n arthtt: rim wh- eHrat6tteHe+ mm“: N\Aubl§7¢di'€ 11. Water pump belt may be worn and need replacing. If the pump belt has become loose due to wear, it will not drive the water pump efficiently. This, in turn, means that the cooling system will not operate efficiently. " A car's heating system is much like the engine cooling s t . In addition to the duct work. the basic elements of any car heating system are: 1) The heater core which is in essence a miniature radiator, and 2) two hoses, one of which transports hot coolant to the heater core in the passenger compartment, while the second hose returns this coolant to the engine. 1. The Wow of air under the dash may be blocked. 2. Coolant level in the radiator may be low. 3. Heater hoses may be leaking. " a leak is the problem, the hose must be replaced. a. Hoses may be bent or kinked, thereby restricting the tiow of coolant. 5. " the car's heater hoses have recently been removed. they may not have been properly reconnected. 6. Air may be trapped in the system. This also would restrict the coolant. The solution to this is to bleed the system. 8. The cooling system thermostat may be stuck in the open position, When this happens, the coolant will not heat up properly. And if the coolant is too cold, heat output will be insufficient. The thermostat should be removed. tested. and replaced it necessary, 9. Doors to the heater assembly may be stuck. 10. Heater core may be clogged. " this is the case. the core should be removed from the car and cleaned out. It the problem still exists, the heater core should be replaced. it's a good idea to have your car's heating system checked out as part of the "winterizing" which should be performed before cold weather hits. Conscientious preventive maintenance can help avoid heating problems which always seem to occur at the most inconvenient times. Troubleshoot heating system To hem familiarize you with some possible heating system problems, follow this troubleshooting guide. _ When your car heater is not producing enough heat, any of the following may be the cause: 7. The blower motor may not be property working. This could be caused by a blown fuse, a faulty blower resistor, a bad blower motor switch. a loose connection or a burned-out motor. CUM OEM 0W oAmeeeaetttrtmlttrt human!“ From complete engine rebuilding to simple maintenance! check: and tune ups, we‘ll get your car in perfect shape for Fall. . Engine and 11mm work 0 Bill“ 95 REGINA ST. SOUTH WATERLOO 1itifs 6aragt SorvimttGW$oroertr40yoe" 886-3851 m the cold winter months ahead. now is the time to make sure your heater is working property. C WATER“) WE :AR Ci1aJz1iiiiiii '_'it_"tiiii,iiii,ii,.i. mvmngm 'Mâ€MQM‘ THE UNDER-THE-CAR. SPECIALIST COLUMBIA AUTO SERVICE 885-3520 00. Wm " 151 Columbia St. W. (corner Phillip & Columbia Sts.) Fall Specials Basic Check-up . . . . Includes: . oil change with FRAM, oil filter a CASTROL 10W3Q oil (10W40 or 20W50 extra) . lubricate chassis, pressure test cooling system and FREE brake inspection. Tune-up Special ANTIFREEZE CARRY-OUT SPECIAL $679 (top quality aluminum 8. diesel compatible) WiNTERIZE YOUR ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM T s2 1 ss + antifreeze We service all makes & can offer complete lifetime warranty on brakes & exhaust Includes: 0 diagnostic check of compression . engine ignition system 0 install new plugs, inspect air filter. CV 8. PCV o timing adjustments 0 replace points & condenser on equipped vehicles 1 " Lexington Crt., Unit 2, Waterloo 885-2800 sattss . $3995 MMP" SClllilElllF1FlllLER AUTOMOBILES 4 cyl. , mean-m than... a {hmgu~~. “mmmmwu LM.ttr'tqrtMtttoottM-ao0- (all other parts extra) 6 cyl. Open Mon-Fri. " pm; Sat. H on 147 COM“ 8t. Wed RADIATORS . ' ' Auk For Randy Established since 1959 W MATHS , Int. “ABILITY tos Eamon: Sept. 1/61 Specials in enact to Oct. 31 /87 " 995 car-.35! 8 cyl. Michelson _"'T)f'1'('/l') Some services will require appointment - _ on ur."- RE! YOU 80! 9956:: SERVICE THAT QATISHES momma DRIVE MUfFtt RS 4 litres “N’D-