To celebrate Canada Music Week, Nov. 23 _ 29, The Beckett School of Piano is coordinating a competition. featuring the works of Canadian composer, Sonia Eckhardt-Gramatte. Dr. Ferdinand Eckhardt of Winnipeg, the late composer's husband, is sponsoring the event and will be in town Thursday, Nov. 26 to discuss his recent publication Music from Within, a biography of Mme. Eckhardt-Grainatte; this lecture is part of the Kitchener Public Library's noon hour book review series. The competition features four categories - 1 1, l4, l7 and under, and an open Mam; each participant will play one piece by Eckhardt- Gramatte and one "own choice" selection. It will take place Saturday, Nov. 28 from 10 s.m. to 4 p.m. at the kitchedner public library; local pianist and composer Boyd McDonald will adiudicate. Sunday. Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. at the KPL, the three winners ofeach category will present a scholarship recital and will be awarded their prizes. For further information, contact The Beckett School of Piano, 578- As the concluding program in their fall author festival, Words Worth Books is presenting James Dubro and Hugh Brewster at Seagram Museum Monday, Nov. 23 at T.30 pan. Brewster is the editor of The Discovery of the TITANIC. written Brewster is the editor of The Discovery of the TITANIC. written by Dr. Robert Ballard who stunned the world 3 years ago with the news that the mighty ship, sunk after collision with an iceberg in 1912, had at last been found. Brewster will show slides taken of the ship’s remains two-and-a-half miles down on the ocean floor. Following the slideshow, James Dubro, author of Mob Rule, will discuss his new book, KING or THE MOB: Rocco Perry and the Women who Ran his Rockets. E (iii)) 25.9.3†Beckett celebrates Canada Music Week Just prior to the Santa Claus parade Saturday, author Barbara Smucker thrilled a spellbound trt',','ttr,'lTi',', at Words Worth Books by reading hom r new book Jacob’s Little Glam. Fall festival of authors concludes 373 Bridge St JOINING JACOB Bureau-“photo niasmtut-gttttttttutvr-te)ttt1tt8- th W atâ€! a