A change of pace was in store for recent holiday visitors to the Wave Pool at Bingeman Park. There, just a few metres from the lapping waves. was a singing, dancing musical group composed of 20 teens. The name of the group-Project People. Swimsuit-clad bathers soon pulled up lounge chairs and swayed along with the beat of a wide variety of well-known tunes, everything from Putting on the Ritz, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Old Time Rock and Roll to Twist and Shout. The enjoyment level was high as 11 dancers and singers performed in bright, shimmering costumes, while behind them a six-piece band kept rhythm and beat. The group was formed, according to current business manager Doug Vol], in 1972 by partners Paul Hardworking youths produce polished entertainment Grog Betcha, Scott Martin and Kown Bondaronko provide some of the much and in the thaw. The Prolect People performance at Bingeman Park recently was well-received by young and old. u (f00tt(BJE(Bicr PE©PELE and Dave Winkler. Tom Galloway and Craig Finlay. In 1969, Paul Winkler had seen an international group called Up With People perform and liked the idea. He decided to build on that original concept. change it somewhat, and polish it even more. - Project People was designed as a non-profit organization composed of young people from local grass roots, a vehicle to give area teens a chance to develop their musical talents and work hard to produce a polished entertainment package. And that's what it has been for 15 years, as the group travels province-wide performing at conven- tions, fairs and exhibitions, establishing wholesome friendships along the way. Two niemberg, guitaiist Kevin Bondarenko and singer Brenda Rivard are 19. They both claim they tttamrtutqtMrttmtttuott-rtAv-mh-te,ttqr_-r_AfE' __‘7, sumo: Michel. Canton belt: out a tune during the pop Photostory by Paul Singer enjoy Project People for the enjoyment and benefits, yet both also appreciate the opportunity to develop discipline and talents. The group's energetic approach is reflected in the attitude of 22-year-old manager Voll. who donates both resources and much personal time to the organization. Project People is currently looking for singers, dancers and musicians to audition for this year's cast. All interested, ages 16-25, who are willing to give a time and talent commitment, should call Voll at 884-0662 or write Project People Inc., P.O. Box 173, Kitchener. Ont. N2G 3X9.