J.'..e._t..!Lutt.rAT.%4tp_tp1rettTE.tt--tErn Learning what NCR is all about _ TRINITY dllliNlflt9,,lll,,ERS Trinity leweuets wekomes Sharon Spam to the" staff Sharon IS a Graduate Wests! wsth ovev IO-years experoence m the teweUery Industry Sharon mvnes you to mu her at Trinity Jewellers to see our "no collecuon of gold and gem tewe0ery ANNQUNCING , "" 'ttMG n. scum, HAM â€6-24“ Own Monday to may 9:30-6:30 SHARON SPAHR any} at; "ar.rr7G" - “mummmmdum "NCR has always been heavily involved in this community, yet we don't have the clout we should have. We're giving a higher profile to our participation in the community." said Hutton. Since its The awareness campaign was launched last week with a luncheon barbecue for employees. Hutton said the company will follow up with video presentations to staff and, to become more visible in this community, will organize open houses, product fairs. supplier days and customer days, "The campaign is to ensure that our own people have a greater awareness of what NCR is about, and consequently the whole world will have a better idea of what we're doing.. communication is the key. If you know where you‘re trying to go, you have a better chance of getting there," said NCR Waterloo general man- ager David Hutton. As it celebrates its 15th anniversary in Waterloo, NCR Waterloo, and indeed the world-wide network which makes up NCR, has launched a major awareness campaign designed to keep make the general public, and company employees informed of what the company is all about. Chances are your answer will be, make cash registers. Wrong-o, In fact, the Boo-plus employ- ees of NCR's Waterloo plant make high-tech equipment serving the financial and banking industry. That you didn't know this is a problem which NCR has set out to correct. Mode. Muck Chronicle Statt What do they do at the NCR plant on Weber Street? barbecue Friday' to kick off the "cormunylGVaGiriaGGrU-" gram. Chlom'clo photo yc? directgrpf quality assurance Jim Ludtke checks the steaks at a '%rttF-tt.-..ttiitttr-titmrot-ittth"ltet-titotr,Gt-ttattd t?1*'id'te.""0totqoottrtmtttattmter"mttrmucto!rrrtttrhtrttratitt "oretttari8trhtrtt-tuttsredbrtt--itte-monturot-mtr-tr "otethaoN%tttit-rEachatttre-itte"-traitottti+iti-ottmth .smdmmmmdm Our Survey says: .mm Our Customers say: Glonn Koch!“ The Fairway Group Incorporated Hutton said the new awareness pro- gram is in keeping with the company's corporate philosophy, which focuses on creating value for its "stakeholders" - the customers, suppliers, and employees who have a stake in how well the company operates. "One thing common to all these. what's good for all of them, is growth in the company. Growth is the thing all employees want, all suppliers want. It's not necessarily profit, it's growth." said Hutton. In the 15 years since NCR Waterloo opened its doors it has grown from 14 employees to more than 600, making it one of the largest industrial employers in the city. Although the past few years have been "difficult" for the company, Hutton said, NCR is now back into a “growth mode" as it moves to extend application of its current product line (proof and encode equipment used by banks to process cheques, vouchers and other written transactionl into new areas. "There was a feeling by senior manage- ment that we don't have as strong an image as some of the other companies in this field. We want that to change. NCR is one of the two most successful computer companies in the world, yet to many people if we mean anything, it's cash registers. It's high time indeed that we do something about changing that," said Hutton. founding in 1972 NCR Waterloo has been reaching out to the community in a variety of ways: it was one of the first firms.to initiate a formal arrangement with the University of Waterloo, it supports such community projects as the Ventures and is heavily involved in Junior Achievement K-W (519) 894-1630 (5th (519) 821-2022 Cambridge (519) 653-8576 CW. _ Ai Vm‘msw