decisive majority of Canadians wanted the death, My m. Ann-g sup- .ortersofthePCPartr,thernarginwas mun-e. Ortthisi-dmanyethers,.oliti- eiansarei-iragthernaioettrofvoters aaadre-dirrgto-re-tative.voeal .eeBsa"e m. Many of these Croe5 an faded involuntarily by taxpayers ttm-tttttwer-ttgrants. 0oewaytore-ttlitiealpowertothe She Bt-Mo-tl-ts' men! who Direct democracy can take several ti-ofeaMtal-ishmesttusttitttt1igtrted forms. Besides binding referendums. --toftamehCa-u'siaarmaeersare 'rhieheanbeireitiatedbyeithereiti- withtheyoterPorrrttgteriirMo-er. the government. there are was. Canada’s politicians out of touch -amithereleversetileirtrrowirae IEEEEE-E These monuments. plus the ttet that ttttttimg involves more - body twist- irqrtunmostothersqtorts,ea-smany week-end gutters to complain of some hacks. In reality the most exercise a golfer should get throughout the day is the warm-up stretches belon- the game. Not only will pie-sane stretches hip with very tall players who can chew lower bramehtesofrtreestoseetaetter.t 1'dpreermtttotreatttettfasi-ahd athersports. 1t'smttpdtysicaily demand- iratr,d-treqairestmugthoratgmtd eardiovaseuUr system. It does however Jo-e-rt-tht-- â€WC-thud†â€.mdkmmm " Frtt, I“ h an. d - milkinnehsp-Id. A†a w a.“ n is e-rt-ah-ee.---, "WegiafterAims-%ttt.tV “tram." Gatf.1frma'eestt1latt1_titt-f "-er,a-eesarerwtt+eattt wmmwumnucm the e-dint-eg-s anti Hy: Per- -thecnt-ee_esaresti1i- Quays. "Pe-ts-tdei" with." (News In. Golf. The Am and the My) tara-advantages (Wilbur-sch iiurmaa-tsaeutteoyeer: a A " w - t'hr'E . . , B. 3 i; ‘9'; ' "CK" _ "iay . 't8 r ' ‘ Sr' ' atittrtt Ad vd '. Neu, a“ ' . . . i'jt" T _ ' tl I *1 K -" Eb', . ' _ra'i" N tuuglr J ' = a; T. ‘ m . _ ' > . ‘ ".' ' if“: ; _ _ _ ' T " L In: I ‘ ‘ x 6%: ‘ Am I ‘ ' v x . r “.No Sane stations can afford “No. the 1TWrre, hat an open “Yes, no people wouldn’t have “Y“, money [mm Waterbo is “No. Sane and.†can’t ail-M to star was - Saint" Wanda) voters to pass laws or em their 1qimrtmsdireetl-disofteetretirredto seesutauouaertreiriitutedttrtse people or by the government. Another -erfultemnofdireetdemoemeyisthe recallvoteJnmecomtriesmI-sam giverthe-erto reeaileheetedrtoliti- ei-hoare-tearryin-ttherriilof Monuments. Theret_mtusbee-edaaaeeess- disi1hasitt-twmttdbetxtadtqtooeof than“! iaastm-tsofdemoeracy--- rem an an integral and well- usedpartotrtlitiea1tite.Swissvoters 'glattefg.12lh"ir.h'hT2= d VMIH‘“ anal-III!- In.†1"Mg,uugugt “In: Mitt-ltd}. dubmnhbhm. Pf.'.""'"'""""'"'"""" tghmrM-utNMttrmrrgrMe%hat-eh "nd-err-r-de-tad-Mar-et. any!) nun-aw Gosh-b -tt-ty.Thef_eA-therr-e m. â€Id“: “we“. and at the cu: (be! has with agrnrOhattMsttmeqrithtttee1trbuerrd ,-rueeTtytttrlettteeh_. as-ttttr-Fur-i-tte-tr-r 'e'1rsear-tifr-earrmtrrqir malliienyonéryuurheduithe eltrb_rftieedqtintr-tafymsrbmty. MMbw-Hymhllm shttaaMerttudestaristaithetoqide, 'Nesestreteheseagtaisober-ted "erthettameto_tgter-eies evemNrther.Uuessofemsrsertuttnve a Mtrsieaiiy demanding game such as tgtistdNwdiri: Atttttfirr-edhomeiatetromitis rmmdsandtoidhiswGtr. “Adreadful fairway with Garlic my dearold ml! tmt*ty,wtteoattnilttitisimmtthehead andkiuedhim.MyGeditwasterrNe- ftmntheoooitwashitthettail...drag tQsaHie...ttittttebnll...dragaxarlie ...hittheball..." "No, 'a7i'turtiiri'haGre"'] on "Yes, no rolls with“ have “Mamas†toioxAarmmdkrt-sstatitn' debs-Mm..." thrti-.hrgt-dtle up“ that are on on 8-- Should Nata-loo gas stations have tho right to opon ovory Sunday if they wish? at advice. Referendnms are also used exten- sively in a number of states in the US. The not! [muons example occurred in the late mas when US. citizens living in have the power to express political choices. decide on their economic system tion 13, to cut property taxes substan- aches. have played an important part in Canada‘s ninety. In 1917 and in 1912 plebiscite: were held to tind voters views on military conscription. More recently. a plebiscite 'rastteldinFaectnttheisstae otimhettestdeoeefor that province. Still, the": are many who oppose the realm nae of referendums in this country, saying that referendums under- mine the sovereignty of Parliament. ‘v. 5“â€. ategh'tatg',2't'dat'.er.- a+-o-o-th-eta, amMtr--reeHaratrrgrraat. BAt$MBtrdesoo-tt.o-tni- thphhoh-sudhqooe -trthorrritiratr+rt--ee. mmuwm- umawmm,u ee-dtatdthhsitms,trartt"tis -rhe$hhrt.thqt-edts,aartta-.-e -tae_ter-mtteemnttrge. Ct-ttrt-tr-tat-ttmn- m; 1tisthemeinim-otthe -dntqe,theimrtiraettowhtetr-ish, -rtheqsesttttepaigsknfBetedoatite peer. Tttisis-ttty-h-iii-tsd-nee vicarious "tiaftetit- from watching "rsieal cunts ranch .5 professional The Input-m thing is that someone mm m. Sometimes when one of the lighten is heingknocked senseless. ymtwi11tsear-homtheerowdtut cansertdshirersdonmyotarbaek. lt'sthemr oftheRomnn circus when a Minor is maimed. It is the roar of the mob when the victim is caught. It's the call of the predator in all its ugli- If exhibiting the primitive predatory instinct is the mark ofthe beast, it is still relatively innocent compared to the use of human intelligence to devise ways of irtitietiatg pain on a fellow human, which mmthethemarkofadeviloraheast. The treatment of millions by the Nazis demmtrates, all too well, that the savage. brutal side of man often lurks WMW;who-canswho 1.1km ESE referendums work. In this country they wouhdgiveeitiamtstheehaateetohavea direct impact on issues which they feel their MPs are not addressing adequately or properly. More importantly, direct democracy would give the people a chance to control the law-making process. Their votes would count for something and that in tum would make voters want to partici- pate in the political process - and that's good for democracy. However, the response goes, if MPs dmft represent voters then power should be trite? back to the people. elsewhere because most syslems require a large percentage of the electorate to call for one to be held. History shows that otherseartttaittieeountry wouldbe flooded with hundreds of refereodums on atrtrtgirrttrEtta-irtt-esteo- "eesq'tftrd-ttttati- tetWagese%tt." ‘3‘ 4taridM-tutma-Mtht.. “I“. ,mmuam . “a he at d have I- ,rer-utHtmieaeeattgg,t_ yqsmwmm a: he ut- the tttr-Met chance at “woman. â€winte-RMIKMQ ' -tnimsdtrremetty,t-eaatddeatgt bu new" new n1! prospered beea-sBat-rttt,"crnaMtya" Ws true. You'll - thud a strong -,arrr-tims,detttterntetytmbttgiratr iatemettty.rtisntqraroisterot6it6ereet ,resagrraess,amdttaeksartut-ess Biit,segoeewetrttoosmugattout otmreives, let's make sure that we aren't tgnvemesietvriedoVrmettsods.By that. 1 meui dimming physical man's to cause suffering, in favor of mental Bow subtle and wounding it can be to put doubt and fear into someone‘s mind; how crippling is the consul)! puma. It is eommanplace to "psych down" Bome- body as a means of gaining an advan- tage. The same predatory motive is still source Developinem Institute, P.O. Box 642, Cambridge. NIR 5m, Providing) etVetiveoess training to business and', (Hr. Fellows operates the Human Re- MtttB8-.-ta.---'qt..' 7 David Sena-ville lawman“- “about