From mxnor hockey, Larry Lob- smger has held the position of ice manager for rave years. He has also been manager of minor ban- tam and minor midget teams and was on the Gold Puck committee Margaret McCallum, another recipient, has been in the ladies auxiliary for minor hockey since 1979 when she was on the execu- tive committee. She also had terms as treasurer. vice-president and president. Among the 12 was one of the originators of boys sottull in Waterloo. Dennis Hartleib has been co-chairman. president, con- venor. umpire. coach and repm sentanve of the Waterloo rural league and the Ontario Fastball Association, and Kathy Durst, Waterloo‘s commlsswner of recreation and culture Before the dinner, the 12 reci- pnents and their spouses or guests attended a special reception of wme and cheese with mayor Bnan Turnbull, council members PAGE 38 . WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY MAY 3. 139 Unlike past years, the 26th annual bash was one in which award recipients were notified in advance. mom open tt pm. to It mm. Specializing in moed ribs, Wiener schnml. pigtails. fresh fish. Full Catering Services Hall Available The City of Waterloo's annual volunteer recognition dinner was not only held at the Twist. It had a special twist of its own City rewards sports helpers 13Kn95l Sagti(atErtpWaemo BBS-mm hon-w Van-mm Coun- BOB GRAY MUSIC LTD. Friday and Saturday enjoy the sounds of Luann 747-1313 y "Brandy Chosen as best in its class by The Royal Conservatory of Music. YAMAHA AVAILABLE AT " Br. Keith Eagles started with Waterloo Minor Soccer in 1975 and coached house league team until 1979. His major and ongo- ing contribution has been on the refereeing side where he acts as scheduler, administrator and ref. Waterloo Minor Soccer was for. tunate to have Harry Georg. hiades begin as a convenor in 1977-78. He coached a select team the following year and by 1982 was coaching rep team. He was the elub's referee coordinator in Gail Hiscott's ability to origi. nate projects and raise funds has given the K-W Gymnastics Club a big lift. Himott has been a major force in the suwessful drive to acquire a training centre to be used jointly with the Anahi Judo Club. The ability to take charge of teamsonhitrowuiathetrade. mark of Jim Voiain, who has spent 15 ofhis 17 making years with banana house league hockey for two years. He in now a ache duler in the Hub league. John Lam has been a novice team coach in minor hockey for 10yttara.Hehatsalaoanchedin fastball, new and girls softball and is now manager-coach of a slopitch team. . . ‘34:"V OPEN‘N f,jsi,:.)i'e,)j.i' il 05E: / (P/F our Q6?! Q o/i',' C) DCa l, ' str) GRAND ai1.ii,ii.), i.,).-'...:'.'?,:::,),,',; A che, . l tittfl'e 46m A"h"s a Recipients were given a plaque, as always. This year, the city also gave gift txrrtifieatts far the 1989 Waterloo Showtime, a production at University of Waterloo's Hu- manities Théatre. in 1984, 1985 and 1988. He has chaired the fundraising commit. tee and also been on many other committees. Auhi Judo Club coach Bolt Zettl began his instructing career with the Hawkins Judo Club in 1967 and he became head coach of Asahi when it was founded in 1981. As with Hiscott, ikttl will realising the dream of a perma- nent facility for judo and gyrnnatF tics. The Region of Waterloo Swim Club grew under the guidance of Ron Tiplady, who, was progident Skating Club includes his work with the ice show committee and the development of the power skating program. He has also been involved in minor hockey, minor sewer and girls minor eree.inehief. Another Waterloo Minor Soccer volunteer to be honored was Don McNichol. He was vias-president of the club in 1986 and president for two years after that. Brian Schickler's involvement with the Kitchener-Waterloo in 1984, 1935 and 1985. He has Following the opening Ceremony the public is invited to tour the facility and meet the volunteers and staff to learn more about the Recreation 6t Culture Department - Seniors Division Program dt Services. WEDNESDAY MAY li), 1989 at 2300 p.m. â€2’05 A WING 404 a? R.C.A.F.A. (YrhllfA0tM' CENTRE Watiiiiloo . EUCI'IRE NIGHT - Combinations of 2 of bowlna and 8 games of eucgie. Sundays T. p.m. . MONDAY AFTERNOON SENIOR CITIZENS - Renew old acquaintances and make new - friends. Mondays 1:30 p.m. . MONDAY NIGHT MIXED IEAGUES . Enter as an individual, couple or team. Mondays 7:30 p.m. OFAWLYNIGHT-Teamsconsistsoftwoadultsandtwo children . Fun for the whole family. Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. "BE PART OF THE FUN" Entry Forms Available at The Lam or Phone for More Information OPEN HOUSE 2:00-8: WATEBLOO BOWLING LADIES u-tunit-i-st-nasty-m/atm/twatt-tea; For information call 888-63 56 510 Dutton Dr., Waterloo 5 PIN BOWlEIIS JOIN l $iitllill 1lilgllE 14 PRINCESS ST. WEST, WATERLOO 886-2900 886-2370 10 Great Weeks of Fun "KEEP FIT .. BOWL A Bn"' Begins May lat - Ends July 8th 'Bourling Ahead Permitted' Mayor Brian Turnbull And Members of Council The Official Opening of the Announce