lthkmamlikeGmMum i0isataehatigsirokagt-tttgto Myths“. The Witch» Sinkin {my in amtittglrekhrmottimir, 'oryet ytotlterMihmgtmtamiirrtBireUr leagueihsai-ithtugtmtteeii t?ilrittmoimatu'isriat+ checker. Ilt'irha4toitaumtutmtrrurrrs ieitlteleottttratrmttfiakie '"Pttyeetrtrrtttrtitttndinpotrtsam. Ihrhqiutmsnemsriootivitmo _liadrtrmrats8tratamithtititotts, 1iiakitu'qratmtuittthsmii-i “’11va timhhadhigutreittg tumid8hmuaiariaiuirhi Munroe shakes some of his shadow role sports one player around all the time," Mum aid "It didn't show the other takttuihad,tlowiautgoahoutmy own thitigs" Munroe hag 20 goals and 22 min of offence to go along with his defen- 'ivepiar--indtut'ieatrtt+ thinks is manger dtettimsly [at youâ€: Ontario junior 'B' champion- "Re have a lot more 060nm. The team's I lot younger, too, and the But it w. plating hi, dtl/t't2iJt and Munroe 1mn't-ttlteliuofhimiittr, 'mt-tOri-tat-this "ar,'ucuttrtsotu'dutidrt- ghtiimagarKhtgsinhuratmight "‘1 n. no restricted am, following Greg Munroe important platdtgaels u a Siskin ,rutltettettodtttesinrttsrat4:ttd 'ud%tdeathomtittte.Ntgavethe 8i'kittsaMrriothtitightand ,otmgerguy-allrpul1ingtheir 'm'gttt.You&tt'tnMietheirageiet M'hochy skills or in the social manure." "be rally enjoyed junior 'B' boa. ey I lot," hp laid. “It's n great W. It's seem like only yea University of WW Nazi year he’llbeinanceudhehopumbe [by hockey ft! the university at nboui Haphy and In much tiaie has gone by." t_y_AmittuNP4MR9$ttt",tMRtteSttAYMAAtlo,t-AttE= tiedtheir eerie: with Sanford at H. “Bred Beetle took a shot and the new In: just sitting there," Mid Munroe. "Ihadtolapitin, "We'll feel e lot more tmfideat goingitt8tottrmi'trrinktt-itlo win in our bubble." _11unnse'isgtnlrratrltisseamdafthe game. Bill Wright, Kevin Medley, Don Oberle, been Mil" and Reel} le were the other Waterloo scorers Bryan Smolinlkj had three for Stamford. including the god that forced overtime at 19:33 of the third period. Scot: &hackleton, Ron Whm and Darrel] Simmons elm neared for the Cullltone White and Desiâ€: traded gods in an earlier overtime period Home the Mann when death fume.