Vinyl siding he lmqes' aw“ " we me V {w rmwmh'wrj P I trt (um-w " ttrr' r use I' w 815:4er Fame? I "rl,) 'wa' WW. t' IT M15 r lakt'r T'w 14.1â€â€œ " wmmer SI'WW: WNW _; "my I' ". w HR" mum Maintenance-tree exteriors are me Irena today It you have a heaumul cedar extenm m vow home you can manna mm easily by uslng tt products and app|ymg crorrec1ly A correTtlwr apphed Innsr‘ on Leda HIHHV years On me other "(mu It's maintenance-free and extremely durable yr "t _ Jan->1 " U U I ' k weirku equally wvmm IN H Irwr "l 8 mt? pulvistvlwu ltkerv promotes rtjotrr l?' " should not be my Po tlIbUMhOH value but m" purpose " I5 mean! to bi (maven? "w has) at 10w mama Hr dnshng loo tuner and “J pun/ad “guilty to "he Siding [he wcde swung such as the elghtrmcl' vaneiy requues. this) polystyrerte backing whevezis doubiv four or double two mow: because they aw Mu plumev o! S'dmg Ill one Wu!" :1 ngnd spluw down the middle do um mauve ttte uolysWtevw backer "rstallattort ot vulvl swung If) unponam and should be Man In protesstortals A home ownev wm has researched the unstallamm of ydmg and has received protesbnrmm .advme may altmnpt " (in "w Siding tot' themselves, tor the outscdv of "w hump col ol the stating Nye†the i 84m; polystyretw hankm (MIMNIP u) posts made 1,0â€th and J-channels‘ tor manna wuuinws ooors and mm: 'r69erur)Wo Vinyl stotry C brushes such as anew): tomshes Jrl in iMewance-fme we! rieecl palm “HUN H M mu, well and are wanna: wm prom niwmr "texrJernbuv', Personal Invesngdt /Wl; 1km basically ur m tre gunman-3mg tor vmyi siding “med H H H a, wel if? wr Dam 870 an " KI Quality VIN.“ Mime Merd tlb-yew guamnte‘ " kr tarl, l x’u WP , r/ut We em "Ft H the: , " e ver mom I an be mslalled Over [ Slum fr and olhev although m some J†uei ttrr a u it J! JV " tr mm). 10 mama tro to pvrwnde Ina" Ky: Diaper '6* finish ferr Je trte HE M" u n w Or and H )HSDS itl "INN It JF, Ge: Jes " St ,1; cases " as best to remove the exterior funusr It me stucco on your house IS very smootr then you coma treitall the Sldlng over It but you Will have to use a special punch or an“ to anI thtough the stucco so that the nail wm go mth the stud at the ther exvsimg wood SK wouid !9C(»nlmer cases dependm the wooci Sudang R0" brim U’ xrxsw Duck srSrig car always he removed betore Vlnyl Sldmg IS, Installed Nailing ol We vmyl sldung ts, Important The mslrut‘nons wm tell use " the Vinyl . 'ri1i','iC'"',"jJi::ift hsiitii_i tgtt'iit' stucco ls extremely mu , tyest lo remove n Sldmg can be "walled i wood sdrrg. although I acammend that w some Iependlng on We mm?" a Sudanq n shomd be SI it Sf! It" -tttt1atbe-an.t_ctmtb, , '1ttttttmt"utttqbatttMMMtlB-tttttttt “gr you how much space IS necessary tor expansnon and connect-0n mel sndmg does expand and contract consoderably dul’lllg cold wmter months and warm or not summer davs Them Is an oblong slot In the top ot me sudnng wheve the math; ac In and the nanls should he Inserted m the centre oi the slot .atlnwmg the Stdlng to move On (out tan or SDnng days you should at tuatlv be able to move the siding by putting your hand hrmN on the surface and pusr‘mg wuh a Sudeways mohOh That wowd mean that the 1mm have not been amen ah the way normD It We mans ave amen ttghtw m against the tace M We SIOmg " wall buckle and (new durum; changes m tempetzatuw» Vinyl Sldmg can be cut with any sharp hue 100m saw " you me usnng a handsaw cut wnh the hmshed $09 up Jud (m an tfur downstroke only " you are usmg .) tablesaw I ut With the tmnshed $109 down So " saws as mam! arm saws and bucksawr. (an be used but you must make Sure that me teem aw commg dow, Snde Care must be when m ht ll wnyl Sldll'lg properly unto the r and mouldings Also a good ( oi exterior snllcone Edulklrlg compound should be used to Die-veal water from gellxng Ir: around wmdows Odors and l: openmqs Make Sure the svdmg and numldlngs are cleaned well In out u 3mm It It? down the suqu d couple of a yes" It you ciroold Hippo! damage the swung and have. small Chip or hole III II n fa repuure.O mun a specnat w‘, kn Kunh m, L)rr, My Vlnyl Convngm (C! 1987 G [' "terrwrsesr Primers Ir M I “4.48an U! husk" 540mg d couple of mu crowd rappm ll of the smcone s Inna! I†all " IS msmllmi or Msl as Inn!) "c, my] $101! " a.“ l 11 rtil