Canada hm Shooters Yards of Fun Little Caesar's Good Gals Scroungers Conestoga Rovers Twuns Mutual Group C DIVISION Misftta szams l'mtron Vistas Badgers Arrow A DIVISION Harmony Lnnch/ Big Johns Blondles Dietrich Siding KW Record St Chaim“ Economlcal Harmony Lunch Golden Girls Unitron Nines ft DIVISION TMW t G 146 12t Maximum ' ' Itt no ATS , 13 51 I†[(1thth Lidia Softball [mm Sanding: u of June I. I†ATS ttAaE3-tATEMcooct-CtE.+tt0AYaEYhtN. 78ng ommluunm 0WM13M1 ~mm-un-uu Femmme Reducing Salons THE CALFOM M778 WAY 14 PASSIVE TONI†TABLES SUN TANNING BEDS SKIN CARE PRODUCTS Hundredsofcemmic, terracottaandV vatresandpotshom atonmdtheworldtoyour home.porchandpatiot crafts of the world WASHLINE 7458382 91 QUEEN ST s Krrcnsnen FIRST TREATMENT FREE CALL FOR mumm Slo Pitch mun- Bloom! 664-2378 We're In §Full 10 113 115 113 113 012 012 012 I. 16 le 10 I. B-A-R-S ll Relive That Magical 1llyy N0 NATION CONSULTATION t 2 union mung: . lighting 5 “up . will elf-cu . [uphia & “din: . editing & III-it ubtring . mum on“... . No up: length WWII Complete With, 748-6762 “was.“ Athktim RC. BEAUTIFICATION "Guaranteed" ' momma PAVESTO'E ',togMtu',,uttt and f RETAMG WALL SYSTEIS ntoeuet- " long lasting + SIDEWALKIPATIO SUBS Puma (Mick) putt-m 8:30 Mn. to 2 Fm. DISCOUNTS TO SENIORS daily 0 mm. to 5:30 pm. Surprising†Mow. FREE LITERATURE quality mote products for home and business 39 Manltou Dr., Kitchener (entrance at Sumac) 894-1 880 .xiumd-s -. ‘vv-IIIVII - "m'"."""" , p ALI. SEASON RADIALS 18irl i . K) "Cd, = C ' " tNtlll adl,t'.,UiliL, 745-3831 25% " 516 man an, WEDGE Rrplac FREE CONSULTATION . AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION Incarnate Claim Sperialists 162 OTTAWA ST. AT WEBER ST.. KITCHENS" - 576-1520 745-2141 015 Will! M. Eat WE mm $50. DEDUCTIBLE SINCE t972 THE â€h. MP31C [WATER hTiqirix7rtiE "Wu9neegerite Ta%aiia Ti VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR: BF GOODBICH LIFESAVER L519) 745-2147 s1800 t_ietntostirtsummarasmpani" Mr Wood-9i. shims um a ll 023-1470 EDT 262 Mill St. (Guy Centre) Kitchener 578-5500 mum]