Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Oct 1987, p. 45

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EXCITING NEW busmess opportunity now avanlabOe In the vacaloon Indus- try Full or part-ttme, no expenenco remored Mr Doran, 5768942 25 mm All MORTGAGES Phone 886-2830 WAREHOUSE AND ham manutactur- no space Up to 7.000 saute feet Elm occupancy Loadmg ramps. tome ottsce space $2 50 net Good access to ewe-may Call Mega- Corporattoo, W7860 ttt) GROW FOR tT! $53Ranse battworms at home Guaranteed market Chtortess, low Invesunenl We (raw Representatives tttrougttout Ontario Early Burn Ecology (1975) RR It Smmwme Ont LOR 2A0 4416) 643-4251 , 8562248 (705) 435-7463 (0) REACH INTERNATIONAL markets Four Mllllon readers In USA Canada Europe South Amenca and New Zealanc A fresh new market tor man ortter, busuness, entrepreneurs, con- nmsseuts and collectors Deadlune 28111/87 Contact Abbot! Commumca, hon Group Ltd 5791 No Three Road Richmond, BC V6X 209 (604) 273-1571 Telex 04357713 Fax (604) 2731025 (0) zzmmmné JWMSALE tti t8-ttW,MttrTttul CENTURY HOME, mne rooms, du- DHI. New!” used tor retail, central location no heart ot New Dundee House - '98,900, stock at coat II coaxed Owner has other trtterests Call696-2911 (NR43) W! Conway Vncnmn ism VIII-nyouvmevuys NO uhus OFFICE "Si-536‘ DonMadiH rqa-r5or Nev Mason "It?!“ Ron Band 578-8175 [1m REAL ESTATE PETS/MI. ALL 0mm FM CONSULTANTS no me MORTGAGE PEOPLE We mince and my modems my snow or mums ,‘7 7 '77 H l, . _"'-'--. 41, L'. L.""":':,-.:, ". ‘:' " I I ' “ 'mmu _ V _ ' "tttmi-itat .iua'.” . ”WHO" m I mlmmnm_nm--- . Shared Accommoeat/or, Houses tor Rent Rooms for Rent Room and Board Apartmertts for Rem Wanted to Rem Real Estate Services Propemes for Sale Properties Wanted Farms Lots Comment Indusmal Vacation Properties Businesses Opportunmes Financial and Mortgages ArttctestorSate Garage Sales Antiques and Art Fran Produce Articles Waoted Cars tor Sate Trucks tor Sate Automotive Parts Automotive Repairs Motorcycles Boats and Mame Campers/Trailers Recreational Vehicles Storage Space Help WW Men's/Sales Emotoyment Wanted SW! Agencoes Caner “mung Cttittt Care 9.“me Fumumy "rm_t-tqoost U.eettchartttPxtuttry "ttr-dEqui-ett CLASSIFIED INDEX (MFMO) ttt "I l1 MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus Work shuts $2 75 work pants 33 50. work Boots $15 Sena S? tor catalogue tReumburse» mem first order) MMary Surplus, Box 243.St Tamomee Quebec J081X0 (OJ MIRACLE SPAN an steel buuldungs let! over from National Show many SIZeS to choose trom Cap loll-nee 1-800-387-491C (Ch 50 ARTICLES FOR SALE Up to 20 words Each addmonal word 11c 42 APARTMENTS RM RENT DECEMBER ' two~bemoom apart- ment Prete, retired or professional person Non-smoker, abstamer Close to downtown Waterloo, 3425 Reply to Box WC437, Waterloo Chromcte (40) CW word ads. moduli»: and corrections ate accented until 1000 a m on Tuesday Hone check your Mama! iocorrqcti-tiooqrtd'ttgrtot+ tor any one: in com-semen! bo- 'oodttteqttstotthq-ceoccu- Minuet“)! aiT5CiCeieE VACATION Need money? We have pttvate tunds to loan as 1st 2nd 0: 3rd mortgages Fast courteous service Arrangements may be made In the pnvaCy ot your home Seonng you Since l967 Mortgages bought and sold Ptwate funds Call Dave, (24 hours) ACTION FINANCIAL, Licensed Broker PRIVATE MORTGAGES DAN BROWN REAL ESTATE 579-3030, 885-5384 ACTION!! PRIM / SEC INVESTMENTS 885-5 730 Commg Events Announcements Personals Lost and Found Legal Names Tenders Auctions "taceturteous Cards of Thanks to Memonams Obituanes Busmess Servuces Calamg Levsure Acttvrtees/Ctasses Musicai haruchon Tutoring Travel / Vacalnons Campgrounds Cottages tor Rent Ferst or Second ciamoeekiveGirs No medal check Fast sewoce FAST MORTGAGE LOANS 743-1101 , 743-9055 All Isl, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages MORTGAGE TROUBLES, DEBT CONSOLIDATION 355 615 765 825 (WEN) m m * _ QUARTER HORSE, 5 years old. l chum s whne pony, both good thspo- f smon Also assorted pack All rea- C sonable offers constderea 746- ii 2172 (41) l COMICS Will buy, sell or trade new l and back Issues ot DC Marvel 8 1 Independence Minimum ot IO", 1 discount V472} 15 (41) technology tor 011mm lrulmem of pro- blem water. diam pvolecllon tmooohoulenme walersyuem Busty smelly bad among water, hard. "ess, 313mm. baclena and more No salt or my enormous mlonanoe hoe See results tor yourself mm our Munch Incl one: Call loll-woe 1m7-3423 Ot wnlo Azloc Pumice- non Systems. W5 Tm Rd. Mmuga. om LST 1K2 "The lowest cost 3mm that really works (0) WELL WATER wobbms? New advanced tt) CLARINET (BUFFET) swollen! cooditioo $400 or best offer 884- 2641 (2) Runway Bed and mattress An- hque hatchet: couch Gobeun uphol- uoved (28 x 80‘) W chair ($040 Mod) one“: Jttr pam- poim 884-2641 TtNto%TO CAMERA Man Order Catalogue Your complete 1987/88 Photography and who source book tor orgy $4.95 Wrne or can tor one today Send cheque or chuge card number mm summon date and your name, address and postal code 10- Toronto Camera Mad Order Dept t 340 Yonge St [ Toronto. Ont MSE? "29 or can talt-ttoe 1000-3873300 STEEL-A-DEAL _ Buddmg Ctearartce Save thousands Marie steel supply lasts lened ume otter due to sum steel rm" Increase All stytes avauabte PtooeertEcooospan, 1Ab00-387attgti (24 hours) (0) SSS sancmnce SACRIFICE SSS BuMmgs once-d for immediate hounds» hon All Items m stock 28x40x14 $3.996 40x60x14 $6.500 46x80x14 '9,250, 70x90x24 $21,789 Venous sues avadable upto 12Oft made Factory direct charance Senous buyers only All bunldlngs onced tor tmmetttate delivery Call ton-tree 1600-38721 15 or PMS-8582446 (O) PIANOS FROM S495, rehmshed S995 Beauntul oak, walnut mahogany We troy. we store, tune and repair Always tun once tratte-rn Your best guaranteed Vvuage mano Shop Elmira (519) 669-2280 (0) Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Matted outstde ot Waterloo 62troo pet year In Canada Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Mad. Regtstratron Number 5540 Members O.C N A, CC N A, S N A (m MEN S SUITS P-p- and 3-puece from $99 99 at Kanm s, 310 Knng St W ' Kitchener (40) USED OFFICE turmture, desks. chairs, Mung cabinets. store displays and shelvung. showcases, steel amusi- abte sheMng Baker‘s New and LADGES WINTER coats at warehouse prices at Karim s, 310 I009 St W . Kltchener (40) Good SoIecnons at 1/10 Normal Book Pnce Odds and ends from 2Se stnu.' "w roll Bargain bundles from 50t stngle roll SONG vmyis trom 3299 single loll Used, 1000 Bushoo St N., Cam- bndge (519) 653-0500. Monday to Friday. 9-5. Saturday. 9-12 CR") lWeber St to Columbia, 3rd right on Lexington) HOURS Mon Sat .96 Friday until 9 Lexington Court Interiors 169 Lexington Court, Waterloo, 746-4272 WALLPAPER I/A CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TUESDAY, " mm. IO) (If) t1Eo"irAii",fl,iil'tl7aih, I A €1ng How' H I Ls66 Victoria St. N., Kitchener" V2 price AKG phono cartridges; 45% off Philips best tapes; Philips New Generation CD players only $389.00, Complete systems starting at $888 Soundotage's Sth Anniversary Sate featuring reductions on every stereo component and accessory in the store is coming to an end Readnng Books “my, tttte Lmed wnlmg pads Garbage Bags mu m I) Desk 8 omce cleaner L P Records IOC) ', m we Long Lute Light Bums Car mate Window msulatmg kits Masking tape 2' Wool toques -assorte" Scotch tape 33m Foil baking Dans Candles val-(nus xnloulv. Stove top covers pm; o', .1 Haltoween merchandise Panty hose Knmmg wool mm u Xmas wrap _ mom Casters Sale examples 56 Regina St. N., Waterloo 885-4750 Ito ”WWW! ID SALE ENDS SATURDAY lb SUPER SURPLUS DEALS! AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS NUTS Nut & Baking Supply Regina sr at Cdlumbia St Walenoo (Next to McDonakfs) 886-7001 Mom-Wed. 9-6 Thurs. Fri. 9-8 Sat. 9-5 666 Victoria St. N. Kit WATSRLCX) CW. “WY OCTOBER 7. 1.7 . no: " 1001 More Items at Super Surplus Prices! DON'T MISS IT! MONARCH SHORTENING 744-6660 SOUNDSTAGE Saturday 8-6 BAKlNG SUPPLIES Mon to Wed .8-6 Thurs and Fn., 8-9 BREAD CRUMBS ”twain-nirvana.“ Hours: trom 75C pug 25C " 95 75N on St 35 $1.50 52.00 "cm 50C SPICES "on $1.09 $1.19 $1.09 75C SI 95 '2 00 99C 58C $2.00 99c 75tt S3 00 S3 00 S2 45 OUTDOOR CHRlSTMAS Displays Santos. Reindeer. Carollers, Snow- men, Nativity Scene - all colorlully hand-painted on relnlorced plywood -from3tt to8tt -domeallcor commercial Very large assortmenl trom Much to choose Plan now tor your Christmas outdoor display Come tO and we "lose displays to arrange yours Also wooden lawn ornaments and buttertty sets and oodles of wooden hao0cratted Items on lmcshed and unlmlshed woods Only at B-J's Woodcrattea Place. 497 Lnnclotor W. tat Bridgeport Road) "4-9643 Open 7 dlys ANTHES GAS furnace 100.000 BTU, 1973 y, hp motor, summer tart switch, excellent tor cottage or small building $100 or 8.0. 884-0854 alter 5 pm (40) MOVING SALE, plane. small upnghl. counterbalancmg metal lollies for extra tenstoo on strings, excellent tone and condmon, Round pedestal table with 2-2ty leaves, 4 chairs and small hutch with 4 BiNerware draw- ers 3 upholstered occasional chairs, like new Tan textured custom-made. Mole lullness drapes tr x " Miscellaneous small electrical appli- ances Jantzen cabinet weaken 884-3417 (41) DINING ROOM tame with A chairs. tro Picture of Pioneer wagon. wooden plaque, 80 576-4925 after 5 pm (40) BOYS WCI corduroy winter packet suze 38. like new Boys assorted pants and sweaters Size 12 .. men s smail Dog house 884-4656 (40) PRE-OWNED FURNITURE Co 76 Regma St North next to Sumons mace Antiques. quality used turm- ture, brass, decoys, prints Open Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 Sunday 12-5 or Dy appontment Call 884- 0024 (41) CONDOING SALE Ping-Pong table $25 20-rnch 3-speed bike $50. 3-pc red sortsrae luggage (large on wheels weekender. tote) sro, Ken- more stove (5 years old). self-clean- Ing oven S30O, Kenmore trudge $200, exercuse bike SIC) Double mattress and box sprung $100. 5-plece bedroom set 8200. corner sectional sofa $00 884-3097 (40) BEDROOM FURNITURE GM s whrte Fr Provnncual, tdeal tor small room Corner desk $100. ttwee-drawer chest and mirror $250. mates bed with bookcase headboard. two draw- ers $300 (mattress Incl) 884-3097 (40) HALLOWEEN SUPER sale. makeup. masks wugs‘ hats and some cos- tumes Starts October 13, Monday - Friday, 9-6 30 Saturday, IOM 697 Glasgow Rd _ Kitchener (41) “WNW ARE YOU a Fast-Food Addoct" Shah- be has a tune Me ot mmmonal products to help satisfy your num- honal requuemonls and protect your health For tum: mlocmauon, call Steve 579-OI66 latter 6 p m ) (40) SHAKLEE FOR Your Family Expert- ence the Shakloe way of ttsmity care Our oroducts are created trom nature s lanes! proterruzers and herbs Gentle and enact-w. mode- gradaue too For mtormatsoo, can Angeta 579-0166 latter 6 p m )(40) CHINA CABINET mm glass shaves and aiming doors, antique comer cmna cabmel, Duncan Phyte styling, large 9 piece dlnmg room suite, Mttt coloure0, new and used cedar Chests pole. Mor and tabIe lamps, cottee and end tables, beds, dresse! and chests, 2 piece sectwnal ches- terttettt davenport, kitchen tables and chants, new aiummum picture names and much more at B-J s Used Furniture Place, 497 Lancaster W., (At Budgepon Road) 744-9643 Open 7 days (MR40) (MC-MO)

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