an“... m an Lltz2rCrCrn FAMtuESWANTEDtoprodtHfu.timet 'o-car-chi-tfrom-ttttrt [21:12:,ttitatertoo thsrtttmDrugtatristometitte ate and Mnrting anorexi- 'rtattttyMttrrm 164t3tttrtttttte STUDENT APPLICATIONS are being Part-time clerks will work a "rittdttcttttduieoftittys,me- ningsand-slumtts,upto24 hoursperweek. Timepooitimshaveautanatic pttyptrtgrmsionartdttingebert- efitoptitmsbasedtmlengthof MAtgtqERtEHtameFttattioetShowaEat, 1975. Join our â€coastal My of TTtAmFoFtAgoBwttttafqture-trith Tr'scoortty TruokDrW' Training Job in nun/um POu.Y-ToaBitstoottirtg form like you to show and all mam priced Men's and at but». o-tatt-tta"')"'-"'"!'?', i-r-ian. to) w_ -- M. - 'i7ir.'%Ji0-irt'"'""',',',',; tttht qllltt8l" applications by phoning: iiarrttqgE1ttEe Ex-tttace-Pi"":"!?'? ta-ata-to-tre""?.'.?-,' 'ii;ira.aaieetteett BEEGMOWSOUTHM-lv "I! bf June. Juty and W- F-mt-R-H-m""- 1mm. (10) n H.Muum m-‘.-O~I~ 2*.h-u-ugu-y.“ nut. in“ m - _rrtet-rots,soo.tttss Human Resource Dept. KENT DRUGS LTD. 416-6714 533 or by writing to: Director, Human Resources 3185 American Drive Mississauga, L4V 188 Mus on: -ort -itxttg provid- ed. Wqettqetd and relief nouns mo remind. Call Fwy a Man's Sahib“. 5780540 (Cambridge M). so: but TTF) t tatt. m.ntatCt-WoodtqndRemort. Ida tlad? (416) 443-1095, Write: 1 m. Cath toll-tree at 1400-263 0183. (O) king at. E., w. (519) 743- 5011; 300 Cobome St. E., Brant- tom. (519) 'tHMt223, (0) â€I W~~_7. entry “we! position. (up to “ID/Ir.) Trar-tat.- Job "diiairiiii-arrto""'"iet,-, ' - -r. . to t l irttrhtttttaat in WW-tu- - DRUG CITY WWIbeheidwoek otMarchQ. parties may obtain (10 (12) (10) to) ARLINE CRUSESHP JOBS. No hir- hn. Bin may. WII tram. 1-418- [12:21:23 t3-ttetqBer-tettr-tt.-tt - aâ€. â€and In rTrE:TIi9LClLI'f ACAREERtNTTtuctuNtrTr-ort ttrivorsm-t.Nowitsthettmeto IEECHWOOD. Who mother otheyurotdandaixmomhoidwil babysittoiHt-tminod child, 235-4. My taSHtNootrtcomeTax.Earnmooey WATERLOO CO-OPERA) PESCHOOL SAMMIE South_eholtting ttro-emit-tion for Septuaber 1967. on Saturday. March 7, 1O a.m.-2 pm. Offering: Halt day, two year dds, FREE: 1987 guide to may-mm WWoour-utor QUALITY CARE required tor 10- monm-old girl. 5 days weekly. Erb/Fischer-Hallman area. Non- amokor 90%. 746-6342 m 6. "oo-ond-tim; program. For mom information. call 6344400 or 886- 1576. W) weswne MEADOWSW adult needed tor the care of HM twins with special mods. tMgimtintt Aorit27.CatttNNh4N53? LOW BACK in our. bud "and qrqteqhteqtt R.O.P. we be... ADO RELIABLE TEENAGE boy wants to WOULD LIE to rent ham tttr he "ttq9i.Ctt-to-too.Pttooit Weter.tttb6AtTZ7. m '-t-tgrAt-ttttmtoNretttytrt'tte- 'rtetttet,acrr-topeotAmte.-cart- mtH.Aqeretottmtt.tmpoe%rtt--od 432-1500: Ext. 504. Days/Eve- 'tirtgts/W-tetcFdes. (O) 115mm! Vernon. B.C. WP! 0048. (O) prescroening inlorview and job inducement intijrmatioo W: Mow Orr Tampa" Drier Training, Cam- tto-MO-tNW-IMO. (WRTF) tNe playtime. Weekdays. 746AM34. (10) corr-ttteoce.U&RTaxSchootts, 1345 PM Hwy. Winning, MB, HST 286. for free brochure, (O) conditioning, Bookkeeping, Buni- ness. Cosmetology. Etectrortictt, Latttnl/Mettbtcal Secretary, Psycholo- gy. Travel, arm (5A) 263 Ado- hide West. Toronto. 1-800-208- 1121, (o) mama-unmann- hlry. on - and one“ My. nodul- od. 'mtt' CA.C, (706) 382- 0115 2019 'ovtrmcaretovourcttitd-o0 pm. Blouse/St. Agnes am. Ron- wt Cttort9tltVErt, * - 886- 5529 576-91 40 (10) (0) ABM.Mttkr.Mhgt8t.Ntr smudmmcnb- in up a W - "riCTrirLrrLi'f, COMPUTER SERV|CES Attordahle For Small Businesses - Complete Bookkeeping aettmattytor-imrH'r'eroorm'r maroon WVATOCS. “In -.e-attees.'t-ttttttMtrtn. WATERPROOFING ttoma'eiettt. Lady baa-mom: Draim m "em'tt' - sump 7mg“ “humor-was» “WY ttt comma" " 0* 'ats.ttttt-t-tttrrotar-arttt Ta5-rrgo. m WEDNESDAY SPECIAL - No Goal-to- "attmNANCE/REPAdRS. " "to. jobs aeqngmt be m: W. Income Tax Returns Prepared m 'l 795 tMmtowttntpe-itmMtr-mtrtt'. $ttrtnttttmq-tttmtt_tim- In to M one who and apps “a. mm. M CLASSIC AUTO CLEANING "F'.""""'“ isiiriiG - W rum-numb. 2506. -FniMK-W. no -t,atrhu-.etrmrtex-ti. WMIOIHNO.“ FREE FNCK UP lt DELIVERY Call Marilyn 578-0313 “d6â€. Internal Francis! Statements Year-end Mounting for Small "4-1660. om sumamwmm an. 10 no. W. my tttbra anoodettmeett now and save! 575 "tb-tood. alibi/moan. odd jobs. tmb. 3781 or 1-229AW00 THE DATA NETWORK Kitchener PAINTING PAPERHANGING By Viburnum Painting 9 am. - 9 pm. Tom Bevenborn 88 Weber St. W. WINDOW TINTING WE DELIVER 884a6743 Cd 744-7670 744-7044 Jae-noun (9) TEXTURED CEIWGS. Quality prod- FATS am REMOVAL - WI. m; FooTtgaMEbrRN'cMBettt-rt ROCKTON REFINISHING APPuANCEREPNR-Wttrpaythettttt .ursthairttigpo't-?EmdrrSoow's Agmti-R-frr'tttspritxryoucart DAVE BECKER DECORATOFt - Wi- E-ytttlrtgett-ttrtt-ti-hlrtg. FREE ESTHM’ES on my home m. ttitA-qtp.. boa. 312 'Meat-ttt on. (I. hiding) â€1511.09†BID-6:00 MemtHr.retttqr. Sunday Itw. tMt oSrRMtHXEAtt0PoLAttifttRthuttit oSPRt$tSFERTtu2BtG "EiEDCOHTR0t oAERATIKil MTG“ o “EWING STONE - DRNEWAYS. PATIOS l WALKWAYS Call Rockton (519) 647~2589 DAYS, avenues & WEEKENDS on. use MUSICAL was; ... WIWSPECIAL m. 150 m St. w.. tutghqetqr “3-0315. m1 HOME SEWING by mob-along! W. E-et-et b d (you Sonny'sShuponIno we wot. u. may. “unobwupmomm. Minoanmt. M 'tNoMtattte mm and renovations 576-3781 or 1-229-6800. ttfl tmsd,mstatttywoet-hiptetcom- woee.rtdcamesotrrFrmramtimatem, Rd. East. Waterloo (appetite Tm). 7m: 100 Oman St. have; 7444511. 31m. (11) Hum. 864-2831 A-1 CAR CLEANING Wanda W.“ 884-2815 discount. Evening appointment. available. Cd 745-9240. (F) Call tor W. 882-2527. (m ttpetri-ttttin-sro-andre- otmtit3et..CalttthtttqttqteNF6a8K?. Guaranteed workmanomp. Rotu- oneu. â€#2114 m. (10) W. â€on. â€4-1703 my“ in! " noon; not at“ Tu- d-yl. (10) tnry,tttgttrtto'tn-tthqo-t- Fttttyetgttt+taFtntttt_ erttoq6ae8t.t.oextpeoe-lrtg.ttoe6- t-tlmt,rom-ehmetgragtttktmmtd M and onto-bu I... Cannot Proloubon-I wannabe". 744- Stripping and Re-finishing _P111Pu_8?1mrttmtu, -ttr-.Mtlf3tlt1 m ,---- 75% OFF manna “HIM Free satin-ates To “mum ..a.c- hula-hm Immune-3M Whitman-Id .ttttttsgtr_- nun-MW... 3100.000†[100 Comm mun-unload match.“ man-â€Inna can-†WEDDING BOUQUETS, $20 and up. Futiseiection ofstylesand cotourain ttttk. 10 years experience. Quality torumlbuainou R-tmatter-orally-thi-ping OMAmumexpu about: your requirements. 886- 6833. tttD tucTAtttttHsCLoCtrR-irttttop- t-tiairtginmoairnrtetcoem- ov-ttauto'--:-,:-- Reroat'ror'trtstrgtroorahtrttirttmtttoo", PANTING AND house ranch. Bood I'm. 745-7348. (10) ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS. trtautltatioet ttseingtorattoccaaloets-itoetty auNaHoW-a_,alet,tuttt. lid my 00.0000“ at 0mm. ICE FISHING Day and um. Live our Joana th M. t-r06.a3r-aoto. (10) years mtporteoce, small jobs readily acceded, can Dennis Kirby, 742- tunable mm. 648-2847 who: 9357 you. 'rroFloetal W. Catt tmb-rats. (11) 576-2974. MR") irom 315.00 W. Mb6-tNMiO. (Across trom Waterloo Stock Smp.oo44o-kt, 886-6618. Ito RUMMAGE SALE Friday. March 1am. LOO-3:00 on Mach ar, 1987. 9 a.n.4 an. ctturtct4orNEraxvaAtitourt â€W8.§!.Wm (9) MESSIAH LUTHERAN Cablm“."bo 5mm B “L“! “MEMO. - .1....' - it's...- but. “Inn!“ my" “hm“.u . 1:“... -M'hhlb HANDYMAN OLSEN REALTY LTD. 893-7464 749-0573 ammun- 885-1010 (12) ttf? "