435 Conestoga Rd CEl]lEifllililillllE . a proven process professionally applied . penetrates all rust prone areas . effective on all types of vehicles, new and used . fleet rates available “Our clients recommend us to their friends. " 886-3881 The Waterioo arena took on a airy look as workers removed the root from the existing structure for safety reasons. The roof will be replaced by a bubble that Is schoduiod tor completion by mid-November. anti-rust , re,,?'"" I“: l'I-UWEI'i ‘ 'rl: " g , il BULI “I; l 7 (/ vii),!) (i 'qr1i) 7/ , . , llti.i.li"i' . g (i) 'l / , 2il ')),it.t.f, Don't muss out on a spring garder pls"" 'i' xiiii"c),i, W 7 'llt 'li),)',;',-'..?):, our selection of finest quality imp ( § § (M Ill, ‘1}?! 0 TULIPS 0 DAFFODILS . NAR k i) 1:7 l I, tle" . CROCUS . SNOWDROPS I N ' tit, Ir' _ , . . . and many more h Til Ill 'd? “a , tll YORI ONE LAST LOOK WE HAVE HUGE REDUCTIONS ON DISCONTINUED STYLES, COLORS, FACTORY SECONDS, UNFINISHED, IMPERFECTS 8: OVER RUNS. WE ARE OVERSTOOKED EVERYTHING MUST " 40 SPRUCE ST., PARIS MON. to FRI. 9 to 9 EOE-4&5 442-3 1 1 tt iiiF'ttruuermm TIME FOR fi' ar',l/lP1ll(" FLOWERING (M BULBS FACTORY OUTLET SAT. 9 to 5 Donfmiss out on a spring garden next year. our selection of finest quality imported bulbs . TULIPS 0 DAFFODILS q NARCISSUS . q CROCUS q SNOWDROPS q DWARF . 5 Wi Tarc," 1541 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener - 745-9876 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. YORK NURSERY ""REcoNDmoNED USED vw RABBITS 6 month or 6.000 km guarantee Fast - Friendly Service For expert repair. call Mike or New at 884-7840 10 Wyman Rd. Unit 85. Waterloo HYACINTHS IRIS Choose from