Sharpe is also in high demand. His latest chamber concert was just last Sunday at the Kitchener Public Library. He has performed often for the Chamber Music Society, ipcluding several con- certs by the Austin quartet in the early 1980:. He is also personnel manager of the K-W symphony. Bulman-Fleming has the most unusual career of the group - he is a professor of mathematics at Wilfrid Laurier University. Away horn his professional life, he is one of the area's most respected and sought-after pianists, espe- cially in chamber music. He has performed numerous times for the chamber society and last season was also piano soloist with the community orchestra. Tickets are $11 (students and seniors, $7) and are available fromA the Univergity pt Waterloo All three string players are from the KW Symphony. Wells has been one of the most active members of the orchestra since joining it two seasons back. Just last week she performed the Bruch Violin Concerto with the Community Orchestra. Her many other engagements and teaching keep her busy. Violist Metcalfe is heard throughout the city in solo and chamber groups. She also serves " a board member of the com- munity orchestra and occasional principal violist for the K-W Chamber Orchestra. The K.W Chamber Musk Society welcomes back a foursome that produced one of the society's most outstanding concerts a year ago. Virginia Chen Wells, violinist, Margaret Metcalfe, violist, Chris Sharpe, cellist, and Sydney Bul, tnan-Fleming, pianist, will pres- ent another great work of Mo art’s plus one of the finest masterpieces by Antonin Dvorak and a 20th century charmer by Zoltan Kodaly. A Chamber music society offerings Virginia Wells, Margaret â€arcane, Chris Sharpe perfom at the MN curs. WORLD RENOWNED AUTHORITY ON I HOME BREWINC AND AUTHOR A CHARLIE PAPAZIAN IS COMING TO ' KITCHENER WED. MAY 10th TO I KICK OFF LOCAL "HOME BREW CLUB!" T Mr. Pap-ziln will be available It 5:30 p.m. to personally talk to you about beer brewing at its Prnest And will be (ii-cussing - the various methods of improving your T been and will win your penu- in detecting speeiRed lute. and amelln. . HOME BREW CLUB coming of competitions. lectures. ttt1i1atedtoumofhreweries,ur-mail. q MANY INSIDE SPECIALS during this spectwuhr even! . THE NEW BUDGET DOES NOT AFFECT HOME BREWIN'cy. wrfr LEAKEE our WATERLOO COW. WEDNESDAY MAY 3. was - PAGE 27 KITCHINBI “mun 93S Frederick a: vuonm 25 Hahn-men u 8371.33 GUELPII IAI’DILOO " m: a: In r," moot) 1.95155, uovr 0534633 Sal . Sun P19t"ferte FCIGUS