i,i,ts,aks.'rteeetshrthe Th-rterftaemaeeare09r will: the Friday “Saturday shows mum. Mogul! T:atp.m.aaadetartaiaotetsIttr 'ran_esareamil'tueftom Grants to local arts groups held eliminate deficits The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery is among several South- western Ontario arts groups which will receive a total of 8336.170 in special, one-time only grants to help eliminate their deficits. These grants have been awarded to arts organizations with severe accumulated defi- cits. The eligibility of the recipi- ents and the size of their grants were determined through a re- view of 1m audited financial statements. These organizations are either clients of MCC or the Ontario Arts Council and have budgets in excess of $75,000. The groups receiving grants are: the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, $52310: the Kitchener- Waterloo Philharmonic Choir. Spa/tat t taanzsd Every year you face the same problem - what to get your mom and grandmothers on their special day. VISIT PAPER DREAMS You will discover cards, gifts and ideas that will put a smile on their faces as well as yours. Come for the fun of it! n MOTHER'S DAY, SUN. MAY 10 Bluovale Collegiate in Waterloo is celebrating Its 15th Anniversary this year. Tttesta-tttoar-their-trec- to the stuosnts, parents and calamity who have made the post yous a tromndous suoosss. Bluevale Collegiate Institute UNIVERSITY SHOPS PLAZA II 170 University Ave. W. Mon.-Thurs, 10-6 Fri. 10-9 Sat. 10-6 888-6121 iiiiIt=Eei=g TttethtqetooCouotyBoFiattattoet $3,225; Orchestra London, WISH; in Owen Sound, the Georgian Bay Folk Society, 811.616; in Parry Sound, the Festival of the Sound, 88.000; in Port Dover, the Lighthouse Fes- tival. $18,477 and the Windsor Symphony, $40,598. The provincial grants cover only a portion of the existing debt load. The balance is the respon- sibility of the individual boards. Arts organizations often are not the only groups affected by deficits. In many cases, an arts organization is a major econom- ic, as well as social, force in the community. The financial des- tabilization of such an organiza- tion has a serious impact on the community in which it exists. This is especialy true in small to medium-sized communities. FULL LINE OF "_-"-- NURSERY STOCK - TREES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, GROUND COVERS, PERENNIALS, SPECIMEN ORNAMENTALS. TOP SOIL 20 kg bag 2.50 ea. or 3 for 6.50 COW & SHEEP MANURE 20 kg bag 3.60 ea. or 3 for 9.00 PLAY BAND 20 kg 2.75 ea. or 3 for T.60 FEAT M088 2 cu. ft. 5.49 A cu. ft. 7.99 FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS 1541 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener 745-9876 Serving you since 1946 [iTiiififiiiTEfE YORK NURSERY HANGING é BASKETS M Open: May-Friday 9-8; Saturday 9-5; Sunday 10-4 L'eui%"="d m MW: _ " New Guinea Impatiens, ivy Geranium: ',ser ‘.\|' "'Bt"j'i" t _ 't"" . ' n H7