The New York Times calls their dancmg "a Joyous occasion 'PF They 're d not of colour wrapped around a :zmng. welld1sc1pluied company _.. gowxng and iusctousl They are one of the best dance troupes around _.. a inhuman of color. ttttr-tt "d Mazowme, The renowned Polish dance troupe performs at Kluhener's The Centre In The Square Thurs, Jan N " , p m The :own'ui energetic troupe per- r'nnns the name dances and songs of Poland's vaned "Rtons, gutted In Jufnenilk' folk dress mesze'i 100 Lancers and Singers make over 1.000 1rstume cnanges as they perform 1ar.ce after dance with no pause Mazowm was founded m 1948 by Tideusz Superman. a composer and 'vsearcner of Polish folklore. and his 1 a Mira Zimmska. once Polamfs .eaczng actress who had turned to Tmtume and stage design They estab- Madowsze brings music of Poland Adult and Continuing Education IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES: FINAL REGISTRATION FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES: Cameron Heights CI. 301 Charles Street East, Kitchener Madame 19, 1909 Mush! School disses are also offered m Kitchener at Kitchener- Waterloo Collegiate and Vocal“ Scmmmal mterest courses MN), m Cambndge, Elmore. and . For further mforman'on. contact the Adult and Cumming Education Department at 742-1751 or 6584479, ext. 296. Elizabeth Winner Cation Woes Tttot-tttinert-tME-ttet JR:tus.t lished a colony n Kmlin. In old eatate20miles0uuidedWamorin the central plains 0! Poland ealled mene. naming their company mm crinkled Gi.uA Poland auditioning youngsters who would work, study Ind live It Kaolin. perfecting then presentations of the Mawwsze has literally covered the world ttt its performance tours, still led by Mus Zumnska, Iquickly ftaaging world By 1960 Known: was ready for as first full performances inside Ps land. and by 1951 bad made its first The Manna touring company number 100 dancers. singers and orchestra members supplemented with 98 trunks to accommodate all the costumes and prop; ttpie-ii Airiiiui KID, '9‘; Mb" , "' " "ti * trt LT, _. . It 'aBirr, ".4 ‘ 7:?ixix 25 DUCK .2513ch titfKifi Elrtt, OF (33! SS i: Iq f,h . , '!ygWii"iiiiiltiiaitit 578-0200 BASEMENT CLEARANCE CENTRE - C SAVE ON A WIDE SELECTION DE ALREADY REDUCED APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, MATTRESSES WALL UNITS, RUG REIANANTS AND iaiiiiE SOME DNE or A KIND, SDILED, SCRATCIIED 8: DENIED 'tRift? SAVE BUCKS NOW WHEN YOU CLEAN YOUR DUCTS