Hunting Ethics q Ethical hunters are concerned about the environment and non- game species. - q Ethical hunters support sound wildlife research, management - laws and enforcement. . Ethical hunters are skilled in the use of the tools of the sport. Be it . rifle, shotgun, or bow, they know l its capabilities and its limits. q Ethical hunters do not measure " q the success of the day afield by the quantity of game taken, rather by the quality of the experience. q Ethical hunters observe the rules . of safe and skillful firearm handling and fair chase as well as all of the it; regulations that apply. ( . Ethical hunters do not trespass. f, 0 Ethical hunters obey all laws. Rich“ O’Buon thonicle sun University ot Waterloo soccer Warriors will be 'mAtate to Improve on last year's record in the Ontario Universities Athletic Association season that begins for them tonight. And they'll be looking to rookies to help them along the way, _ Last Wednesday after Warriors played to a 3-3 with Conestoga College Condors. they cut down to 22 players and 15 of them were rookies. Coach Ron Cooper had four more cuts to make before Warriors open their season against Brock Badgers " 6 [MIL at Columbia Fields. "there's some real promise but it's premature to say who's good," said Cooper. "I think we might have a little better balance than last year. "We doet't have a team of stars like down the and perhaps (Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks), but Soccer Warriors should " be a more balanced team \h we’re looting to improve our record.†Warriors won just once last - Ind had Mt losses. They gained points with tive ties and they tted the top three teams in their division. including Golden Hawks. Tim Walker, last year's goalkeeper. won't be playing due to emergency surgery to replace an artificial heart valve over the summer. But lte'il be on the sidelines lending vocal support. Rookies will take over the toward line: since Mike Houston, the only retuming forward, has dropped back to midfield. Other returning midfielder, are Andy Wall. Steven New and Upon Kawale. Warriors were relatively strong at the fullback position last year and the return otScott Robinson. Bruce Hollamhy andlBlll Mueller should keep them sound defen- sive y. Scott Robinson (right) is returning to the University or Watertoo soccer Warriors at the sweeper position. HOMEOF 3 FOOT SUB only 'TAS We Deliver in Waterloo PT." -- iPi y ‘5' I "y. O 'tehmrdo'theopttoao You pay $2.50 and your hrked pays a pony "A an“ 8506! Every“ You C.†may, Septe-ber It, Show Time 8:00 p... "nuStttaaedaautagtatteat" (plus the usual great comedy) I... 37g -_la§qy Iqll_(the Inna-Mel) "arveafty of Waterloo Mitt-gh-Nt-tet-ttMgr