it also supports worthy causes with financial gifts. During Oktoberfest it will, once again, sponsor a citizenship court. This year the court will be held at Sunnyside senior public school. The The Committee on Achieveuat of the Eastern Caaada and Caribbean District at the latemttonal Kiwanis Club has declared the Rockway Golden K Club the winner at the "Single Service“ [Inject awald for the service the club has rendered to the Hon. John Sweeney, MPP for value and availability of child Kitchener-Wilmot and Oettario's care for Ontarians. Minister of Community and So- According to this report, the cial Services, will be at Cones key elements in the future of toga College Thursday Oct. I, to child care are that: speak on the topic New Direc- I? all families must have reason- tions for Child Care, able access to a range of His appearance is part of the appropriate services, meeting of the Association for :1 services must respond to indie Early Childhood Education vidual, cultural and regional (AECE), Waterloo Branch, needs, This event is open to the public. Fl programs must be of high It begins at 7: 15 p.m and will quality and must support chil- take place in Room 1C28 of dren's health, safety and de- Conestoga's Doon campus in Kit. chener. I - - _ _ K-w community “rough its pre-retirement This club. made up of 64 retired men at present. has offered this eight-week course every spring and tail for the last " years. In that time about 2..) men and women have taken the course, most of them with the support of their companies. Golden K is gearing up for its next eight sessions to begin Wednesday, Oct. T. It is expected that the usual mo - 150 persons will attend. Key information contacts are John Darling (742-7742), Larry Richards (745-8175) and Stewart McMillan (743-1654). Rockway Golden K continues to serve many good causes such as Meals-oo-Wheels, visiting the sick, providing transportation where needed, the Kiwanis Music Festival and others. His appearance is part of the meeting of the Association for Early Childhood Education (AECE), Waterloo Branch, The address will centre on the recently issued report New Di, rections for Child Care. which outlines plans of the Ministry of Community and Social Services with respect to enhancing the Quality English and Western riding apparel and equipment at reasonable prices. Plusa 2%discounton all purchases paid by cash. We also take used equipment and apparel on a consignment basis. Mt? Tomato“. Ont (510) 066-31†Tues. - Thurs , Sat 10 - 5 Fri.10-- 7 Sweeney delivers talk on New Directions for Child Care c" mm mums l or emu 3‘ mm mm Rockway Golden Kiwanis "ijt"']!'!,',?],'!""!! "WM" honored for service project ktt,ff,'vyS Tack Shop Next Course Starts Saturdays Oct 1 7 Ttii.?.??' value and availability of child velopment, care for Ontarians. Bparents must have enough According to this report, the information and assistance to key elements in the future of make informed choices, child care are that: L] community groups must work To all families must have reason- in partnership to ensure that able access to a range of local programs for children appropriate services, are co-ordinated, :1 services must respond to indie L’ employment leaves and bene- vidual, cultural and regional fits must be flexible enough to needs, enable working parents to F] programs must be of high meet their family responsibili- quality and must support chil- ties and dren's health, safety and do. I ‘child care must be affordable. ALL SERVICES AT PERM COMPLETE. . . . REDUCED PRICFS COLOR ........... .NCLUUINL ADDRESS 203 KINL SIRHJ SOUTH WAIERl()() “Jase In MUIUAI UH) “IMAGES OF SUCCESS†JO ANNE DEEKS-teEBErt V.I.P. WW Attrttdqrofttmmiormeetnmt-o. AethFyoortuRtto%otHt. Tranetormatroos on mom panmpants MAY, .0“ 15, 1987, 0:30-5:30 um. um III, 475 I" ST. I., HATER†Visual Image Planning - Waterloo 1‘2'33“ Luncheon Included is pleased to announce the relocation of his office for the Practice of Dentistry to 585 Weber St. N. (at Northfield Dr.) Waterloo BRUCE A. CLARKE, D.D.S. B COMPLETE HAIR CARE FOR LADIES & MEN GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Advancr Rearatraturn Jo Anne DOORS-WM WY [BEAUTY BOtlTlQ1E The i“ international “or Event program entitled "Make Miracles lumen" has been especially rewarding. Golden K chose to take part by serving as volunteers in the children's ward of St. Mary's Hospital. At Maren! times members of the club share in visiting youngsters, showing them video caasettearrxtgrams, working with the older children and repairing toys. This has now become an ongoing program. Just as in all service clubs Golden K is looking for new members to keep its program strong and vibrant. New members are sponsored by those already in the club and this process is receiving special attention at this time. Kiwanis may be made up of "retired" men but it is certainly not made up of "tired" men. Each year brings new and challenging opportunities to serve the Kitchener-Waterloo area and the members are glad to take up the challenge. ehitth-tthesehmtl-i0ttetgtvttatdtosttagetrtthis mqtrtat-t.mrtastyears,_i'tother_sdtttttb,the cmuummmwmuyw. t-eatrnarveiuaisu-iateiti-irttor CUT........ 886-8980 Project More: Become More: Confidence Credibility Presence Presented by Affluent Powerful Successful . . ool, . . onh 745-1962 . . ools Ir ' Mail to REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD, ' ' I53Umon8t E,Wator1ooN2d 104 I ore-11.1mm Nuhnu 678-3960 (b)M6-2qB4(h) .------------------------‘ P""""'"'"""'"""""""""""'"'""'"'"'"'", Ciriirii RICH 'fflri2l) 7tTiT5rir1r7C'ii'T9=/=iTrEEC2. “V AC} we male! .9 dmewm ‘wwm " ‘mvwnm‘m WA manage our lb Gunmen! mutual lands wtth Lumpâ€)- msrumnr mammal and Wham "w ttrrw th ugh! a1Nteemverte= How JAtr,thc, mveshnwnv Mukrsaï¬iy paw otF Tho» by performing mutual fund m Canada as AGF Spank Mm: Landed "f Mme RRSPemmw funds m the coumvv (Imam! of T6turrris)arr " AG} funds Rx 30veals ACA has traeriruortaortu0tr: swmusotCamsrhons My we manape $2 5 tNllron to, over 280 000 mdmdudis m mutual luods that lealmmlly sanity any mvesment obi-mm; mu pawn-um“ .1... 'T.-.--...--...--..-- 356 KING ST. WEST Kitchener 743-1131 (Monte The (l; 'tly! _frta/iipiLl'pil Mon.-Wed. 9-6, Thurs. 8 Fri. 9-8, Sat. 9:006:30 GOOD CLEAN USED FURNITURE Call for a FREE estimate and pick up A room full or a household full, Please good clean furniture only NO T/s, APPLIANCES OR STEREOS. -t391te8tAAVEr1m9qrttth !Q?.-PAOE " WE BUY & SELL OVER 5000 SQUARE FEET Bedroom, Living and Dining Room Furniture CITY DEF MANACI .--E-’.u WSW (Next to The Keg)