Ent 1tsintrire-DimrMarumkadsirtger,seaaoanhy.rmtmrthrtnttte "lt-ttdt-el-idk-gh-player-ati/tttttel-tear IksthrreallrdiAs'ttlitkthathe-thateuetokstoeugottthiio. 1rartdmember.Frttstoldtutltetmlrmi-ihrineus.0anhraesadatitto gettittg0ttlee-iedmrarattimes,hutit'irallintltetumeogoodtime. “It's basically hm," aid Older ofthe handy onstage antic; "I think that a 1titirkamtetmtto-thisttstuirDanhr)tkingridiagousthittgswiththe Wand†Ikdrrandthtkrttretmlrsodthertve-memberaelshhtmdbandiyuzr Manon - slated to come to Waterloo's Shooters nightclub, Feb 28, Phil's Gmmbms'sPute,Mar.1,andRatTriekBar'nGrill,Guelplt,Mar1i)and1t. Nvidreiehrmtstmgttiurandeoasu,ihmittieDiNinoondr-sdsean 1tdmeiotttmmrettilloertthehand'smau Theirmsiei"h1ettddrmk,blt-,fiuAaetdrolk,asdesmhedhythem.But therkelthattheimMginaimaterialisdimeulttolaher "htti_higtttnedbeeau-lediht'tuowwhattomakeotus," "idreidtrmts."0ur-ivalreal1yhasheenbeeausegouriiuts.They mtu'ndusthatse'redti-setltietgright." Alter-tgk-tlr-ttrandi-Sandia/Und-ing, areeiftol1t-Nrmetttlrheuatapereleasepartytoeelettrse ther'amfutg out'oldnir independently produced iuamg cassette. "Whetttlterhearus,auotpeqlethinktutsivermaterial,'uid Ikabr.'Matrrimtdtm'tkrtmr,andstmteettvrus" The guys all laugh. They can't help having a good time. Irthe mutation 'tarutogettooeriouts,tatedtltemutmndtojumpitorithimttekindd'pee tolightenitup. 1tteraresoettetimespuakdhrthesuaxtrsthatthereemtobeen'wying- -iallyiteethehmtd'-utionandetiarityhasgromthmnahuF orietttedlregimt'utgtoapotmttiallrsutxmhlbend. "stmsethitFrmtemtttfthehnt,'iid0antrr"We haveaaoollNo,T. altirtaitttdanittdedetittape. “lt’a like a ladder. Re just keep climbing to the next rung," he said "There': definitely a serious side that keeps telling us that maybe something will happen But you never lose the fun.†Wag and performing original music has added another dimension to the band, separating it from other bar bands. It has "kept us together as a band," said Teichroeb. “Everyone has something in it." Teichroeb writes moot ofthe material but all band members contribute to the proceed They are currently working on a piece that Di Nino wrote "We think that we are Guelph’s most productive, original band," said Danby. “Thank: to Dave, our huginess manager,' we are putting our money back into what we're doing - we're furthering ourselves. It should be a lesson to anyone else that they can do this kind of thing." The tape was A result of work that Dizzy Maroon was doing eight months ago. They recorded it at the Grange Street Studio with the help of musician sound engineer lawn Melville. "What we're doing is inspired. creative and original," said Teichroeb. "What we are doing as a band is beaming nominal." Their high energy. original material and quest for a good time are Dizzy Mama's trademark. â€Bands all do their mm thing," said Danby, "But if it's not for the love of it, then it's wrong." Tor In, the sky’s the limit," said Taichroeb. fPltnrimimtlatewrhsdhrall. That Dizzy Maroon titirs how to swing -ti'st-ttim,ot,tvt"imettt-ttmtmtts-tt-wtettrrtetr,s-to-,me thNr,NenRtrtmottandthmdttie0tMtttrttt+ottrmtlttottotmheroeteartdah- arc',) tiTE13Ad2tilHr3t9'itE-heE_B0ArrEBquA'tva2rtiPAaES1 ific, E?