" Comment You Said It Hovwouldyou liketheihdligtingthei0 greateiutmttitmst0lltitneandplaeethetn intltetmkrdtheirimpxtame? 1hunmsdtmesmtetittteagu;let'sotseifrm agmerrithtltem.Reretherare: 1.Tbedphabet.1‘hisisbelievedtohavebeen startedbyapeoplelivingintheSinaiPeninm- Ia.Therieantedahotsturptiarorriting,whidt ,ratrpietorial,andadqtedtheidearoruitng onlythttutorletteroounds. 1ut,theihoertieituugotholddit,foliowed bythet1reeu,rrhoehangedittotheiroqm xriptlmtkqttltertart_themtthou,only tmtalatingthetttir-tmktoutters 1hus,tltetir-holmttolerh,meaningox, ,a'thtmaatethegrek1etterahha,andthe "amdttholtmalteth,stteininghouse,whidt ikthealphat-tatttsdaturtheiimttm, daily headline; And while I admit to a tmtahtindiB_tmtthel-anddl ampanydeals,Irrsuoaddettedtobearthat Waniair,that0ttvid sirhieamottgikliaths, hadbeetoudhyomter-ard toPRh. Iamttterrutyouwouldalu-atedair troelkr,youaMdemmtthenuntherd t1ightabetautonrottrhtgersandtoes witltmst&utrlittgbatkButbeeauiedthat,I mum vividly theeimumtammd all my flighu and ha!sdChrm, the not enjoyible (in use with Wardair, deru,hadu-as,givettpiinedua, 'rttenIasuirorsdtdrieAimteadahard Perhaps it was because din owner's insigt-oetteqaality-ieeartdeustonr 1tglitidhetitt. Perhapsitmbeanseo! marutoverthereGniaruthatoavidva. 9slrathimagehadstlottokwith"trring If1udmydnrttteesRardairrroaidheatr choice of amine every time. With other Wardair’s di Itmtehed in am last met I Pete-luke-tart-Minotaur Atbqrunrelatedthmdtts-ttsdttte 're1tmekthatmadesrteittsrattdtahe "rheeity Mid look into tuning tlteareaarmmdamrrierandUWkr airimuttlegadettthottitrg." = ' ’ E UCC"",.".,, ' C, v Err] LCS I , k Ili r "2 li c. fu' ___ . Btitiid é .llllll2tgte,, f 'lrj"I 'r)m!sttrl4 I've Where would we be without these inventions? Eulogy for a first-class airline; a prez with flair ionirtheaMine Kenlrvin 3.ThegteamergineAhttttttadeptmiblethe indttgtrialrmdutiou,ettd'utgourdepend- mhandeMdumldouofship m'tttoutm'nd;miltmrtet;andtttepruh. titatdeketrieity. Thetdoeethethtgligtt alphabet,tuswe know ittoday, 'usthegreatest invention ofall time Muse, of all written systems. it reduces my languagetoJutaktters, 2.Therdteei.it-,ttotortlytmt- tiononalargoeale,lmtauotltetne_ tmnftrrittg power which makes machinery tiqutrr,wa'omegieetrasirtrtoetthold tehe6iongttidtwhmia+dforattugazine tomad,andmal_teverbeettnsadeto feel1ikeavaluedeuatomer AJrCanada. BW1h,Easteen,NdmoettandCSAir have euilerrttaltirtgrrrawedinirlaatie.Thestuir 1Fardairutimtmskr, hnditrratrttitetobedremiapillowtoprw 1rettindtne,andNrtodatetnagazines,andtts among f1rer,I'llnotr0rgettheamtfortittg 'ttietétltepiktd-ibtigwheterrerrere, ,ruttlseamditi-ereiikeandrrhatkittd dtriprreemldeqeet.The-te-hle imageIltarelto-erisdat1ightattettdant, ttaieingi-ettsyiidgetrbeltavior.trnd amitguptotttyseattoagkiflnmsttermrts. When I Insured in the Wu. the talkedtomefi-lmittutes,artdseeeml But tries I've tlomt Wardair lroumhnp from Vancouver! and each time the trep was My W. Sure, I was xmpreseed with the filet named on real china. and the my permission to fud thetnaelves above "Itltinkrreneedakemoreqoru {Admin We new my people tlteedarjurthartgirtgarmntd in malls. Ahmparkingdo'nhereis 1llhtatsiotldlrethtrtmthttthtetttrittrttrtrftheeitytrfhtertmr? Geoffrey Rgioig Nrspective â€That’s Lfe' Rick Campbell Llenrptttemm ptmihie and with It, mutation The 't-t0mwledge,thegrmrthdli-tare. nmandpoetry. 4. The electric dynamo This invention made i) The ioom It made MIDI? Ctrr, mas pamhle80pertetttotallindueandlalmr pruhrrtiondclothfor_anet.soives savingdevicas that improve the quality dlife ll) You take it from here There Mt man intlterormdljght,heatartdptmerandmake itetryrttotlsstedabrvesuceasthecorr.puve possible " things as radio. TY. computer; the let peruallur, commumcazm memes Kay and mending new uses, and many more when mum you rate men. .r 5. Mo Ungdistanre ammunieation wttlr the top ten†otttwires.tromarmmdtumditoouterspae It's dgfirult m ;mgme tttN paw â€we doing with the pinsibility of remote control without the alphabet. the the: 21m eterpnt 6. Glass and not plums It brought the Ity, and all the thugs we fem we exec-ma 's, outside world inside. it allows us to explore the life. Bat they lived without them for Lv/hors, ot depthsdtlteoeansandthetiedtbetttoon: yearslortgertuntltetsmsse-uaverute ttotuntentiontlte microcosmand INKrotmm then. which emphasizes hr at v m with miaucopes and new; as well as animating tr. ail was of tum. eh 4. "39 minors. eyeglass; etc. . mom. hTttertsatehiedfirernadeporuhle. ... 8. Paper. This nude ttuu-yttiittttnitatitm â€RUM 03:21:25 the Fgrur, Reason» Ayearagtrattlusume.lwashorrfsediu thetltoughtdGmgethuhatthehelasdthe tttoat-flour-he-Idler ut'soutitmoethattltetlungsthatrnade Wm such a well-Ilka] mine wtll develop as tradition as competition beau up harem our anmtry's two renaming mime gums To which Ward madly rephed "I: sure &esraxtldtftgetaseattmsmedrrry “What's this' The president of Wardau flying with Au Canada†Says Mung abgm your on what, does“ 11†ottterti-tltrmdtoutthefhghtirgreat oarht,a-iliag,r-ingthrpemm 'rittogemimiatermtitslter-ers" trulrgreataatt_rorltertxety it is an quality m. - and customer-tid-are-ttalto the Wardairdidtttitsurvweforotherrmsmrit 'rttskra-delfortAhersotheutdustry romaine. And I'll not won forget the frlowutg anerrkte, In): apoiugws of the mmlazm told to me 25 m any way Inaccurate th an " Canada that: years, ago. Max Ward of Wardaxr was malted a: mug one d the pas-angers Semmg the may of the situamn. um mdmduals awrmetted bun "Water puriiieatioer I can't and theqmterlterelt'iirealehardtnd theee'olotdrmidueiiheetyou holdaptlteglai' Christine Swanson Waterloo tMATmut0tMRtMtthE.t-tE+aAHuA'tT2s.t--PaqEr it's. dgfirult to â€113ng hot pawn: 4m: without the aim. the that: {has exam my. and all the dung In fem are mus. v, M2331 they [wed “than their fur :4me If years longer than the my was re nave gm â€Fellow: Opera's the Funny Resom him! Inmate, P0 B,, Ari' Caer. kids: SIR 5WI. promhrg tf.'eveness tram to beam and industry and am: than: max. 'ew the car, my! knows: and r; may. a;- s Ua.wri a»: tieeb.d He appear U be a: raven --‘ no! Cotmr1i, out from the sum! 'VI::,", cowboy man we a; ad was“ :51 .- fazthfuL m puny AM ye. M afrald Y, new» that {ant overruled try .ndqndJa wasmxt Yes I believe Germs Bust, w:i. man a ma" ML beau}. vim: mu J. (arms. _ Y, mum. and beans:- nanding new» r...T, a: alltunes " a tharvettouH? mm and can“ woman hr, mie Barbara Na. amen ofr .r: r: trading behmd mm but beam- "...T. and mm rngredsetst u: we Bust. m 3142‘ Barbara I111 be &rwrrtoeartr. as F:rsr, Lsey andwililrutgisqueecWAnerunaaeutnr Washmgum went Ckrsmee (mm r. car. useottetiearungupaheruw,ar:espr. laathWrtught, " mm nun tttarsuttheWhrteH- Astdithasttmhtrtgtoamttstarfaes sheaths-1mm .Northefsctherr- nad by " min; Mug dubvn- Dar qttayleaslusrunturtg may: Sr! was“: helaAedgtxditatuxatiusaurs.rt Dent No. 1 am mmfunaw :11: Gseorae bsst. :9 {is man! because. -r. a: 'auevprm an: may on an.“ staff swim; no: no." "Recychng I live u: an apartment and I: don't have recychng yet" to he sang ,ctttsrrfy 'oF a Ira lor, Waterloo 2 area: rfrVF, '1' m: a: ".ar4c 'r.er, or