theregiorthave chosen seniors†the "target group" for this year's campaign, according to Theresa Schumilas, Community Nutritionist with the Waterloo Regional Health Unit. "tire try to pick one target group every year," said Sehumi- las. "And seniors are the one March is Nutrition Month and to celebrate the occasion Centennial Public School students: (clockwise trom top left) Christine Robertson, Tanya Thompson, Alison Snider and Tanya Welgele. point out what's healthy in the school tuck shop and what's not. an Bryeon photo Seniors target group during Nutrition Month Much is Nutrition Month in Meet the new additions to the Forbes sales team! Q13 overrtranspohatiortmtod. Alan Chalmers, Vice-President and General Manager, ls phased to Introduce the new members of Forbes team of exoeuenee. Dedbcated to talrness in sales and finest In service . . . the Forbes sales team ls ready to serve your "brig', A T F,:: o kw . FV qrA k t * W b 'jt,ts: ï¬x -w a ih'gt'ji_ ('/ 'iiii'i"V ititi Sir' , _'atri, cisti,'t, 't6 «a Jp' Jii'i _ " ‘W " we 3 C,,, F ' $ia88F's" ‘ iih"e'r'ifjit, _. ' . " ‘ _ 'r.', s "sir:""?), ' 7 F ‘33“; " 'igmir" N, 7 4'12; f .. 'ttELK ‘. $iit"iié I J, . L, tt a ka .s, r " MI ' w; I tair? Ron Cooker Darrell Flgglm Paul Homung Dave sum Ilka Taylor 165 WEBER SOUTH, WATERLOO - 742-4463 mththubeenneglocudtn â€Wynn." qtterrmiorthrmstotthisyer's cam is in the form of a aeeiesofditqtlarsytdrtetta_- senior dune}: centres. "They're drop-in displays where. seniors can inst drop in and have their questions about nutrition answered by a uni tinnist without an appointment," said Schumiias. Committed to excellence since 1948! at "t-etrst-etttesame-eds 'ttoat-rt-tg-twr substantiate-emf“!!! setrt-tias.'Setheyshmridemt- "rmetttstdsotattigbmstrititma1 "'Nere "edtsoahstot social tesatureatttatruttt-otrisr- isotntioetandtheperemttimtthat ameaItaiiesa1ototworkto prepare, when a meal can actu- ally be very simpie," said Schu- muss. There will be a display at the Adult Ree Centre, Waterloo, Thursday. The Canadian Dietetic Associ- ation and its 4,09t) members claim that Canadian adults be- lieve that good nutrition is per- sonally important to them. "If you look at food practices on a national level, the percep- tion is that attitudes are chang- ing," said Schumlias. To increase the amount of fibre in your diet, Schumilas suggests using brown rice instead of white and eating portions of fruits and vegetables raw. "We are trying to convince people that we can give them information on better food habits," said Schumlias. "it isn't difficult to do." Schumilas suggests cutting back on butter, margarine and cream, triming fat from meat and substituting vinegar or lemon juice for salad dressings. The association would like to see people cut back on fats and salt, while increasing their im take of fibre. The recommended portions from the four food groups for a daily intake should be two serv- ings of low-fat milk products, three to five servings of whole grain bread or cereal, four to five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables and two servings of lean meat. "But all this nutritional knowl- edge won't do your body any good without making the changes in your lifestyle," said Schumi- las. "Most consumers know the foods they should be eating and not eating." "It's simple.“ â€M060“: "Aiaiid Dim it'Ig-{N " jil?,iii'tthitt, - Where the nicest in town - is out of town. . Bridal & Bridesmaid's Gowns . Hats 0 Veils o Invitations 0 Accessories Specializing in: Rebecca Rebecca Lane Bridals Klaus lez invites you to visit her Mother's new Bridal Shoppe Grog Morrison Twain-Friday " noon-9 pm. My) a,m.-s pm. ERA mood 519-843-4104