Smnmeramanb-timein turniWnterboMxm visttiargfhFdsamdhtmilrat- tesadgrrgtaqmaqeuisaatdttther im-aged-td-re-errant, 'h6Neh-e-dtlrtatmeh'ts'-mtt Mbbmw‘mnhu -0stttrar-e.aatoht-ttnre-etir, dr-aes-h-ar-tr-rr hind-9min“. 1hrtt..m.'tN.trt-,-t-eat," 'qtatttiegt-----daaMtt.e-- -tt-etttqg-r-a.aaiitkrratd.m"'iis 'qi-hut-mr-tFr-e 'WrStrrnntr_Bttttl.ra-r-stttte 'fdUdh.t'autttirt2"defah,e, mmmmmman was: 'tt.rtt-tg-sratr “M'OI. a-ehthefremftt&edmrit-rt ad-et-ei-rt-eh-a-r, tttmr-tit-ttar '-tMtur.Bei', WP“ PM Meet We". tgreffe'idhegt,','gtg,,Tttt,egg'. 2l'a'r=ttatt,','fip2attt,ct "mtl-rits-tfever-ies- ttt-y,-t-teatedmehamtmil.'Neresatt 'sthee't-stae-etearyAmericanttaaad "se-tere-ttar-e-er-it-rw bathe“. Boga-um LLCoolJ Dam/CBS With Elm D.I.C. opening dams for the 1atestr---meA/taqt--aaadtheBeastieBors dttetrtheirtresttoe_em,L.L.cttoigtsas (and himself playing second tiddie to the 'atatoretysa-dhagrap'srae-eststars. BitttteraradDef%rahtmid Hamish LL. thtolJats-etfthetteme'smastimrtortant "ts.htitretnhe1-mnestheB-tieBoroetro ttavettritt.edmoritttpmtkandtteavymetai, La-relies-rem-e-ear-ter M110“.- Wbrk on the farm YEAR END CLEAROUT! E il in: . Gi." "_-"" _-,_r,-‘v v Tt-1nr8Ttttrmttnretr-arareittnysp.m.Auun. Chung art t'tlstllt,N't'tht',a,oo A Qllllt LEARN MARTIACKRT’S - TIE ItilRttAttt ' II†I!" “inâ€. In. m. can» Chas “any In: SAM 12-10 on. trrFrtl8t-.tttt-Nthrtttt-t activities to take part in. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. tr - 9, costumed interpreters at Donn Heritage Crossroads will re- create some of these 1914 sum- mertime chutes for the visiting tBq.aft-liitMetkteteetttinotihtotttmrtteahee 'BR-ttlege-titat-tr-tttme lite-th-ttttthid-tth-ttmom IFnOoM. P.D.l.. m, “can“ and Mom. tirate-riot-ttttr-tgt-gt . EiiiiaWl?lilltl Mt! Bob Dylan). The minimal accompaniment allows her voice to remain trout and center. Ws a precious instrument that makes each song a chilling, emotimt-fiiied document. S3ma-entheritianamtrmerstrttrrecorxt,a stellar work from one of our most vital and creative singers. 1'lteJNWtrdtt.ttid' a 'e' “-31 All. a - a! Pee"' bud-“mm "etet-etetmnru-eruthtgtrtttmt- tttet-sl-e-tr-r-ltr-tsterile ahttntrttr-ttmsofherarttstietramiti-s. titmrt_treWeatNrria-rroq.trttrortritter aaherdmrrttr-ingBm+ilttaiishtmtttis 'aolessemntteslthttr.Pm-ttytuiwit-r, it's a logical career evolution answering her work last you I. Wlher’s mum at the works of Kurt Weill. 'r"irttraeuaseeasaninterrrettvesatreris new territory [or Foitthl but everything falls into place. Her world-weary voice has that gravelly. melnneholicedeeand it doesjustice tPmateriaittyaremar- diverse collection of write} (mutually, Dr. John, Tom Waits, “-m'auumtueue†My.“ I“ and his!“ 'trs-str-Bt-art-r-estate mummmman macro-n. $995†well. Each day at 3 iran., A one net play. "The Unseen," will be presented on the Detweiler t.ARGEtNDoORSHotttmoous For Summer Installation “Ian-nah)“: lm MKONDITIONED COMFORT] _ mums-um CALL NOW rat ' 745-8332 9t w ST. s, NYC“ ttNts-lst-tttlt-ttOtt-te ttmettt"ithaheartttethetFmrt runaway-WV 9....» pm. WVQMJ pm; sATutthAV , an a pm clam-Fools G","JfSl'd1'titg2Wt'f, o 1Nntt*tttt$ht-6rtg 't'dtg'tl'lml'hpttl Dal-Chiquh ""reetram"'"e. '.eeitRtrtettttA-tatmr GheDavHae9at