we; ,tATErtLtx-tmttuE.ytED-AYJA'9A.ft_r_2siett a? L ARGE INQOOR SHOWROOMS L hummus-um For Winter Installation 1fElll()ll MEMORLUS 528 Vnctona St N.. Knew I†I'd-u Mirna! 7mm program. "It's difficult to know what we Invent in terms of accidents, (hubs. Ind Injuries." he said. Chapman 15 trmfident the mm works. For example,oftheltalitdetttawhidiormlmd during this Chnstmu holiday: neither were alcohol It's mmwknovmhovmy [imam savedanfmNri-Frhendrirtkingdrimms, fearful of being picked up by rawhide denim. sttdrthetreeysbaeeastotheirpohtsandutoher driver takethewheel, ItmEprwrarnLiuaeeIirvairedorivtiggverr wiiere-arettot-tottt-.As-ettuti" related Tins compares to the 1987 Christmas season witerrthreeofthefourtitalaxid-erealahol related As well. Cthman said, Jun noticed more people were travelling with designated drivers and using tannins for Whoa,“ Christmas parties oi socmi functions. Taxi asrttpani-etemportingatqro tothrvebourmutuigtimeamtenighurhsringthe C hnsunas season he mid. A designated driver 18 someone who has decided not to drink. and is volunteering to chauffeur imbibing Mends from parties It's an initiative the police suppon. and something more people are opting tor, said Chipman Sergeant Bill Chapman. of the Waterloo Regional Police traifie Wu,“ the {meme f the Waterloo Ramon RIDE got a boost tins year m the form of a $19,000 grant from the plantar general's oihce, which Itl part was used to pay overtime to officers Involved m the program In the past, explained Clupman, there was never the annuity of manpower as oifieers scheduled to operate the RIDE program would get a call for aggtgttutte and have to 198 ve Tor the wigest'selectio,t of;- grcetmg cards m Klll" :6 -tgr.ttq-.rtrtritd.tsa Community support key to success “4-qu " "UNNtUE mm" 1\\'%A%§ EE SlNCE 1977 - SHOWROOMS IN LONDON STONEY CREEK, BRANTFORD. GUELPH. CAMBRIDGE, KITCHENER, HAMILTON, BURLINGTON lair' Itil" to 96' 39.99 36.99 29.99 33.99 12" to 18" Thegmntnsadeitehletosetttpmorethan Amtgettteaumtrergtrmiitdeehedgthigrear amteitoiar7.Durip88thepolieerrtteds5 pmrtutssamtpamdto22inN87. h1988.l7.634 "hieusomregtawedarmparsito 3,467in1987. Chipman calls RIDE s “pyschological program" because it makes people think about whether they wanttotsketheriskofgettingcaughtbeforetbey getbehittdtltewheel.Chieriahttiutltereis1 mmtattdtheporuiatiouwhiehrrillttotbereadted inthismanner. Chipmsnsaidbesympothindvithdrivmwhom ntrthkuingtltelanrandareattxspi'lt'istool!ad thatotherpeoplehavetobebothaedorstoppedlt‘s notwticularlypleountthingtobeinthatkindof situation You feel uncomfortable whether you are guiltyornot." Whengtqrd,thepuhliciagetteolly supportive of RIDE, said Chipman. Community support of the t8smttionisskertoitaeuxear “I don't think the police alone can solve this problem lthink there has to be some involvement of the community. "Peoplenolongerameptdrinkinganddrivingasa socially acceptable action," he added. Figures from the 1988 checkstnps, which are predominately conducted during Oktoberfest, Christ. mas and long weekends. show that 578 alert tests were conducted Of those tests. 98 charges of operating a vehicle with an illegal blood-alcohol level were laid, 31 people were arrested for impaired driving, and 209 12hour suspensions were handed out. Six people were charged with refusing to supply a test sample. Also, nt charges were laid for various offences under the manic, narcotic and liquor acts. 21.99 25.99 28.99 19" to 24" 31.99 39.99 35.99 W 49.99 Ml MMI MM) 29.99 34.99 to " Manitou Dr., Kitchener 49.99 59.99 31" to 36" 54.99 28.99 32.99 35.99 64.99 37" to 42 42.99 49.99 59.99 31.99 37.99 MM) 43" to 48 44.99 64.99 69.99 33.99 37.99 SUI!) 57.99 'iiiirGriergartenseuertoreaiitrinthetht'uou separateachoolsystem. Ina IWVote Mottdar,trttgtees-dttr-arrtNt)0'm theminmdgettortlteprmram'siPetetitPit+thools ihterkmtrLteesuuikErvinandgatqtierFittit-ite sidesotthetahkouthisissue,havedil_ietfthetmH's decision grvinsaidthemotgm"igaamtttit-ithelmrd we'reputtingtuttigureintht1a9+Airoeua-tittadto startinirjuaakindenrartetiinisixsehoolc' ' iorGr,mseesaidthetttotiorttt1etlteedr'iiimstthe requestinwita 1gat)buiget,hutitstillhaomttodt-itsetitd ifthemoneyisnotavailable. "whataiyougiveuptogetjuttioindiest?Ithirtkthat's important."sajd Papke. Papke said she voted against the motion tartm recon; firstly, ieeaissesheaesttotagreesithtltetmteertdirmioirtdergartett. “I'mpersonallyagamszjuniorkindagamheumhhinkkibm 'uixitaglongettough."Shetx-edahmsttmt-tatimttoami from school for fouryearold children. npkeadded,ifthep-tugttirtgtoheuqleetteeitod,ititould beputintoallsclitdttotjugtitix Begiiuuigiuniorkirtdergartettittsixrha?lohiehherumtto sxranodaiiit,isoewittgotetoimrlettteettirtgthem throughouttheregiott, saidErvin. “Irenllyfeelwe'regettingtothcpointwbaewehadwdo somethingwhetherwepassitandiretitgfmgorFmtilthe ministry mandates it," saiéErvin. aairtg,alteeqeetathemirtitrtry tomandtrtejuniorkirtdergartettsrithirithettextemqkdrettrs Theboardusbeenamsideringjuaiorkindmmrtathrtttorethan three years, 49" to " 49.99 74.99 79.99 37.99 44.99 54.99 59.99 Him kindergarten moves one step closer to reality 55" to 60' 41.99 89.99 GA) 69.99 79.99 MM) 64.99 BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS 61"10 66" 44.99 89.99 99.99 79.99 52.99 59.99 69.99 46.99 94.99 67' . MMI 74.99 MAI MMI 04.99 47.99 79.99 89.99 99.99 59.99 69.99 09.99 m,.w.¢. 9:305 so nun ' Fri, 930900 We 49.99 74.99 94.99 79" to 84 64.99 MA) 04.99