glasses & fruit chips the outdoor cook, filled with Bâ€"Bâ€"Que sauces & rubs; Barâ€"Bâ€"Que Baskets for Pamper Yourself Basket of Shampoo Gels, Soaps & Mon.â€"Fri. 10â€"5:30 Sat. Baskets Full of Gifts as Unique as He is COODIE BASKETS FOR COODIE DaADs Call & Order or Come in & Customize Your Gift For Your Special Guy 47 DUPONT ST. E. WATERLOO, ONT. 146â€"2611 Shave strokes off his game with the Golfer‘s Delight mixes, recipes, Stir Fry Pan For the King of Use a "low flow" shower head You can still enjoy a nice hot shower as always â€" but you save hot water. Most hndwmstorultockthgm.mhrlhowerhudumupw%pflomofbot water per minute. A low flow will use about !4 gallon of hot water per minute. That‘s quite a savings in energy as well as water. Fix those dripping taps A simple washer will eliminate an annoying drip â€" and save money. At onlxrone per second, you can waste many gallons of water a month right down the drain Save laundry for a full load â€" Don‘t use the washer and dryer for a few items â€" wait until you have a full load. Small items waste hot water and electricity on the dryer. Use warm or cold water wash and cold water rinse. Become more energy _ efficient Be a homeâ€"energy efficiency expert Waterloo North Hydro 300 Northfield Drive Waterioo, Ontario N2J 4Â¥3 Box 640 one drop