Golf Clubs Paygts You Play or Become A Member Reserved Tee Times Available Doon Valley, 500 Doon Valley Dr. 653-1577 Rockway Golf, 625 Rockway Dr. 742-5051 "Golf can get to a Pont where It's beyond physical Everybody has their own little golf swung. Those guys down there are mto the mental aspect more than anythog, I mean. you still have to have the mechanics, but there also has to be the mental aspect tt But that's not Dave Wettiaufer, He has leamed. like so many other top calibre golfers, that the more pressure you put on yourself the harder tt becomes to perform well. " And as the Waterloo native prepares homself tor ptobably his last summer of amateur goll. he will not base his decision on tumlng pro solely on how he performs this summer, "Gott gets to a Pont where 25 per cent of It IS physucal and 75 pet cent mental And what you have to do tS keep everything m perspec- Wettlautev beluevés that has been one ot the strongest aspects of hs game He sad he "I'm realty lookmg forward to this year," he said, "This us an important year, but If I don't play well though. I'm still going to turn pm." After spending time In Honda ths Winter. Wettlautet had a chance to compare his game to some of the up and commg pros who play on the Honda mum-tours rom ms expenence down south, F Wettlautet now knows that when your golf game Ms the calibre ms ' m, It then becomes a matter ot having a good mental game an order to Improve 'Tee reamed I can play with those guys (Honda mum-tour pros). tt was a good Iearnmg expenence just gomg down there I didn't get a chance to play In any tournaments but I was playing every day with thesexguys 't .. _ -.--.-.-'---" r I - ' _ r rr . Mi \ " I , I T", C . ' yo ' (ha. ' " - C, Jtit'.Fd; LI I '.h _ 'li . .~ I i88iNtrlltN M.IrMMt -I-A1I, ‘ 1' ' - . His mind is set on pro career Waterloo's Dave Wettlaufer has built a solid foundation Operated by KITCHENER PARKS AND RECREATION W ROCKWAY or IOON VALLEY leamed at an early age that getting frustrated out on the course can only hurt your perfor- mance Dave Wettlauter proudly stands (second from right) with the Beefeater Trophy, emblematic of the Ontario Match Ptay championship he won at Stouttviiie‘e Spring Lakes course last tell. Stu Williamson, a Rockway member where it's A Short Drive To Wettiauter plays and works In the pro shop, has been mtluenttal In teachmg him that not only you can gain satisfaction from huttmg a seven-tron close to the hole, but you should Ladies........... Husband and Wife . . lntermediate(18-20) . Junior(17 and under) Seniors.......... Senior Couples. . . . . 1tb.ttoeoottcooree,ho-ttoeptt.,turtrweetxetrtmgt- ttntm-iitsartdtnrt-,pettmMttit-ertdemlUreocod ou-ttip-tretest-ttttcet-ttrite- Gaiau' GGitiiiiiii iiiiiiGtE.%r i510 660 tumst. .Wo emu In and out of out ones/a............ 295 225 ionior Couples. . . . . . . 395 325 Moo Pay " You Play Wuhan 89.50. not“ $11.50 ttettet m to: Junlon and tHethtr cm Mob m 87.50. Twilight Hour 5 pan. t-tutomrttmttxtE.t-er._ey9_Cti--ce.te> COURSE NOW OPEN Grattit Halley Famhfoumdoncal 023-0011 cross-7771 tAetthtrgtmttrHtetmtt0 _ Golf and Country Club R.R. 2, Cambridge 1987 MEMBERSHIP PRICES (Roseville Road at Dickie Settlement) ssoemoyhimngsttotswtrchoetyououtof "You always hit Bad shots. but you can also get satisfaction from hitting a good shot trom tUhinttatmeantttinesseonetmtothe behind a tree and trnesse one on green." ettiaufer explains that when ( hit a bad shot he lust tries 1 about it, and then go on ar "Golf us a game of mistakes. You have to recover trom those mistakes," he said. "I think I've got a good attitude towards the game, and that's helped me m the tong run," This kind of attitude has helped Wettfaufer become one of the top Canadian amateurs In the last two years. In 1985, the 25-year-old Waterfoo native finished a strong fifth in the Canadian amateur championship, and this performance showed ham that golf could be hrs career, etttautet explains that when he does hit a bad shot he lust tries to forget about it, and then go on and try to recover from tt and then goes on to play his "I shot a 66 during that tournament, When you can shoot a low number Ge that m a bug tournament with'all the pressure, It shows you something about your game." Last season, Wettlauler won three local tournaments and the Ontano Match-Play championship He also placed thud In the Ontano Amateur. and qualified tor the US Amateur only to muss the cut by three strokes. He plans to keep a busy schedule agaln thus summer by competnng In some local tour- naments, as well as the Ontario Match-Play, Onlano Amateur, US, Amateur and Canadian Amateur Championships He WI" also pamcu- pate In the prestoous Porter Cup loumey lust outside of Buffalo and the Western US Ama- teur, Wettlauler credits he; parents, Ron and Lillian, tor bean very supportive of hrs golf career And I! he wants to compete profession- ally In golf. he will need a sponsor to help tum financially. A strong performance try the confident shot maker should ensure this also Full Membership 325 225 Weekdays Only 225