z'ik"e _ MN . g EX ‘ 4 "r 1'F'H7 _ _ J r "_-...-....-...-..-.... I. "B.--..-.--.....- Tr Jt Tcr id, .. Neil In. 5511!:- ca the 1t',,ate1tt"nt.h W gSr"det wh a "., m _ - a! lit up, “0011““ NO B.Ri-mdraut-dtn. tyaf “Publish-vii.“ 'tttM-ttl-tate “A?" “A!†â€A!“ “we“ “; I‘m] Mim. magnum “SLIM“ Emu“ my,†hob-inane on the m in]: Merci- gun"