oeatr,.arrwreameAipobeaqep" hylytheu-eyuluh-e‘hw be! â€In: no pound to acct-c. Ya: ean't not up any and!" h the ar-ttaut'. Yarn mind â€and! tn tgtegteittrtt-is-te-gIbttmeir' the-tere-ei-tttbe-mt'" -tetene,..yet. mmwumuum_ ‘wmmm-unm -.ttistt-gteee-tinltermdthe lindytohelpmmuunuduu 'ere'?? d muscles, 1m and '_bei_.u-terratrcisserteeretteditr, "rt-iii-ve-tttref-ttre 7t"r'lll'l't'i".'7i7 . .here’s the good "rt..-.ttotutonitvr-mr-te-t- AtmetnrmaratBee. lost dunes have chairs. a dent. -taradmttstir-eurtttrettMstirye 'rerur,air-e-ttiat+t'vetterrthe -irtaettesat-rt-etoeiretrre, i-heretosttiro1ttrt.atrrftr-.' mmmmmd mnasytseBee-mutedysttes,eantriidtNt 'ierktr,mnhintrrnotirrse1etttyty- ei-att-ttnr/lit-re-ttheir), ,xmmuxunde-t-ettttttti, streuicrtvitinuotttimeniereieohieit M1 otherwise he won " while mumtmaume. You can begin once cadmium; tteetseermevemteettotheadBee.Mrynt tnuttitm-tdfrastmrortmtenHirr "-.Trjxnidrivert_rttimAr' "rnrarm-k.you'rihurtntttr.trntsed the Waterloo Park playground equip- -t.rtisowooderfuipineefttrehiidrmt hoe-me it has equipment which in unique madimngimtttve.ahemodemetestt "nvesiuiaeesehnracternndtherefore attnastheehiid'simatrinntim. brunetthatheforethisyeulhad -erruatiaedsqehapinrgrmmderrised irtWateHoo.But-thntmrdnatgttter arohnvediaeoveredit,wettotherens Mane“. The park playground offers so much Waterloo Park playground wonderful place DEF-ER} . ', ' _ l "et r" , _", I " ‘ n i l ' w... ' _ T N - l S' t “V, "a Mf 4» l', A ‘ _ MI id 2 I I. . _ ' , Wp ' BMI TV' ‘ 'll . f W. 'aa , , C _ F ‘ A M I o'Y 1 T "Sm. Lr an; calories. Better yet, if location warrarstsit,wniktowo6orrideatti- twaoiismnredtoredofeeitieitsm.of "ii-d-ts-re-de â€bundle-helm†t1ttrg't-h-ritattHB." fllu Fitness Forum â€mimmun‘m‘ a.» - eaiN -rkttitgt I (I. â€me-â€*‘u. ogt-'t-"t-ttMr-_ ierttrt--rttt6rdttr-Aayte1 umlhm‘h-‘td '.ttrgr','2.",1t'd'erg'.S,' smut-hue our!“ (timing-“cutie“. leash-It) one amusement suit you ell-b a“ h a“ In mule) .mnumummw ttmsatgttithteuNerbesttetrrrt_y onset 'tmeth. - It. a†your-ditty.“ your “and! muscles magnum-um“ etreieft-dttneA+eetomrseies temsimrin-AnnttshmMerr0 m...“ G"iaiGtmiliuriii'iFriF.' lulu your arms (sun-hm camellia-l tgtmoteirareatvesaaadthttit5t.t _ t.ttteg.ttei--omierma-ttl, mtttterd-ereaehSmmt-Me- mrasrutitiraer-NsrtM8ttrnnd Multan-dupe“) vnrietvwittoiargetsam6o-ti1tdes three swinging horses, thee swinging circles, Inky swings. a merry-39M agtdawadiratrpool.0rtiraeM1drebtis bmedrrtttseverrttsir-tidbemth- Mrdmahterandttteothetrettmtrmiqve nmritntrttamaatttttewadirttr-larrd1, txaveristtottesaraeomNniratftmnaeM1d or-tpre-ttttet-hate-it' mstasmmgbwaterirtit. laincerely hope that Wuerloo Park doesmrteh-totttermtdemmmeeBrt, Puvgrmtradmiamtmeatofthnt-twii1 neverhemttdnted.rtmarnothVrto anadutt,tmtttisamagiealplaeefbr alike My. t.ggaatdxmre.---eiesaehaardstmeh m.pn_llnnmback.rehxnnd 2tiMgstte,iltt2U. mummy; A “he-n urrtherattr-iiree" Watch. on. -o-t,,-eteoetreto-e,ritAroat-t sawmmm Wit-WMâ€? =fdttettuttt.t.t. Md.“ -eet.eHMhnmhsqit '9'.- 'fgtM,'A"g.T,uTtgtUdtll', ‘Icla' Mb Dhaka-MM -'tt9tbeMtdttrtod. ttaeti.th.t'the-,3eatnoe- muuumz‘nn ~“Vuh*"& 'utMr0atvee-t+e q-thr. h. In his um m h bhuuwhvilchlhey - and. you - be compelled. -rt.trtr,t_ehtsd-ds, -AtMqtgrtai-hqd.arrmIttnniqrtttherrt - use an the lack at that he 'et-sg-D-eg/r-e-eases. hairline: "ied%etegqeer-igt- (trt-Sindh-miter-l-lt' :m - n aggt-agie den-III that lw‘mmomm ime8ea.eeesinttteAirtrrge.rtmmkes Nb tme-er-tArts-i-ts which Separating dreams from reality -ehtrhqtttst had this to my on the subject: "Thet-t-tehfiddttesraot mmyhemmm- m. With his man! nature, he atraqtre-rsieeesttirattotte'trobieetto hw.mwdmwm -tnetrn1tr_tth!1etdetrtmrthe1ove 1nrmqtmtsetoWeACamrtheil'seolumn DreanIIintheJuly lSissueotthe WatesehtoCttmaiele: It’s great to 'trsaiiy have a show for women! So that they can dream and fhntntaeforagtt-rttrtrro. t?trre,theseah-dnlemesore gor- Bones,bedroomeyes.riiplil¢tilighs.and 'mtmittett to fttMI your every “may. ahmttrt.ese%ct.Nohmtritrperfeet,thmtgh. That’s 11?â€. not even these Chippies. utt-ritrotttteettiid. “at au. facilities and vi†to, V. m In. In don’t quit. -ttgtttotrtttgtgt--Btt_.dlB_r-"'tM.' Whining†â€ha-um.“- u-uh-eut. am auction in; â€â€hwwun “macaw-hint: - h bin-uh.- h tel-d:- *;m,hwm the-saint†â€children mum-mama» Qh+et-tr,theeenreMhereatts" aetNeueAaed1neutt-todar.aheseare eases-th-ttnam-retina and have was out“: be he; 'rt-nth-m-ues-e 'rdrsetemAttest.mrtrtsrueAodexmeem tmtAtrtnehefttmeterbedemtedto Mr. Fellows was the Human Ite- source We! Institute, PO. Box "2, Cambridge. Nut 5W1. serving business and may with ef%etiveoess man. “may to mummies-mm: they akin. “tarantula†besex-eraidir-erultttkrNrs nradate.eedtrttheessesstutemotimn1 Whowantsamanwho’sonthemad mosto!thetime,womendroolingallover them, screaming and grabbing for their clothing that's been ripped to the stage noorm.Whtrreaiiymedsit3Whestrnsean -ea-hownsaformermini-gotf ett-,doesmtdraerDantreefHidimgtres- tsimas0asr-t-Aeatdsodr,doesdisttes andmakes meals.pictshiswettowels up ogrthetaathroomtioorarrdpextmisestotte homeforsurrerandthreednysate& forlnnch.What I'd givetohaveamanlike tta.NoitHaadreargst. We all have aural-cams and fantasies. soiettt-ttsnveftm,1katow1'mtgoirtg isnt-tears-st-it-tir-tat mandalaâ€. “Youthuuedlucu-c â€mutt-Caucu- - Am. AaMeh- nebula h Iâ€. In: an.“ “than." Um Out.