new 1eetaueotthe9th a-lAiuctures,Voices-d Vistas. will be given by Art Gnu ad Ann Roberts of the PueArtsDeqrartmentSept>at "arotUWIheatreoftheArts. IlneFtveoillustratedtalk qttttedeveBurmeatttrfthemesin Bects his interest in visual ctm- ventions, idealized images, trompe i'oeii techniques, eKag- gerated perspective and other forms at artifice. He has shown his work in 14 one-person shows in Canada and The Garden Club of Kitchener-Waterloo presents "Vintage Year", its biennial flower show Monday and Tuesday Sept. 2.l-22 at The Seagram Musuem. - - - Both members and the public are invited to help celebrate the club's 30th anniversary as the museum will be transformed into a colorful, creative autumn scene featuring the best examples of the club's gardeners and tlower arrangers. Green, Roberts at Arts Lectures Special features include a boutique of silk and dried flower arrangements, continuous demonstrations and slide presentations in the museum theatre, question and answer sessions, refreshments in the museum's private dining room, and much more. The Garden Club consists of 45 active women of all ages in the K-W area who meet each month at Rink in the Park in Waterloo to share their common interest in gardening and flower arranging. The show is a means of showcasing the talents members have cultivated over the years. Hiiurs Monday are 2-9 p.m. while Tuesday hours are extended from 10 am. to 9 p.m, Admission each day is $3. _ - - _ _ _ Geese, is Associate Professor ad a painter whose work re- Rebecca Lane in the village of BELWOOD CELEBRATION mm Oct. 1 - Oct. " VI orr ittgtttgk Bridal Gum ti0% orrlry*yr1tgt1ty11ltrd gistxs Vintage Year on October lst. Join us for our GRAND OPENING mas shown his work in 14 There will be a reception in HH rson shows in Canada and 373 after the tatlkts, Broadway Street, Where the nicest in town is out of town Bridals IS MOVING! _ .1 (CASH AND CARRY) -.*mw~ Told-o“ â€new; “ampules“: mmdmm.&e 'saace.t-ttertsttesthmrqm let her cert-k: work M is 'estmtty1ae+eaheaatdcakrr- ful in sud-0e decoration Her work has been exhibited nation- "yaatdiattematioaaliy. theUidtttai,aswenastrt As chairman ot the Board ot Directors for the proposed c- dun Clay and Glass Gallery, Ann Roberts has been instrumental in locating this national gallery for the ceramic arts in Waterloo, Tt_eteHy , 2 (tour-O on. - 610-043-410! 0 mun-6 pm. Advgrtlsipg yokhtidget. helps phi our budge! Get better value on your home insurance! Extras at No Additional Cost Constitution offers many extras at no additional cost, for example: 0 Additional living expense allowance. . Automatic inflation indexing. q Protection against credit card fraud. Convenient payment plans are available to help your budget. A word to the wise Sensible insurance starts with knowing what you own and how_much it is worth. That's the only way you can be adequately covered, and it simplifies the claim process, too. Constitution recommends listing the contents of your home, and keep the uhStii’tn a safety deposit box. Then youll have a reference in case of fire or t e _. You can Shoe with our Special Discounts In addition to our low premiums, you may qualify for one or more of our special discounts: o "Fifty Plus" discount if you are 50 years of age or over. a Special discount for newer homes. 0 Preferred rates for homes built after 1951. It 's simple. Talk to one ofour Company representatives. We offer complete protection, a low deductible, and low premiums. C.onsti.t.ytitm agproaches home insurance a little differently. ( )ur represents tive Will take t e time to find out. exactlrv what you need. Together we'll decidejust how much coverage F best or your home and its contents. Our low $100 deductible can save you money when you need it most - at the time you have a loss. Even better, it's not payable on all claims. We also recommend marking valuable items as an aid to recovery if they are lost or stolen. The police like this idea, too. il youre interested, we can tell CII', alarm it, and even lend you the special tool to identify your personal va ua es. Ifyour iwwuraywe is upfor renewal, or Irtt)i1., mmn' wg, make sure you talk In l Constitution representative You ll dealing direct with thp mmtfany, will“; 71700715 lower casts, quick (1mm, and first resume!) ifyou mm to ma a r 2m. IGFGa _ F%TiTnes s Centre, 825 Weber Street East, kitrhener,Ontario Ueltog '2'iiiG'"isusiness * I cConstttutton Call us today for a m quotation. or visit our omce. (519) 578-7240 . tti-Ru-tmth-tttttel-Ay, "e.t-e-aii.gii.. My Forum“... 1RllllllP I a. n. In. N2H Ill!)