Ian Klrkby Chronicle Stan Jane 'rrmavAis (pronounced 'hem-ow-ski) is coming home. After 13 years of living and waiting away from Waterloo, the newgeneral manager of the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce is returning to the Downwhere she smug). _ - 7 Trmavskis, who began her new job on Monday, is eager for the new challengeJn fact, she at- tended the national Chambers meeting last week. Her last johwas as Campaign Director for the Guelph United Way, The 35-yearold single mother is.already impressed with the Waterloo Chamber. "I am really amazed at the amount of work done in this city by the Chamber," she said. "The Chamber is mainly made up of committees of volunteers who are very dedicated." Already Trmavskis is setting priorities. "'Nere has to be more of a profile within the community so that people know the Chamber is active. That is what enticed me - the chance to get out there and promote this beautiful city that we live in." "The Chamber has been a growing thing and continues to grow. The (people) who hired me Jane's coming home to ‘ accept Chamber challenge 'Rate quoted on an annual buns Make war. money wail: 111% * harder for you. GllC buyers: ByyaGuarantyrrusttuC,rightrtow .arttiyoutr--tfagoiktu% botusortyourimttertstmte. This Ntecialbortusaei.sorottar ever arm you buy, And whatever tetmyoubuyittor,tritm6ntoettttsto5 This offer also a plies to GIG-RS? patch-cc. and Taut".'.' to Guaranty Trust. Clip this coupon. Waterloo Town Square 75 King St. s. Waterloo Gua_ranm Home again. Jane Tamwo- kis is returning to Waterioo mores General manager after 13 years away. were concerned that the Chamber be involved in more outreach. (Former General Manager) Peter McFadden did an exceptional job in building the 884-08 10 'mtturhdtrgrhoeo -s_0ntact,ttteontyhrrtit'tsonttow 1ttrtgtheottttrcanlast.) Sodipthecmqtonttsamrtinderto come as us tight my. Then make rrturmomty-trye%haMtoryou! Trmavakis has a diverse edu- cational background. After studying aoctal services at Con- estoga College. she went on to Brandon University tospecialize in education and sociology. Later, she completed the volun- teer management program at the University of Manitoba. Now in her third year of the Canadian institute of Management Pro gram, Trmavskis has wanted for some time to move toward the kind of work she will be doing as Chamber general manager. Chamber. 1 can contribute ttmmtth my background in the She is particularly eager to tackle the job at the Waterloo Chamber. "Because of the pro- gressiveness of the whole area, being part of something that is growing is very exciting to me. That’s where Waterloo is right now and it's a tremendously exciting challenge for me." Tnnlvskis lists the upcoming events that her organization is involved in including Oktober- fest, the Chamber week in early November and the fast-ap- proaching budget and officer election periods. "It's a really busy time for the Chamber. But I'd rather be busy than sitting around idle." P"""""""'"""'"""""'""""""""""""'"", I Mail to REAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. I I 153 Union Bt E _ Waterloo Nag 104 ' or call Jim Nuhn at 578-3960 (b)885v2494 (h) .---------------â€"--------‘ '1hefl6o.ooqarothe mnnosolemy maestro-av Mano emirates when my . min-ell Janeen.“ dumb-mu 5%rnthe mm Cameo! AG!" Mama-men! cranes 'll'd'r'S,'l8lollll'l', Mun-mm titanium-on “adv-mama: 'tOtt-r-ttu-das-cohorts: TheoNroqtsmadettrttte Wot-Iv mam-Wm hemmdudncnbedam 886-1080 or 746-11†l,'fjfljiElijijirEEflllrii0DT, 'I'l-IE 1)illo1 PERFORMER DURING THE PAST 10 YEARS. M 2N.tdt'dr2'A'""' camp. “out tM-,ttt-rmtt,Utietrtbutimmtit. -tt1reromrt+ttt.tttmrstrt- 'tmmutot-tmttxe,ttermEtoAvocroeErtr,m.r-raae n IT. 1'll'llllrl a 1"at'fg2N, POWERFUL, PMrE8SKKALPERrORMANGE Managed by experienced professionals, the fund reduces risk through a sensibly diversified portfolio of stocks, while being a proven successful, long-term Investment, AGF Special Fund has outperformed every fund currently available to the general public m Canada for the 10 year period ending June 30, 1987, With an average annual compound rate of return of 256% For the one year period, the fund rose 105%. The Fund Invests m high-growth stocks of U s, companies offering outstanding prospects for growth and earnings. GREATBUYINGOPPORTUNITY The US. stock markets offer outstanding Investment prospects for the mse investor, AGF Special Fund gwes you the confidence that your investment 18 in good hands Get the AGF advantage, Get the number one fund m the land, Waterloo