ass-a-cttw-ttfl-gill-lb-m-ss. Com: CW esqAtehe More“! oaflbï¬xds,s}ndes&dnp:kshmdi:yplixd°mpuymfmflmbaw ortiidepmitrtetmiaiyortoirteiUidt- So igitCanadd 1aBetwirpdoramre will call haï¬u?§moofwuhaï¬m.hnhmhï¬tmdmfl:w3w "'tarP-doedie"rarmirtimt-ra- "'aredqsaA.rdtS-y Rr"-te*tretrq--roo.r--ttgm-e. “If somebody wants us to sell fertilizer, we can do that too," said Allan. "Or, if someone wants us to find a line of Taiwanese-made goods to import into Canada. we will do that." Allan and Mumford are systems design engineering students. Allan has previously undertaken several highly successful ventures in the travel business; he is studying Mandarin Chinese. Mumford already speaks Mandarin fhamttly and has spent some time in Taiwan. He is president of Taivui Connection; he is also president oCrwo Tigers in the Orient, a company that sends English teachers to Taiwan. M_umAred,_rttlbeioeatedirtYaiaraaasodsert, l. Tttee-i-ut-txr-after-rid-rut) concerns at their Canadian client ttrms. "We're .eesarfty interested in m.teseetirtg small saidAllan. "'Ne-otte0ehmstutwouidtike toe-ttoN----'-"----"- same population as Canada - but that couldn’t afford tosetuptheirmoperatiousthete.0r.theymaybe companies looking for Taiwanese suppliers for Canadian markets. Our services can be wide-rang- mg. "We think there are many Canadian companies that mid use us; the opportunities are there in Taiwan right now. but many enterprises in this country have previously not been able to take advantage of While Taiwan Connection will, initially, focus on product areas such as electronics, instrumentation, computer software and so forth, the UW students won‘t feel cmtfined to high tech fields. The: UrrheesitrMWatee%treatttateee%gstudeao -e1aarmeSerdat-eat-y,Tat-t-etitta,to -etc-a"ms"teresediottiattrtmainess Taiwan Connection UW students launch company to represent Canadians Our b'1','i"rntr,,T1, to your sense of style First lady styl- ists will a __ yze your hair. talk to you about your life style and tmin there. together. yeti will deter'mine the perm a style for you, MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! FF 50% RIF, '2ty"' ' now HAir Cut, Shampoo, Styling included As well, he was a founding member of the Canadian Advanced Technology Association and he is a director of several Canadian and US. high tech companies. In addition. Mark Borkowski, also a high tech entrepreneur. is involved. Borkowski was a founder and former president of Cimtek Automation Systems Ine., and is currently director of corporate planning Volker was favorably impressed by the three, and by their backgrounds, and has decided to support the venture. Volker is a vice-president of China-Can Technologies. a company specializing in trade between Canada and mainland China; he is also president of Volker Communications Ltd., a company that develops new technology firms. for Chriscot Holdiligs Ltd., a rariidiy eipandinE industrial group. A third student. Patrick Jabal. will remain in 1rateeiootosetett-dareatdotttsetnasiness. The company is located at 145 Columbia St., W., P.O. Box art Waterloo, NU 4C3; telephone Mum. Taiwan Connection otters a variety of services to clients - market mean-h in Taiwan. arranging contracts. marketing, Installation and servicing of Canadian modncts sold in Taiwan, inspection of Taiwanese goods prior to shipment to Canada. and liaison between Canadian and Taiwanese clients. The new venture grew out of a course in entrepreneurship taught on the UW campus as part of their regular engineering education program, by Mike Volker, UW alumnus and an entrepreneur in his own right. "We charge no initial fees or retainers; we will be paid only for results," Allan said. One reason why TalwaneseCanadian trade may have lagged to date, he feels. is because the Taiwan government is not officially recognized by Canada. (Canada maintains no embassy there.) Still, he feels the climate insofar as trade is concerned is very -dt-ohttarIo"it'ro-oqtrare regular price $60.00 mammal... 886-2770 our best perm 2!iLtAtit1-tt!M"