.V.-- m. .lpfloot. nut trees. shrubs, 7iArl'lU, Whoa. Guaranteod delivery Ransom Moos. Catalogue " Sudan Bough Tree Farm, Manbank. Ont. KOK 2L0. No phone. (O) . SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Syivanll urnps, Hydroponic kits and books, plus Such more. Send ttt for catalogues3 '90an and H roponic on, Clarke Show. Loan. Ont. N5W 5W7. (519)452-3919. to) ---.-- "Sign.-." rvw TREE: Shrubs "eterr, W- mini: --- W" “W mea urn, But 2e,ietriiiriii"kiilt'l"lly"e'grfll ' Free “Howe. Western mm Finns, 1244 SeyrmLr St., Vlncowor. so was 1t.2.Le9hifiiiii'id ttht --.-.-'=r= Ior 5 prim. mamas: a ie m - Get ttttt new r?p"4e2gt',tt', in fi,'g1t,,sd "°° “WW mm Buy A.“ .mA-‘_ -- "Mu WANTED - 10th Annual "no" Funny/Kinsmen gang. up. for Mic FW- May 12, 13. Aitmrt Wk?“ Inna. 885-1253, (15) -"'--au=a=c"-'"a-="', 'NUAL 8mm 0mg. ' am ttate, !urday, Mm 8:304. CN. WM “01,375 8t. th, MI! Highland 'l. ' Chm mm. PM “W W» ohm tat; """'------.-L""'_"'l ""- 'vnscl all!" MM 2tyhta,itFiiitGik%,'Gl'G 'Ill);)?,','.")?,)','].'),','."'""'"",'?',"',;,,",",: V - V'v-I‘. "VI" our gram Museum, oft Em. Wholesale to the whim Saturday. 11:30 a.m.-5:30 pm, only, (18) ------.., on. 55 tua;,' PY? Mes-um. of ,..... (18) "iairaTc,t=-ccrrtrtrl-1'-' Mutt OAK man We mm (a; e, haves. Four bow back chairs. 'te matted. Other size: and mm, m Oak. is Canbu, two blocks from Sea. ttram â€In... lung-A .... ' 9m rectum, 325 Gai' TV, $50 as is. m. 5300 pm, Lee", {Immune SWIIIING POOL SALE. Top audit; In ground. on-qmund. IMO-ground. roe automate chlorinctov with purchm. Book arty and an: PWI in- stallation or ftirbyrturmgt 10101519 7iar)ori5ttt)ttstRioiir. lt RALEIGH DIRT BIKE - Excouont cond- tion,t60;tm; 10-89081 bikes. But ottttr. mm: In" s. mm HIGH CHAIR. $25: Sous 'hrrtumiditisr, ttoo, good condition; mm. two kitchen charm. $5; one brown storm door. 1% och mick. â€cousin condition. 850; one umbrena table, 320 with bug. 884-9501 ater5p.m, (16) -"-------2=' mstmctign. Ilia _ . _-- '.'Yr"5r'" mu aw tables. Stool warding pom also available. Phone 634-6622. (N821) -----"Ui'l my cam. $25; WA ul- mm on†domes. size 6. 835, telephone 885-6026. (13) E SOLID OAK pedestal LIN. "new 4M. 12 luv†Four bow buck chain. $999 "msm' ($25†m tgl'reg, Oak 55 r, two mm Seagram Museum, off Em. Whom“ to the public. Saturday, 11:30 Lin-5:30 Ftmonty. (18) -""----..-w'2 BOX OF mu. our. can... telephone W_ GOOD YroomNJRrtttttt WM with reservoir Ind warming? 0V0". 3500 or no Antique farming m and globe lamp. 662-2878, (18) -'""'"------2'-"t Baking Supplies Regina Street at tio1GGi'ii'seeet Waterloo (Next to Mc0onaki's) as SUPER SAVINGS ON LARGER SIZES wave Soya Matgarine 4 kg Gabi Dam Rad Kidney Beans ' 100 oz. am. with Pork 100 N. Sauce (Sweetened) 100 oz, Jgt; Shelf Peach Halves or Slices 100 oz, Fruit Cocktail _ 100 oz. on-gmund. IMO-ground. Free 0 chlorinctov with DOW. irty and an: PWI in- l or M-yourun 101.4519 )ori5tt006traogt. (o '_--------'-"" like can ' ; new 'i3.1,'tru',s/,'iuTgtid Tobphom 885-0132 any Ute. "s'GTéui,'Pi, i. wood tnd stool frame no. Moo., "MM., woe, Sat., 7:3010 Thurs. and Fri. 7:30 to ' pm. as Nuts Visit our New Hamburg Store! I. nut trees. Whom ram; (0) Nut ft?tiysuppy, ft8t M M In." FAMILY Gauge Sale. Saturday, May 8, 6-4. 247 Winder Heights Pl., WatMtttt. leg Beechwood. Pitcher- Halmanput ttr8ondkertty.lattt on Roman) Form was. Furniture. CONSOLIDATION GARAGE Sale. two into one. Furniture, lamps, Miscellaneous. dishes and housewares. Great bargains, good student bugs. May B, 9-3, rain or mint 803 King t, North, Wllanoo, we! beyond Nonhliold Drleqt. (WI-118) _,__..__ __ FeVN.Nt. FF... ....,..-.... Church is sponsoring a garage sale. May 13, horn 8 thrrt.totp.ttr,at311 Fischer'. Hullmun Road, Kitchener Parking m "aim behind the church, Great bargains! Come and join the tun! (WR19) ET. yPitH'rForest Hull 1ngryian IIAV o. Mumpte families Some animus: and crafts and other household Items. 258 Bowman Street, Waterloo, 35 (Mme)! COUNTRY CRAFTS, exerCIse bacycle. old records. giri's 20" bscycle. some brand new Items, May 6, 9-4. 552 Drum. momm Ores, Waterloo (Wash/ale Meadows), (18) SATURDAY. MAY 6, at 176 and 130 Washington Ava, Wanna). from 86 (la) --------uir SATURDAY, Mar u. 20 Down Iit?uth,WatBritxirt/ap,m. garage an Fisimrr.iiiir/riitC'iGii "tsway. Saturday, May 6, 9 lam-2 pm (No catty birds Home.) (18) E left"e? TE?.! .rPghbourhoott SIX FAMIUES, May 8 and 7. 316 Dale Crescent. Waterloo, 8.4. Rocking horse, no" clubc. dishes, toys, lawn furniture, bike. and much more. (18M ------lr (cannot of Highpoint Ind NorihM: Wanner? Items Include custodian mime na,aponsandglrdeni equip- ment. rattan furniture. etc. wanna lvlilabio. (18) --.--.---'L> ALL SAINTS Anglican Church, May 6, " 'r--.- " Lu- __:AA . A. .., BOVING SALE - Saturday. May 6, 9-4. Furniture, children's clothes. household new. books. bikes. work bench, roots. 487 Humomood Crt, WatHto. (18) CAIILLE WES. Gigantic 31ml sale. Saturday. May 6, 9-2, rain or shine 1tt on B_rtdtrdlDaitatrury. ( 8) Mm. mm“ FiriiiiiiiGiCia' kennel, miscellaneous Midas. (18) a GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 8, 9-4, 365 erItrty,rytei,,pviiji'riG, Franklin IULTI “DAILY Guano Sale. May 13, 9 tll 2. Furniture, Mugabe“: items, linens. tools. baby hem: and much more. 59, so. 61 Margaret Ave. North, Wtttsrrtoo. (18) a m, antique ridiorirriiiiirii, 509cm sofa Ind chair. All in .xtm#ttrtt condition. TWO FAMILY Gauge Sale, Saturday. May 6, Be. 354 Forewawn Rd. Table .... ....;....- mm - . NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE. eight tttmmm, Toys, books, garnet computer, Atari, furniture. bicycm. etc, May 6, 8 am to 4 pm, Mallard Cree., Lakeshore, Nonh Watt+. 865-4425. (18) R _ v _V.._ ,.-.. “nu-y crib mamas; bumper pads. walker, mountain: of baby and children‘s Nothing, maternity clothes, bung grafts. Saturday. May 6, 8 am. 2 “HM. . - .. . Amen-n nous -- crib mam. h.._J..L'k§_P?" qerey Welt over ten vendors at the parking lot. Camry United Church, 340 Park Street, Kitchener. May 8, a “rm-4 Fm. Spon- sored by the True Friends Class, CALVARV '"Ay.?rrt GARAGE Mama 2.t!try.gtNriiri t, ttoautugit nuns, Much mom. (W913) tfc Moto 6 pm. SALE 886-7001 Spices Mme) " $7.99 $4.19 Lull is) LII), 6 students wanted for weekend work For more ln'onnation can .- V -"'ei- - P" income mum. Norramo+ on Same mo: " W hour, ty New“: Pm imam. mm... Mee.ttttl PM. AzalrlclMAN WANTED to work In- dopendontly with hm ing scion For more information calm Heonoy at mum. (19) --------v 1efTrrru'1 WANTED to CALL M.N.R. TAX SERVICE 656-2965 Transport Driven N99601:! Get your Class "A" Manes at Ontario's oldest and largest (rammg centre, Courses Mart every Monday. Tax deduct» we. weekend courses, job assistance, no expanence required Merv On's Transport. 1600-2653559 Carntma9e, (CRttn) --------_L' IM HELP WANTED DOMAIN H.V.'l ' Trailer: Utility. hm lop. lent. flfttswttmg, travel Ind park models. Also awnings. BtStiroorrta, m!- txmditiorttrm, trtuTer-mtchmt and ac. masons†s. New 5 Used. Large amnion. low prices. Royal Tumor a At Centre. Tevioldale. Ont, (519) 343-2122 (0) versions, MINI; IG 'MJRXWS design your Mauro which The Van Shoppe. Wttttrrtoo, 74608N, (W321) x W570†WVEL P'? and amp" Cort- Winner. sleeps six on a 1904. Faso, - cm. Loaded. Bath in “canâ€: con- dmonthW. (c320) -""----l--'-"il '0_lEtlttutttttu1mtttrs 10% FOOT Pt "rr-too-tern' truth SUCK-5o. Evenings 578-1186. (18) k 75 AUTOMOTIVE mm 77"... vuvuul “on. “VIII“, automatic, excellent common Must so". 35.500.1623-5812. (W919) ""--a---L'i'tl 1m 1rurtu!. Stellar GSL, - ._._.. ._ 'vvuiv man. ""05 Ill- rle mochamcal work Excouem tor mow tion. 748-6763. (WFHO) ------.-._'" 1974 CADILLAC Devmo sedan. Needs lit, [In ..r-%.-_____, - FF Twenty-eight 1980-86 la. h. % and m to "Huston pitgt-upts, crew cabs, cab and chassis and dumps. Six 1900-84 Ram. chargers. vans Ind station “900:. 1966 Ford LTD police car, 11 1982-86 can. one doom home trailer, 13 van bodies Mighlon's Truck 5 Car Sales. four mugs m1 of Durham on " Highway or an: tttiles east of Hanover on " Phone 1-519-369-3136 "m---. sunroof, 658-5152 newsman 190:! Baum? 742-919? BUYONG FOR CASH: Gad and a any term Coins, balloon, banana hockey cards. â€command a VCR's. camel“. Kitchener Coin 711nun. uuvmu FOR CASH: Gad and that com. pm Is .sterIi m. trays. tea sols. amaze clocnkg. pocket watches, old postcards. documents. All scrip you and dental gold. Wm. J Grant Coins, 1125 King St. E, Kitchener, 576-4840. 3 Water St. S..Cmbridoo. 6210430 MI --..--_'_" WE SALVATION ARMY requires done- nons ot clorhi ' furniture, dishes. books. jewellery. 'dllrlgg,'t etc. Help poopb who don't have to much! For pickup at your home, call 575-3130. (tf) T---'-"-"'-'"---) WE BUY GOLD wary no any form Sliver also. Fair price: paid " Diamonds a Sad Inc. 19 Scott Street. Kitchener, 745-1941. (MM ---'c"-----i'i"'l DOWN? F991 W: Gard and aim" es, POWER†ED lawn "mm: “MC?" ot in mi 00066! . [l'll/ltrdlttt, pm. tttt (25) arGTr,ird-.i-c:r.cztt"4 PIANO WANTED: Begum of com!» ton. Call â€9-2200 or 669-2311 anytime, W NEED CASH???†rii!lllitiir.tsrpptcsauastvzrr "ti. It When. at8*'artr- a . nituru. Call v. $000M Hand ' T43.lea, 'Jhrg, St., i't5fr(l,t,'C,' -------ety ' ti "“" a'i7%'rii2'l' pp, mtl,ii?li't,ri/ill'jij,ei,fi'ii;', t1'lhlt'tiJtt Lira,'; hl'2U't, th.tmmt." Brtats. )l'l'ltlg Nee: 3:9;le W- "MIME PART-TIME 623-0540 60 TRUCKS G CARS RENAULT _Futtgo. Winder. I, front wheel drive. fuel Injection. cassette. Intermmont vapors, ' $3.600 tartitott, 658-9642. o “â€" " yetjti,.aiiitG “in; mo, In' 1.9oh1and Sibel m (tf) (wan!) (ems; (MM WIN“ with M-ant mm , t) We,', 'l'lll'l,rA,1"l',s1retgtat'h,iit ityd'aiiiiicrrraG'Gi'G'lll'l2t'. 57525360; riiuiiisl "rl!ryy1trom'.--tutah-- maxim the "Insect Your m to M. --. a..-‘ A - MTG. BtttEFENttettr 06mm. Call Larry Km It “MN-M79. M19) -""-"-a----==.a=u"'_"'l Love to Iran»? Mays wanted to work In the travel business? Earn WW. navel bandits, Yocujan do it " as an ow 5m sales rep. Going“ today fur more Into. Peter “0-6381 (M) or Dave 741-0770 (Km (CRIN) --'---"-'-"i'"_'L' " MANY In tho WWI-y, mm “5.000.000 per month ttf Dunno“. a... â€matched m furyyuartttusiridiG VOW â€have and 1mm. ot#hthsam wfth Dummy dear. to m tNtrbtirtttt 35.000 and mum $10,000 pone pol month No 398 restrictions. but um. mgnossto rerytt?rfir_ytor-txs" a must. Catt Anon ll 658.73% tor up Dominant onty. (CRZO) (1) 'Bo"oetrENT "was. lf you a... 991 moth-ML union and have a can to be "sometsotty," call John_ "ootiV PMâ€. until 9 pm for an new at 747-9637 numm "alumnus, MW in 19!tutpcturmg, 202 R “MOO MOMMA _AtrtRemtrttEttoteD tTr""ni'GrTa,',1f,'d,""htS"lrtet " Medea cum» ttt Mama, 9., you m Wig)" you cum Can-m ARE you WILLING to work part or M tfPtlPtr,trourttvtiliriGuiiiriiri;r. Damion-l mourn? PM“ MM pod taunt are magma tmeome. Wm for mm": to: x at36, CON-M69- (Preston) NM ASI (0919) ------'r'_"r, UMEHrt You can earn 3400 to 31500 pen-um. or $2000 to 85000 W. workingth a strong WWII-0k! "1h't puny 0 CW In...†David C'fCt)..'1hitt"f'i"i'isi' l M S'fOPl Earns-shun†Partttrmrortus lame. Duck: Doe loo Cmm (m. In. CNtam “We Poop»; Catt N32421:), t I --'-----i"l 962-2751 ,_...‘ -0. mum-aw! Al! 2e.,tttett,eosriiiiGGiiiri'iG'"i; it"eet'?ttespiFtFirGitTi'tt%"lt'; as mum to help you with your M Search. Plan. amp m mum mov- Je'rotyftt1Pt:.3GrtoiaiiaGrii"i','i New Humburg Commwmy Services ot. 1'itge, Hmcks SUM. Apt " or ttatt _ T I $351933" 'Pd ou! ofecttoot? if m v. . “WWW. 3mm, Libby v-zxoaon. 578-0640 Needed to aroma. both W" and Warm ttttrye-da/Grids,",'.';; " weekend Mist Barth to Moon â€no! AN. Daily ma trauma and aged at» 15ttetletFrGtr/iin'ii m3 Sam Ash»... mg.-.“ --- -- - RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY Ind oak tummy. Warehouse outlet 11-5. Sat, It) cm "8-6514, 41 Show Knew. cum urr'ytt.ertmtttateD and on an»... .--, . m - fl." ...uw W AA, trc.N.A.. s.N.A, Em!“ "Moo ptrmG.- An exciting opportunity exists in our new regional classified advertising department tor telemarketers who wish to work in the community newspaper environment. We are looking for applicants with good telephone manner, typing and spelling skills. Previous telephone sales experience an asset. We offer fiexible 30 hour work weeks, salary plus commission and a benefits package. Please send application to: Sylvia McDonald Classified Manager [cr] The Fairway Group 215 Fairway Road The Fairway Group Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4E5 Prmrersamtnieaher, "-----ir- FOSTER PARENT; TRAVEL CLASSIFIED ADvisiaiiiiiiis . om. rui'Girfiii,7s' 'e,fl1ttrlo. Twp and Chair, _'lrllill,lliNlARitE'rEittt WATERLOO DOW. (WINS (wma) go Are main ttt) Are ttssasFi%, 373 __ my... or Wm. Home Day Cam, mum's poo e!Cfr..ePvtttstirGrir7t"i;i7,;"t'i'lr', ttttme .t?tror!NtttcareGkii,iiti IO â€m “WM F ink-i.... .4--__ru“ Putt, or more museum lt) fr, m m? GAE? Would like to do chad can Call Krw and cam WWonsaa (cm. a i.dLi'etc.etqibi" 315mm: JS HANDY SERVICES 11ttNEBtTtttttttttt WWW" m w iitali,',CaiC,C.".' VV, hrtrqt uattrtt MW noes. r,t,ey1e.,eLitie' '%asecomlrGiG "-900“ Send resume IO'W Um Church. AO 50099 St w. Kn m.N2K1K7 M19) -----------== BEAUTY mom tor ' pm Tetc littt Mod Truman awn-n Go to school V2 day _ Graduate In 6 months. Financjal assistance """"""H.r"%r.ThA., moot 't y, '.e1'1tyttttmenuasomroniG Saw-y "muti- W P..-..-- .A a,‘ 74m iii may be available: "V on an. Inn-n Toronto School of Business Imlm;f_ JiiiiriG"i m. meta Shauna an: m 1'.','e.'.PrPtms mauvmva.1m. -ct'dit ir,fi'tiif,i,fi Tiriiiiuss NR Team was W1: LANauAaEs WM. MOE ASStStAttt men emf? WHYWAm! mm. mm Tm your FUTURE In your hands and mm for I new CAREER! was '1edei?r'l"dgls -rrtoet ' roman; #93}: RESTAURANT j. â€I†On Olin ST 'iGi%m,, 145-l no db) Ot an