10 King Street, North, WaterI00, Beside Waterioo Theatre REGULAR TO DENIM JACKETS \._.««, Washable fabrics in dark and y / light shades. Dress up or work 4" } Regular to $50.00 ~‘‘~. __ PANTS FOR \> SPORT OR DRESS SHIRTS Lang _ steaves and short verves Hungreds . i0 choose rom mso $§00 EVERYTHING IN THE STORE PRICED FROM $1999 $2999 i'.z'-." brands Requiar io ce $q99 $q99 *EF; Cmmtumw-n single or breasted styles Reqular to $295.00. PRICED FROM 99 + SWEATERS SsUITS! SUITS! SUITS! SAVE PLENTY ON Regular to $49.50 Solid colours and patterns in light and dark tones. s Regular to $165.00. $50 Have your favorite needlework, paintings, prints or posters custom framed by our expert staff at half our usual charge! __. . M Save‘even more by doing it yourself! Our expert staff will be happy to help you out.. \_ _i \ Parkdale Plaza II Albert & Phillip Sts. Waterioo 888â€"6061 CUSTOM AND DOâ€"ITâ€"YOURSELF PICTURE FRAMING/ART GALLERY Wed., 10â€"6; Thurs., Fri., 10â€"9; Sat., 10â€"5 o ~~JOY THE FRAMING EXPERIENCE mofipaet . oip ons antgactintis 743â€"9161. 607 King St. W. horpd