DS C:AKJ7642 . strong nrtificial demand bid. This strongly distributional hand occurred " pur_prl_ct_ice ganglion 9d was Mlliantly hapdled vulnerable.. NontrSouth by Ruth Larch hom Elmira. Ruth sitting South did not accept partner'a penalty double of 3 clubs believing that a game or possible slam would be more lucrative. After her partner supported her spades she drove to a slam without hesitation. Seeing dummy she must have had some second thoughts. Ruth decided to WEEKLYDUPucATEBRmtarasULTtr. thmeur-tmAaheret,-TU-irnnndgorthmaa. 'fod_1uuussith,Gunchiur,wi-h,GurGrattms. 1ieurie1G-t,ruieiu.carna;amnuJorDGs 1yrur-Rutruwu,rtm-u,NoorsaraerGs,arrDumus. _wer-aran.oe-ruia,H-tuo-arrauivqrsi- ,trhrderet?thtA,:ireAaheret,w-himm.;Biiithmua,turmo- Ph'_ahtB:E-M-h,UrsuuP-,BuartLniee,cotinchi-ir,iuatinndRrusserhmor T_hturirAiueouh-nuNiveacmrronss-u,taoGua- redtrtverrt9ttAiEltiewhiteoeariouur;HmGr-ooaistieue, 'hitter':"'--,--"-'---,'.-. @279 .Bllt1DGErjtk 0:742 0:01M53 swam â€JOIN D:AR0 INTEREST“ am try Milo. PM mamas: 2rrg,uftthc,'gttthtigro'the J of spade. we. now With. Whydidlhechooeethi-lineofpleynndnote simple AK in trumps hoping for a 2-2 split? M the 8.1 split occurs more frequently than 2-2, eepecinlly with distributional hands. Sec- ond, she believed that East with n worthless trump holding might have ruffed clubs earlier inoedertofoexxoomehighertrum, fromher hand. With the Jach of trumps 1'ln,'lll,', East could have beaten the contarict " trick one By rutring the club King and promoting partner's 4trtbleto.n.,..t.rupr! Queen. _(If decitrer pitches a diamond, East [Slain another spade). 1tttiggge,rt'2ttf2rt:,,ihpt.rgeat littuwhiuandthen odthoKingofdinmondl and ml] diamond taking advantage oftho tyumreurte)sMr-droboautifulir. HeitA-liuartGtt,rue,uariwt- rufr,dumoestttotherAmr,Aif-.0+ and; tttt,tatS,lr..itfr2tl'g'igtt “110m ' :K0-Ruthwnstheing ttoygitdecuimyw.aetfauseardtyyrwittti" ttrrua.iagtetvthietmiquetitftrth, 'figrdeftttct'tgt,f,,t,t'tafgeg,ttt a fa hack in trump While rum“ ',z,'ggoettt,CrtN2g2t"tt'l St M. “W, 'hPRl,flt'Jtl2'l'.'d' Thoplqmtufolldw: I9ntrAeiuu1seainar1e_drtgripdttr_south. PARK FREE AM, DAY 'Tixtrdt_m_mriuF6ohiE.Tqrtu_oLs AND HAVE A COFFEE ON US! token from this lot for a FREE REGULAR COFFEE at Texas Bar-B-Q, Grandma Lee's or the Coffee Mug in Waterloo t Town Square. 1 Exchange your parking From November 11 to December 31 . ~busuecs by Linda (Unique Jud Specialty oe qhuheteAhry SCBom tttlMg1'llJlallllllm'l'.'lgliN'" “ NAM m. WY no .."q-qM".erq-rqrq---q- Cneatme (Baskets ] 1iriiir 'ii/i/ter, I . n ,7 aâ€, .A9 L; (llflllllllllitii Ilil9t, u- .illiuiRttiiliEt alMr ‘ (Across from Seagram's) 213 Parking Spaces ERB ST. LOT WATERLOO mun-nun