feedback 12,1,t'g'ili,t'g,t, supported ystats A recent Statistics Canada report has disproved the popular perception that the elderly in general are poverty stricken and need government social spending. overas group - which has among the lowest expenses - is one of society's wealthiest. Most of the elderly own homes and can and therefore have no monthly payments to make on them. In addition, the elderly don't have work - or child-related expenses. The study. “The distribution of Wealth in Canada - 194." found that the The first day of our heat wave a few weeks ago came as a wonderml sur- prise. By the weekend, three days later, I had enough. So It seemed did many othees.Fewpemtteweresee-toetthe streets. They were hiding in air-condi- tioned houses. driving around in airm- ditioned cars, or shopping in air-cough. timed malls. These were the sensible people. There were, unfortunately, quite a few not-so-sible people. AslopenedthedoorontheSaturday morningtogetthenewspaperlstood hack in shock. The wall of heat hit me Nil, yet I was more shocked at a fellow jogging by. Thirty degree weather, oppressive humidity and glaring sun were certainly not going to interfere with his ritual. It was enough for me to feel all the tiuids drain from my body and quickly go to the fridge for a cold glass of juice. The thought of battling nature in such a risky fashion was enough to make me lie down in fear of what overheating could do. Under the right conditions our body can control its own temperature, reduc- ing the risks of heat stress illnesses. i. Convection - Cooler air blowing across the skin constantly removes the air warmed by the body during activi- 2. Conduction - This is the transfer of heat between two objects, in this case the skin and perhaps water which can be doused on the skin to cool it down. fllriiiiiEiriiEE 4. Evaporation - Our sweat must evaporate from the skin in order to effectively cool our body. Sweat which is wiped off does not have the same cooling 3. Radiation - We lose heat when our surroundings are cooler than we are. lor course we gain heat through the sun's radiation as well). effect. "The employs. was are "MU a ghaagte. Thin undu- I'm met. I have a lot of “our“. - voll- mutual-pd! new." t,Mty""t'""'""""'""" paid -." _ In ." “I! Mr Jack mum Waterloo Hilary Wigwam Ill) Fitness Forum Kathy Hammond PM mm . a' Despite these facts, all elderly Cana- dians are eligible for government assis- Mh tance regardless of their need. the This situation Is Jtestined by many However, if the tempera“ is over " degrees, the humidity is over " per eeeit,ttsestarttstmrir-dtttepeetet exercising is wearing improper clothing and drinking inadequate amt: of thtids, heat exhaustion or heat stroke could occur. Heat exhaustion can be ideattMed by pale skin and profuse per-tttta. The immediate discontinuation of activity tailoredbyrestinacoolpiaceandlots of cool water should help alleviate the . u ttot detected quickly, however. the pale skin-ted gimme “(engine may Headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, muscle cramps, speech dtftteulties and lack of muscular coordination are all factors indicating heat stroke. The body must be cooled as quickly as possible either with a cold bath or shower. If this is not possible cold, wet cloths should be wrapped and rewrapped around the body while en route to medical atten- Keep in mind that heat stress illnesses do not only occur outside. Unfortunately many fitness facilities do not have air conditioned gyms nor any fresh air ventilation. Ludicrous as this seems, many participants continue to use the facilities through the hot summer months. Some advice if you are one of avenge wealth of elderly families was $131,000 and half of them had wealth of over $81,733. 7 _ 0 drink lots of water before, during. and after your workout o with increased temperature inside the gym make sure your instructor de- creases the intensity and duration of the class. 0 encourage other participants to be aware of heat stress. " could be your life they save. In addition, the average income of elderly families was 824.138. or the mi, of elderly families living in their own homes, 91% of them were morMatte-rree. The study also found that 49 per cent of the unattached elderly had accumulated wealth above $30.â€. The average wealth of these elderly individuals was 852,185 and of the 41% of them owning homes, 94% were mortgatte-hee., .. .‘ . Ill V Ju. a; ' V > i& 7’ , y f ia 'k 'ir, a j, x e #7 [till, n {if - , l’ "M, Tt 'il gat ’ -, . 3 w: What are your feelings on the possibility of a postal strike? politicians and pressure groups who, ignoring the actual statistics, like to stereotype all older Canadians as desti- tute and dependent on government hand- outs. As a result, there are now about 2.5 million elderly Canadians receiving gov- ernment social spending payments, This has produced the badly flawed system where taxpayers' dollars are redistributed to the elderly, most of whom don’t need the help. The federal-govern- ment estimated in MBS, for example, that a married elderly couple in Ontario with an annual income of $70,000 could have received 8,444 in old age benefits. Clearly; it is unfair ttiat young working people, who are burdened with expenses “The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know mu] he has tried. Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron B-at cm: “nun a a tune In any m’: ethteattttttt that he arrives at the conviction that envy in Ignorance. that itgtitattttet In suicide. that he must "uttt-tftttrttMteeorwoe" "hit, m“; tttattttoqbthet.Metusiverseits at good. â€kernel of nourishing corn can cane to him but through the toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given him to till. There is a bit of advice that we would do well to retieet upon. No one can even estimate the number of people who live anxious, unhappy lives because they daily attempt the impossible. which is to be like somebody else. They are the people who don't realize the truth of the words that "envy is ignorance. that imitation is suicide." Emerson must have used the word suicide because we have to kill that which is natural in ourselves when we attempt to be someone else. Also, they need to recognize the truth that the power which resides in them is new in nature. that it has never appeared before, in Just that way. That if they will learn to develop their own powers. they'll have no need to envy or imitate. Envy is ignorance because it means they don't know their own powers and abilities, their one-of-a-kind natural tal- ent. They have never looked within themselves for their own road to great- ness, but, instead. seek it in the lives of others. And when they fail to succeed as do those they envy, as fail they must, their image of themselves shrinks. I, t-tutttttMrttmti+8tAV,gtm.tO, t---.A-r Wuirlob “all“ Links! Follows And, b not Instant-m that they are unlike those they envy. they don’t realize that this tre, tact lies at the bottom of their “lure. Nor do they Children are often too aware of their shortcomings and may wish they were someone else, but it is no help to hear a parent say, "Why can't you be like so-and-so?" It's impossible even to be like their siblings, so why confuse them by suggesting that they can? resides in him is new in Maire, and none but he knows what that is which he can understand that they can be as success- ful as anyone else if they will build - the natural talents that reside within It would be so much more helpful to tell them not to worry about those that they envy, but rather to help them to discover their own strengths and to start building on them, to give them the confidence they need to overcome their doubts. 642, Cambridge. NIR 5W1. providing effectiveness training to business and industry.) Which brings us to those great words: "Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string." When they find themselves and stop envying and imitat- ing others, there is something in their nature that says to them: "This is it. You've found your road at last." (Mr. Fellows operates the Human Re- source Development Institute, P.O._l_3_ox It's not a mater of luck, or getting the breaks, or circumstances, or the envi- ronment. It is finding yourself and building upon what you find that brings happiness and self-esteem. Everyone is born to be a star at something. and who are attempting in many cases to start their own families, should have to subsidize such a welfare program for the wealthy. Ironically, the average working taxpay- er is less wealthy than the average elderly pew Ifeeelving berysfits. A Certainly in Canada's present economic situation it would make sense to stop paying old age benefits to those who do not need them. It would help to reduce the deficit and lessen taxes. Importantly, it would also free up more funds for the truly needy. may Monumental-em u not. A Btethq would-1 mm As Emerson said, "The power ,hieh Nntlonal Clan-8' Cull“.- he know until he has Dave GI: David Somerville