ey able to if“ what turned t to be winning material. Listening to their song Some- ingToCivtrrarittttdtrmttorn ancouver rehearsal room in 985 iu,rtT,gtd, on the band's ew eig t truck recoding . ent -. Rental] and 'J'l't'lfg8lt raser knew they were creating he kind of music they always ew they mnthi., Though Bent-ll all: paranoia a atural attribute of a born achiever, he admits that “once I ietg0orthat,1ttetyreltaysd then things started happening. We became a band that people wanted to lilac to. The band found itself naturally. It was a development of getting out and playing as much Pl welwulg." Ti/gi; years after that Some- thing To Live For who'd-room revelation, Benn“ and The ug. endary Hearts released their fimt agum tl, 1't,dh','t,' Kicked o withteu 't . To Live For, the success 'tht,',',", has reamrmed what Rental] and Fraser knew all along - follow- ing the path of the legendary heart can't steer tou we. . Even before the Legendary Hearts, there us a song-writing team. Bentall and Fraser grew up together in Calgary and the firgt product of their partnership ap- ', Baits“ ant-h; V 'ei'iii'lh'ii'iitl'i1)?hti only .. f (il1lilii,lFiiijEilEiiiri7j', , F". _'? t i'" Ji 3" 'iiiiE: ""Wfdrtl8_! {m}. !iii,?, , N ill, tu. (i EiTiiEMIEMS!, W. _ 4 REmt-1lSMzEE2r5 _ _. emselves in that music were " I circulating in better environments! FAN TAS TIC FANS 1'1":2i I x the Light Touch 1031 Vlctorla St. It, 145-0771 Barney Dental and the Legendary Home at the W, FM.Mmembenare.homuIele£unNalm,M Guppy. - Benton, Cam m, Berry Muir. peered on more than a including Something To Live For decade ago. 'l!hi,'t their first was recorded. band Brandon Wolf, Dental] and Not only did Something To Live Fraser took their love of the For become an immediate stage music of Bob Dylan, The Rolling favorite, but it and its video Stones, Lou Reed, Bruce Springs served as a strong motivator for teen andthe bands of the late Th the band, Bentall admits. The on the road. video was made at a low point in They met drynuner Jack Gup- the band's career, yet it protrayed py, mm Colin Naime. bis. gist any Muir 9nd keyboardist Cam Bowman along that road - sparking frienships which would survive the demise of Brandon Won. and. thy The News". 9nd by thet foundation forhhd Duringthetwoyean'l‘heRe - and but: and club- with theirbrou! Ina-mt of '60samsrssandstmrBettta11lNw, aim play worked toward Wins Mill-Wt re- cording equipment - equipment on which every demo up to and Ceiling Fans suitable for any _ room in your home with or without lights. Not only did Something To Live For beanie an immediate stage favorite, but it and its video served " a strong motivator for the band, Bentall admits. The video was made at a low point in the band's career, yet it protrayed the group honestly and reflected not only the Legendary Hearta' spirit but also its positive atti- tude. Ultimately, the video was seen by Bernie Finkelstein, who be. came Beutall's manager. and Epic Records, which became Ben. mll's record label, who, were sold by the land’s musical strength and imp-ttd by MW tmds mark humility and mviction. Barney Beatall and the Ugen. du: "W“.W W! night TIP Hm: Man To Thurs, 10.30530. m. "mum. Sat 103m 742-1 171 PICNIC BASKETS are great " WEDDING GIFTS Come In and Man the perfect - 'u a can can; .1 Iain luv ya: may GIFT SHOP 1dld'.A/hf,Tc)l,Ss1i,ee0 G t) til “H.391; New neatiueCBasbets oyumm ii:i'iit, 51?ng 5710mm i gmTErtutttt-ttxa,-t-gULrhtir'at3E" 'We're More “In: "st Great W’ - - -- til sat, reld a , sun at w u vucloau ST N KIYD‘EM“ EN “2816 'tNrrtomts.ro-ortt1Arxwsso"m L.,.. om Mt w