University of Waterloo senate has approved the establishment of a Natural Products Research Institute on campus. The new institute will bring together UW biologists and chemists interested in studying a wide range of "natural" products used in various ways in our lives . . . including foods, medicines, dyes, rubbers or waxes. It has been estimated that most such products are, today, derived from plant or animal sources (including microbial and insect life forms). But new ways are being found to synthesize increasing PAGE 54 - NATE“ ME. “WV m so, "" m ml .. Jaye.“ Sana Clam pant Sunday. Nov 14, a mtqtar-d charm-m. but a - spocial - or by, bull or general “one. Cart Dorm. 7m " Junior Naturalist cub he“. Oct 4 at "aaeqtCteehNatteretha-irom 14 p m up; sub Space linked Dress for outdttqeB, SIR. “-2753 ITC Intending! Tun-inn In Communication holds next meeting tMt 6 at 7 pm at 14:ch sonnet Public speaking skills 746 l†or 704)“ Kitchener Fun-en Martel loud demon strun- Oct. 7 bull-en Wet Steve Earp from Cale Mule with Ttottt Bum/8cm Ttmi/s mac Ban Ind 12:15 pm alts 7215 Santa Claus parade Junior Naturalist: Food demonstration BULLETIN BOARD. Call 886-2830 We deliver over 18,500 copies in Waterloo each New UW research centre on 'natural products' Just ask the people who advertise with us. Results Information will be gathered from the refugees themselves. local churches and social service agencies in an attempt to identify both the strengths and the needs of the refugees. The study will seek to determine how the local church community can better respond to and more fully benefit from the presence of Central Americans in KW. In December, the findings will be repurduirticeoirnau Churches and participants in the study. I"' t “at Me - A 0826““; t _ -na st. " ‘4 The Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Churches has announced its sponsorship of a study of the social, emotional, familial and spiritual needs of the more than 1.500 Contra] Americans now living in KW. Catholic Funny Coal-stun" Centre .m- nal “pen†et National Family Neck Ort all modsod-u"niaaqto8rww We! lb way: My. Oct "5 u ' p In at " Weber Optimists moot All an: Malibu and MNNKmeh Invited to upcoming Chan" But-qua o! Optimist Club at Valerian North at Goth Sled “use my. Oet.2 cocktails . a. dinner. [allowed by dance. at 7 30 For 1M. maiden! Geoff Luna mt 1347 Family Week I.“ - â€ah, In on "teq-ttq. Inch-d Nov nu n Waterloo In Flew: hall. in advance. Joh- und Jensen In†.8022 or Tim and Ginny Ettetiet 7&Ku. Marriage group t " Ute ocifed,', 3.. stt,)l'iiitf Our Survey says: ',wu tje'id-th".ttat"tatFttrttrMatetattrttt0r"mttottaetie'ihrxmrhtttera"t "tr"ot8trhtstm-td0ot'mMErcum-rittet-amtsrrtmsm-t, "tmittattN8bt"-rEaettattt-rimismisaitottd+itt-tmtt, .mawmmm Our Customers say: Glenn Koohbr '"ieet"reaqeE-ee,ases Council of Churches sponsors needs study seytt'ah' l UV to _ - pair Mon-VI“. BAr, Thun.. Fri. 9-8; Sat, IFS '6000 to '300oo SPEAKER svsrsgs‘ Zand3way-40to 120w tt The Fairway Group Incorporated rset,rgii;fi," ' ti"i'it"f1t?:! eaâ€. 5 mm?- 1\\Ch-o’ Research by members of the new UW institute could thus involve such diverse areas as: (l) studying the importance of living species of plants and animals so their potential uses may be better appreciated land steps taken to preserve the potentially more valuable ones); (2) finding new products; (3) building closer links between the university and the pharmaceutical-industry, and (4) developing better synthetic versions of natural products - particularly when the latter are expensive or scarce. numbers of them " 7 WI “0059‘ . th . _ *“d‘et‘m Famous Brand K-W (519) 894-1630 Guelph (519) 821-2022 COMM†(519) 653-8576 smume ll Parksldc Branch llbnr) Tuesday, on C. first in a series ot sum, anm.m¢s|ndmon “new “wit“ a m Pnrngislnuun only Aquarium Society K W Aquarium Society monme and“ Oct ' at 7 a pm ll Adult Rec Cantu, slide show, auction and much more Lecture “do. Eric Ices-act. M. Jon-9‘s all... and [an um. UW MI. deport meal. will read from their work “andâ€: Oct In a P." in uw Theatre at the Arts, Modem LAW Building Admin"- tree. all Ink-on: Storytime In It â€I Wig, Dunn Drive. waln- thtetforbeatm--tooct I.Cnlu MIN We", - WWW-Squaw“ 'Peet. _ qi tlirGtiU ai"- [an Open. 744-6660 [38:3 Kaleidoscope of Health Ann“) Intonation-l tutor-uk- and“ on ". “In. “no. Mr day. on I " mm - usury n 1:: p... VH0. and mutto- by M lul- Auela _ Countdown mmm-uanszhIp “when an“ to: and In ttve weeks smokers can train their freedo- (mm and!†CalllheLung Anita Kings: S KW Hospital second and Health Fur on â€remnant holy-1&0“ “mm IO 1..) to 5 Fm, in hospital Auditorium Theme "Towards I Healthier You VF Free “mama: Alpha Square. Modem Square Dance club meets Oct 3 at Adult Rev Cann- IHOLII pm Munslnlm level Visitors welcome (Euler Howard Weir. Alpha Squares If you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after, school, please S' ct fill in the application form and send it to our office immediately. Applicants should be at Ieast 10 years of age. Carriers are needed in the following areas: Earn. Extra Money This week's carrier is the team of brothers Peter and Jeff Speek. Jeff, 13, is in grade 9 at WCI and Peter, 12 goes to MacGregor. Peter delivers in the Longwood area and is an avid fan of hockey and baseball while Jeff delivers in the Albert/Weber area and also enjoys baseball. Both lads also enjoy Scouts. Jeff hopes someday to be a gym teacher and Peter would like to become a private investigator. Minor Novice Novice Minor Atoms Atoms Minor Peewees Peewees um Bantam Bantams Midgets Juveniles TEAM KING ST. N. J.", Columbla) REGINA ST. . (at HIchory) WILLOW WELLS SHAKESPEARE DRIVE MARSHALL ST. ALLEN ST. W. LEXINGTON RDJHILLSIDE ST. WATERLOO CHRONICLE Grog Cloudy. Ckcuidtion Manager " Ertt St. E., WatorIoo. Ont. M2d 1L1 M2830 At Albert McCormick Arena Jeff and Peter Speek WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION SECOND TEAM TRYOUTS Saturday, October 3 Saturday, October 3 Friday, Octotter 2 Friday, October 2, Friday. October 2, Sunday. October A, Friday, October P, Sunday, October A, Saturday, October 3 Friday. October 2, l :3 Iii',))-.:), .. ' P' E -"--. “A! - =, . " (txr' ‘3‘: ' r9“; '/?'V,‘_:l’ . I I . "s' 22: yafiRl First United Church noon hour concert Oct 6 features Louise Paula. violin, Margaret Metcalfe, Viol. and Chris Sharpe, cello Lunch " moderate cost, concert begins I: " pm Noon hour concert " International Polka-Icing Group meets Sunday. on a [nu 1:31. pm " Adult Ree centre Prevn‘ulu â€I550 I In Beginners welcome, no partner need Folkdancing MW You“! ErrqHrrrteatt Conn nub; Isms youth My). to and employ neat. nu: won expenses or aha-in education and trairtintt. as King St E “in“ or drop m Huntley-Way no in Counselling an." Wan.- Gallon mu Water cob: My Way DWI!†with Jack new on. It In: hen-2n and outdated D1 Wuhan Galhry I!) TIME 12:00 noon 11:00 trm, 5:00 pm. 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 am B:IO pm, 2:00 pm 3:15 p m 9:30 pm