Maatera-rgeruehuttge-tbe-eattthe Wye-debt“.'st-t%Hshe cantata). The-ard-nrt-tatt-rf-er/a-ram' -e'tt m, Malawian!!! 'eoeqte.arhgetaomrves,teBeeSiero.eeinhtarnd cum-s. "street-ttra-ata-es -ireofeeleheftiets '81:]: In from Dr. RarthWest_ertovetatrrMtt-demitt- lulu-mm. A uttie,oreioivftmn0tu_eeea1lthe tig-se-ft-t_-gt-h.,aard to old w. givig every. a warm tmtehofr-staig5aHrsiherse-iiest-es inseveraiee%ctivetribttes. "Stars were Stars" tenured Jimmy Stew- art,-seb.e--eeaiish-ais, GenmehiiMnrxaradtkeetMarfteAdttetor/rieh doctor gas. and the late Cary Grant; Little ree-ttrat-a-tthes-re. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DRIVE OUT OF TOWN! COME IN TODAY AND COMPARE! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! Rich Little charms Centre audience with hilarious repertoire 7fiTii5fREaiEiiii] OUTERWEAR Humans 10 Km STREET mm. WATEBLOO. m Wlbdoo Theatre FROM VALUE TO srs REG. TO SI " FROM BRAND NAME VALUE $45 “1 9.99 'T.SS 'as . SIZES 36 to 48 LIGHT 8 DARK TONES CmnpareatS240-8295 gflTiE 'ss to ‘129 YOUTH JEANS ASSORTED COLOURS DRESS SUCKS CASUAL PANTS m,pu'duw,ehunnld uuleahodlla ts†when“ CmMrr,arad--tttrthetmd-Ctmtt, "embed, atr.emty a pod ttetad d an. m “a. "tMet-the-Fee â€Wm atnttanes.CtmttrmM- Ilium.llnm-ahebrm "zSta-.B%guttge,qaadtheReatBtt-tt irtv%eo-atge.'NmBtsatruttuandha" Stantmutthee-ed untold movie at! HUM. 'hisoeeasi-lvueotmeArtm.nddedau- thesttieity to Utthe's moeirrg the segments. lt’snthardtotellho'lmldlmchunle respects and admired that humus enter- In the “Entities News“ portion when eelehsreadthe-timt'stqtheadttr'es,Little Decca of Nazareth." In true bulletin form. fteatutaIrttthteNaitttttahow,Littleaped "May ,mrrair5'daiteieometirstina'rami Batter lookalike contest.“ Georg Buns’h -ratrq cordial] stories, CANADIAN MADE SPORT JACKETS VALUE) TO_$69 REG. TO $35 'S9 to 'TS SIZES 36 to 48 LIGHT LVDARK TQNES 4 COIPME AT $150to$225 ‘9.99 tCemtimaeet on we 28) 2 FOR 31 0.00 ree t, Shrub Sale 6-u'N.ertlttetrBttlrtrett.. 5151a“. ....... 2-t0'Bttre_rt-. b2rt'tttrer+ ..F. 6-u'N.ertlttetrBttltt'rett....tmHRt 'eti"ethgtram_.btm,V b1S'Ftt-.........tmtrt+ *“W‘MMW-“m‘ 2-to'BttitV ... mum 'l'ht'lt 's'2't2N'r,teM', ttth'? MENU-1U. .., t'dtltSt't anus-Imam Over 20,000 Tr... from 2'-20'. 40 Acres of smog Irt Blue Spruce, Shrubs, Seedlings and Fruit Trees. l WATERLOO BOWLING LAKES AUSTRIAN PINE SALE 3% - 4 ft. .3935 a. EUONVMUS Any Color $.95 on. FRUIT TREES no WI a Wholesale - Fully Guam mum some†, - can: we WM†Wmsz ttah," '4etttitgRd cemeartdvirtourtindm-orttrientotMtttt,cdmatimd.exah-ntmesattottnAs Bearing Size, any 5 Sandy Room†'t%ItB4ttt3lMe8l.Rt" my. at"u9llPr-'8" as _ Ian. I mum-10 Jun. 'e. E†'HR. 7"... "gtB$.gMr$lMlli+ "-tBagtdehtt.t$rmttto.trttttet- 060.181.â€qu chum " PRINCESS ST. WEST, WATERLOO m mutt-mount) Imam FMY FUN "Be Part of Tho Fun" From -trtttArta-trt-tcmrt0ttet Pd. 6-10 mm SPREAD. JUNIPERS From " PYR. JUNIPERS amuse. POTTED ROSES Locally Grown PRNET, AWE CURRENT & CEDAR HEDGING -- A Tu... F" pm. 381,!“ From I