The Theta Psi chapter of you the in: up“ 'trtttt" Sigma Chi supports various PM 'hurya1t'l"gf, h tr-ofettaMties.'Nistetrmttte the‘uil JR“. Mtttttteei-sttniseh-tos- M‘Mhm'waw [ZED Gia 3% - - . Dally mun-uncut“. um 9.5;45 Emil"; §M3l3wunThe pate: gift for graduation. Sigma Chl to support fight , against Retinitis Pigmentosa "' use. PRICE: $459.00 SALE "Ice: 63SS.0tt if you want to know about mathematics, talk to these Waterloo collegiate students, who came away with high marks from the recent Canadian Mathematics Competition. The Grade " team, made up of (front, left to right) Christina Leslie, James Cherry and (rear, left) Andrew Kennings won second prize in their contest, competing against 656 other schoois, while the Grade " group, made up of Tony Lai, Michael Beauchamp and (rear, right) Colin Springer took sixth place in their class. Because of his 100-p'er-cent score in the test Springer has been selected as one of six Canadian students to participate in the upcoming lntemational Math Olympics. to be held in Cuba. A Smith Corona Production otet_trteqmtc6heStmqrrtmochs = “nuance-ova / oArqtt-tc$tt$tttmt-trryrxtrrocttort n.3, otlthseqEg-o-o-rtqettir-rqt-ttt, tit/h, mind-boy. -icL--"s:igsf: otNhqr'-:qMorqt-t.cqetere. --\ "cies Wmmm ‘ X55100 malt: TM ToMORRoWS TECMNOuNiY AT m TOUCH CORONA" MATH MARVELS PickupoGoldonBookVidooond . the furtherdutinctturwtlowua,sinfimskGokand d-rtmemtstomiflmur$20i00. 13117.1] 3am keg: Omrofthesfitnshxttumumatrtsattlte Waterloo Sounds of Summer Childmn's Festival SatmdayJuno 20, 1:30-5:00 atStagmnisetdkmv)husriooAtrit Adtimiontogrmmdsanddtfhmamtsrts-t1.00 Tieusiuikhhrtudtrofttt-tor attu1hkstsrksothetmuroftont-tttb6.2dd0 the office people . a a Mtf 11% 'Nia I '1N‘II.‘ fi rl I E T BU _ J. “J Bit MI sc, 'BMt'tMitirttAgthetttt mun tivetrtt1tegM.tVtttrmtr.r Sittrssa9ir'+ttr,gtr+ in usual-mm and over up. who in Canada III the m m. 'rr'tet""iuty-,yreetd% Waterloo, nu â€than " Delta Omega Chi but now ttmtstitmtostieh-detsagttesr ofSitgmaChi. w, RP eye,diseases are genetic. In some cases they appear suddenly where there is no family history of serious visual impairment or bilmlness. In others they may skip several generations before reappearing in the family. I - and e t'l,T,fleyd'S2'g) PM each day about what causes these retinal pigment disorders. Treatment, prevention, and a cure for RP eye disorders are the goals of this research. Costs are high but the research must con- tinue. Betlnitis Pit-tttsa is the name for a related group of -tieeyedi-toettiegofresct ttteretina.'NetremtinatNgntestt disorders cause Ml loss of vision and often lead to blind- Support for this annual charity event would be greatly Mpre- ciated by the pledge class and actives of the chapter. All dmta- tions are tax deductible. For more information, contact An- drew at 746-1897 or Dave at 88$ 7188. [911311333] . a proven process professionally applied . penetrates all rust prone areas . effective on all types of vehicles, new and used . fleet rates available 435 Conestoga Rd. "Our clients recommend us to their friends. " Scientists are 886-3881 anti-rust tl=CrTzlECal ntinrdit,pmlietes'eteoeomel, 'mqtlewesletqtondoturttmot 'kttoqrs.%edtoita.isyeners.At poetittieiettrthftrytih-oees. Eitttrth-'sotokehordirs mhmymhocdab, Ind“ mun-mum -Anuiutruts-ttitstte,ttcarrrrsoett-tttrtv-rtaeih-ttt' - mm ratios In the norm and Bttttttt-t was: at the interchange. these W vol perm! trstlc "W tn " directions. - Ttmttqttentt the conuruction period “or“ Drive all he cloud atttteth-tttnNrttway. Detour 'out-ttttte-tatt-ttu-tt King Strum and Weber Street. This shady toiiovaed a Class Environmental Assessment greens -o-"orpmtittroftttistypes.TtteMtttatPutsttcNud- beued in January ttNM. Folbvring public and external agency contact mid intend snaiysis and screening. it has been determined that this proiect will not result in any "tnlf+catett detrimental environmental ettects. A memorandum outlining the findings of the screening procedure has beentiledwlthTheEnwironmentaIAssessmentBrsncholthe Mirtt.tryMtheEm#roetmqett.Fuethsrttocurmmtatiorotttm3ttte prxtpet'atdtorttSsproMcttrnditrnayproceo6tttrougttDetetltDesign to construction without additional notice. llyouteei.atterconsuitingwithMTCstatt.thatserious . environmental concerns remain unresolved. it is right to request that arrEtttttrortmmttat Sum Wheaeoared or thnt the project be subiect to the tormal Environmental Assessment review and approval process. possibly including a formal public hearing. The decision rests with the Minister of the Environment. The review periodtor this proiect will terminate on duty 24, 1987. Please send any comments or questions to us before that date. We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns you or your group may have about this project, tf you wish to review the memorandum to MOE or the Environmental study files. please contact: In: MkmAzh Y n: wuwummu q8lMeRuNttM$ttMtt",-t-,gttteMt.t---i" Telephone: 519-681-1441 Ext. 149 or Toll Free: I-800-265-6072 Ext. 149 Mr. A.M. Seppala Project Manager Ministry of Transportation and Communications 659 Exeter Road PO. Box 5338 London, Ontario N6A 5H2