I‘m mum's GLOCK Repair Shop - ‘1â€.M. 312 Mqrenmt mame-vsn Own HARMONY In Odour - Don" mm? In yoor new Fall wardrobe until you have had your colours" done For only $25 I all My your moon and My a walk! with fabric m. Call 578-3066 tor and» t'tttetal iMooetatiort ("a") PLASTER AND ttrywatl tenors. TNEEAMD+sromovet, Ar"'uA"CEREPAm-whyoaythesg -theerttippricos'? Ernie Snow's Afreertiratavosyouear, Sonny's Sharpening 401-6 m St, N cm * My at noon. 886-5401 ALL TYPES of renovations. mann- Ooed. quality workmanshio at can» a.-srminr-iramsrxsmoies o-lt-tMar-ata-tattests.:- Wettoymndse*usesdapptitsrtc)os We in 815.1!) We, â€-2050 (Across from Walodoo Stock service to all 7424m1 ' â€4-1†mam WALLSoLAMIW oFERTtu2BttuteEDC0tmtoL oAERAMIx MTG-.6 oNTERLOCKNG STONE - WAYS, PATDS ' WALKWAYS 20 nun W. My Wu; ““7 Guam-v52? discount Evening appoinlm;h!; M. Cd! 745-9240. (TF3 Res 748-1944 Bus 743-8278 Free Pckup & Dekvery NO OBLIGATION DEMONSTRATION "o6artttttarperttryeFroeeatimahts 0-" Auaiol, _ aaa; Anny-730m Ham-am. BECK APPLIANCE 1 CAR CLEANING ' ELECTROLUX “-1234 = manual-c.,nnaor Sales 6 Servuce RON BREMNER “MW; I.†ml STUDENT WINDOW CLEANING “can...“ -TTE W“. ,"" t$8a-2895 ot Mw‘w WV '7“ l W01 FOOTCAREbyRN‘s CROWN“ Free nannies (40) (if) (If) Ti"ettyatM'--a-ettotna'ttars and trohie-gt- Minn“ tot'tottsa_artdeo-irh.atio and W M on! Mao My Cortero,ture,eo"owaretAt-.Esmiri, -ta$-r'tirtirtor.tMqa-oo MOO-2506mm M RENOVATIONS - Spot repairs. same day service. Com- place 8300 and up My material, 57B-723? Em, 7otr-7atNy, at for Bitt (m catalogues. etc.. very reasonabh rate: Catt WW cum 886- MARY my COSMETICS - Are yo; 745-7790. ttfl MAINTENANCE (REPAIRS " (hone soocsatieru-tm-ts.brair,- f1Pems-s-topumosirt-et, W. 576-3520 09 Bhttt-ort E ,W‘orloo (ow-ode Your.) 740 3050 You home 7‘44571 M isms, decks and small carpentry gobs Phone call 8tMr.45aa5 after 530 MR") Sopeoor QuaMy worernaksti,tGii; shows I tor years to come 747-0251 ttt) 1 FREE ESTIMATES - PM. paw- ttanong, teaned coitus, 'tM8Ort- enooq low rates, work W, Menu decorum consultant, no extra charge Call 741-1714 (NM) Ont soraylng by G J Lovenu Rust Cor-trot Mow swaying Quotes on and also used on Open daily 8 am-E pm Monday - Saturday 6865850 (m qeiretaAttq Phone Tom. rkso2sa -eCL"L'2r='="Ih"e'C "" ‘Lu M's antenna my“ Aur'LUMm"GREPAmtitrtata-t,' '.htrg'trretoexatsiom-whqetoeth i'iira'itta7iii7fiiii"'7a'it"i7i'"d 'Ev‘m'm School of Hairstyling WOMEN a Mer, hams may mas- - Hairdressing - Bartrering sage mamcure pedscures, wtrxtrtg, Courses start 1st Monday aecuocyss Day or mung; Satur- every other month days (R VB.) Sue 746-8285 (43) 886-6305 -"------------ n“ mum“: 55 Erb St. E., Waterloo irtg. chimneys. fences. porches. this Ifâ€? Cet 578-3066 or ras- 8324 for “On The Soar Dick-)0! 'ooeimrtorauervKavcooauttao"tin atattatiott/rmtqira, odd gobs 578- i=iztCCC1 cattJottrtor9ottvich.tmba2ai. Minnow on 5762974 LAWN & GROUND WATERPROOFING 893-7464 MAINTENANCE CALL PETE AARDVARK PAINTING AUTO PAINTING WE DELIVER 746-1775 HANDYMAN OIL SPRAYING (39) ttf) 'JAPANESE FOR begmners Tune 11:00-12:30oo Saturdays Locahon , St Thomas School. 280 Gtenndge Drive, Waterbo Tumors Free Pame- , Inst-on tee, $20 tor one year i Ehoibility' Ages 6-18 Wuhan 9:30-11:00, Sept 19, at St Thomas ( School (37) mvouaowomomau-um contracts Durabon 10 weeks F93 $75 per couple Gatt 743-4442 (37) Ftgmoerscusscommeocosorsonaay, Sept 20m1;00p.m Atlbrrvetéstaughttry ArttSy8uauroemuasoro.momtaorsCDTA _,'ttt'atght2ettrti,t" "e Mull: Iâ€; “I - whenâ€... 746-8027 canon. om mm. Fun oo- mdiono‘ â€6-0083 tatt FLOWER ARRANGING Classes Learn how to make your own decomtoons and gifts for burthdays. Chustmas, 146tmttttElttmittttEsttuaEs etc Classes begunnmg Tues Sept 15 and Thurs Sept 17 For more mtormatlon call 885-0799 after- noons or evenmgs (36) "rtqCq 886-7153 S-re-to-Soy-oat- MOSEmnGECHARaE moo-(roman: IF WE CAN'T FOX IT YOU DON'T PAY! WWI. 805-0578 tm , UFEUNE BALLROOM DANCING Twincity Boys 5 years and up and Quinn wanted tor acme -ttl-nrsttttMtehea woup m Monsignor Gleason School, Knlchenev Catt 746-0308 (36) STOP Wing United Enumtlc Was corrected over 20,000 cases Summing frustrates, embarrass: and scam-mes weakens school shuttles Get communal mtomamn from UESC, Box 3311, Cam budge N3H 4T3, stating age and phone number (0) aett% 5 U -- , 'ibNi 'tttii) I')' A _.\a s'ire/ Lua.' E3.QlM-tmt,emtttte--. ','gl1'eu'"e"'"""tg'e 705-5.: an mwnmm‘m {IV ocee,'.lG"'" ue " 'dia". Standard Ni-Cad Battery Charger Sept 12,8am -r2nooontiyisiLGv' ot Lourdes Church. 173 LourOos Ave , Waterbo (38) w 'tt m E‘w“ Soot 30/B7 "88tC880' 744-6321 91 00000 st, South (00000 5 Chub.) 1414330 m.m.n~u&~. 0' “on, so you: W. “I“. (an MESSIAH LUTHERAN tttth KITCHENER SCOUTS Lewâ€: wrs", tititiiii,1?, .L w oFttgt4tsiEesofttatteriete - a- m‘ ' bi Liial an... (â€I m " a“ EVERYONE IS mummy SHAMPOO AND razor or new cut, ----------- Str None N' Chucks Becky Salon. " ME PAPER drive. Saturttny, M0000 St. Walefbo 886-2733 ttfl ' " Ban - . " ririUiiil, . " “it SUNDA Y “IE main-5w . - toiit' . , theb' - 4""‘ " 295 "tEDott-toJGr%JatTTaTi"rG '"odthettortsao-ttttathettpoame kyse 0W ss pounds. For more In. Cattsorhrtirormo-m-trs “can. ovum/dad could. Won; CLOWN tor names. pccmcs, promos, professional magocaan, woolen bal- loon artist, humorous, entertaining Call evemngs and weekends, Candy the Clown, 743-3538. (39) “mum-mum madman-M. I on Readings Spmtual â€Mann weight cure the Incurable Can Loo Jean, titi2, 1022 (CR38) M‘szFordnn-uuw t'Yct,1l't"g'gtg'aftgg,g'.t',tt not ' A...†'ll."dS'?tot=ts"ttf,t"dtgeit mtormatiort, can Murray Schwartz, Ta4-3atit P S Foetal Ind haucare products use animate. (If) umhm~&m* MASTER PSYCVIC : 746-2323