PAGE A4 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, Second Class Mail Registration Number 5540 Published every Wednesday by The Fairway Group Incorporated 215 Fairway Rd. S., Kitchener, Ont. February 22, 1989 Waterioo Chronicle For turther information, please contact the Engineenng Dmsion, Tra Section at 747â€"8747 or Prominciai Offences Court office at 741â€"3322 Parking infraction mï¬mwmvarmawa parking infraction wmm&m.numwm mwnrwammmwmdwnm infraction if they wish to dispute the matter information pertaining to this process is explained on the Parking infrachon Notice Parked Longer Than 3 Consecutive Hours Parked at Expired Meter Parked in Prohibited Area Parked on Highway Between 2 30 a m & 6 00 a m Parked on F"?i’u‘. Stopped in NO STOPPING Zone Parked in HANDICAP Space Parked Over Time ioa> MGP NO utd t nb ddc 36 1989 The following table is a sample of typical parking infractions and felated fine schedule The new parking ticket, known as the Parking infraction Notice, is similar in appearance to the former parking ticket This ticket will include provision tor the option of remitting an early fine payment within seven (7) calengar days of the date of the alleged pariung infraction or a higher set fine it ‘eceived after seven (7) days but before fiteen (15) days of the date of the alleged infraction An increase in fines will also be in effect on March 1 een eooucuen n ced‘ AflermeetingamaninaloulheveugemminCambridge (Preston) on Tuesday, December 1, 1987, a 25â€"yearâ€"old woman accepts a ride home with him. However, the suspect drove the woman to Old Mill Road and Regional Road 71 in Cambridge where he threatened her with a knife and sexually assauited her. The man punched and bit the victim during the attack. He then forced her out of his car and drove towards Preston. SUSPECT DESCRIPTION: Male, white, early 30‘s, 5‘11", 140â€"150 lbs., slender build, dark wavy hair, combed back, moustache. VEHICLE: Dark blue with a light blue interior, 2â€"door North American car, possibly a Kâ€"car. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000.00 for any information that leads to an arrest in this sexual assault or any other serious crime You will not be asked to identify yourself or testify in court. Call Crime Stoppers at the toll free line of 1â€"800â€"265â€"2222. This new law which COMES INTO EFFECT iN THE CITY OF WATERLOO ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1989 brings important changes to the manner in which parking tickets are issued, the methods of collecting fines and the way in which citizens can disoute the charnae court system Recently the Gove parking infractions se en t parking infractions, namety Part I! of the Provincial Offences Act The leqisiaton is designed to simpiity and streamiine the processing of parking infractions. reduce administrative costs and improve the etficiency of the Agieits Remember Crime Doesn‘t Pay; but Crime ét:p;;;Does.’? Waterloo _ Regional ~PPPrize 1â€"800â€"265â€"2227 Woman assaulted the Government of Ontario enacted new legislation dealing with Mocio on ooo e e ie Ww , Introduction of The Provincial Offences Act: Part i| 7 parking lickets are issued, the methods of collecting tines which citizens can dispute the charges NOTICE TO moTtoRists HOW DOES iT AFFECT yOu? CITY OF WATERLOO WHAT IS (T? STOPPERS FINE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1989 Pa Infraction $ 600 10.00 10.00 t Within Tratfic Payment After 7 But Within 15 Days of Infraction $ 9.00 75.00 15 00 15.00 +1 problems The Hotâ€"100 can help with finding keeping or changing jobs: getting into or through school: travelling in and outside Canada; maintaining health and fitness: and CODind with noreanal The Hotâ€"100 has details on more than 100 Government of Canada programs and services for young people. It tells you who each program is aimed at, what it‘s about, and who to get in touch with to find out more. We have a new 1989 edition of the Hotâ€"100, a booklet that‘s filled with information to help you plan your future. 41 Erb Street East, Waterloo, Ontario, Telephone 747â€"1010 Fax 747â€"9323 Reginald A. Haney, Q.C., M.A., LL.M. Paul F. Haney, B.A., LL.B. John J. Kendall, B.A., M.B.A., LL.B. Government of Canada Minister of State tor Youth HANEY, WATERS & KENDALL ; and coping with personal are pleased to announce their association in partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of: ANNOUNCEMENT Reginald A. Haney, Robert H. Waters, Paul F. Haney, Mary Anne Haney, John J. Kendall & Cynthia Hastingsâ€"Zinck Gouvernement du Canaga Ministre d Etat a la Jeunesse Counsel Donald E. Wade, Q.C. Barristers & Solicitors We know you will find this bookiet very useful. Please write for your free copy or just complete and send this coupon. Mail to CiTy STREET Please send me a copy of the Hotâ€"100 The Honorable Jean J. Charest Minister of State for Youth Hotâ€" ; 00 140 Promenade du Portage Ottawaâ€"Hull K1A OJ9 Robert H. Waters, B.A., LL.g Mary Anne Haney, B.A., LL.GB Cynthia Hastingsâ€"Zinck, B.A., LL.B POSTAL 21 Arthur Street South, Elmira, Ontario, Telephone 669â€"164 1 Fax 669â€"1944 Canadia