Some microwave oven models have a removable glass shelf for easy cleaning This shelf can be washed in the dishwasher or with warm soapy water. but don't use abrasive pads or cleansers. These can cause the formation of tiny grooves in the glass surface, creating places where spills can collect, making cleaning much more dimcult, Don't use commercial oven cleaners. steel wool or other abrasive to clean these spills. She also stresses that attempting to scrape off the resuiue With a kitchen utensil can permanently damage the interior of the mlcr0wave. Instead, spills can be cleaned using a soft cloth or sponge w1th a solution of baking soda and water. The ttuerowave's exterior surfaces should be wiped clean with detergent and water. Be careful not to let water drip down into the unit's ventilation openings. Rinse the panels with water and dry thoroughly With the oven's cooking power concentrated in the food, the vale of a microwave never get hot. While spills and spatters do not bake on the mlcrowave oven interior, they need to be thoroughly cleaned to keep the mxcrowave functioning correctly, says Felmeth. This is especuslly Important for the area around the door seals. A quark w1pe-up each time the mxcrowave is used will help keep the oven clean and looking brand new, Wipe thoroughly with a son. absorbent cloth. Also be sure to wipe off the uncrowave oven's door seals. Program the miérowave oven's timer to bring the mixture to a boil and keep it boiling for rwe minutes. The resulting steam will condense on the oven's interior walls. To help combat this potential problem. Janet Felmeth, director of home economics for White Consolidated Industries ine., suggests mmng two tablespoons of lemon juice or baking soda with one cup of water m a fourcup microwaveable bowl. The time-saving advantages of microwave oven cooking may have changed the way Canada cooks, but that age-old ritual of cleaning the Mfg 15 still required. Much like residue-in a dirtyunveUional -oven can affect the way foo tastes. spillovers leit unattended in a microwave oven can produce lmgenng odors that alter the taste of irealreooked foods. Whlle many oonventional gas the electric ovens have convenient self-cleaning features, microwave ovens need some occasional clean. mg attention to keep than: in peak operating condition. Cleaning your microwave oven PAGE a . WATERLogicHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY APRIL HOME Arer Ready for the Summer , WATERLOO cnaomcggpvennsme FEATURE GARDEN FURNI TUBE IN Solidly Built - FROM 1%" THICK KILN DRIED SELECT PINE . MORTISED AND TENONED JOINTS . OPTIONAL STORM PANELS OF TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS SIZE 32"X80" 34"X80" 36"X80' 6 UNIQUE STYLES Ranging from 3259 to $379 Storm 8. screen doors to suit any dwelling old or new. Decorative and functional. Quality construction. Come in now tor the gattttsigafngum any; ran sofas, Ioveseats ' chairs that turn your Iivingroom into a " HEAT il " withomatstylj and even gruttrttglhtt! gt ran presents THE ULTIMATE COMFORT '-trrw-iemion-rott-yovm-s-s.seets “LI T " ""-'ttt"tess'm'u-tctamm.mttotavrqrtrittramwemtamts, "8t'rrtAtst--immert.M.amrraart-stmst--t REGUK" mam 'iratrtnt9hewttomrattot-t. usummmrmou “"53“" MeLtten *_thmoona"tsmrt1si-rnatotrrt-gntm' 'trt-trt-our , m '"r'trrt0"o'm0trooturrMutets-trute- $919.5 8539‘s --.--.-.-,.-.-_fttf, - “u The um: Fashion in Stretch-0m Comfort for the Ultimate In Relaxation New and Exciting WIN!" nu "tgt""" 'fl8l8l'lifGli?' OPEN FURNITU . , 'r'flhikllh'li"t7/lc.t,'. of Conestoga 664-2110 SATURDAY mu 5 p.m. Decorative Building Materials Real Wood Panel/ing Specialty Mouldings Open daily 8:30-5:30 Fridays till 9 Saturdays till 1 p.m. EECLINER 182 WEBER NORTH WATERLOO Just South of University Ave. 885-5850 $99995