Chris Dunlap of the Conestoga hockey Condom has been named Athlete of the Week for the week of February 9. Dunlop, a member of the varsity hockey squad, earned five assists in the Ontario Col- leges Athletic Association (OCAA) game against Seneca College in Toronto on Thursday night. Dunlap, a native of Kincardine, is currently enrolled in the first year of the Early Childhood Education program at Cones- toga's Doon campus. The Hockey Condors suffered another defeat last week as they dropped a M decision to Seneca College in Toronto on Thursday Seneca scored at the Ig-second mark of the first period to set the stage for the shootout. Seneca led 4-2 after one period, and 7-5 after two. Scoring for the Condors were Brad Bender with 3 goals and Bill Bishop with 2 goals. Dan Miller, Randall Demone and Dave Pettepiace each scored single markers._ 'Ne Condom last game of the year is Wednesday, February 18 when they host Georgian College at 8 pan. at the Conestoga Recreation Centre. Conestoga "Good for what ails ya!" _n m, ISO King St. W. Kttrherter.Ont. MUSIC STORE - "C-DR. DISC KITCHENER'S 743-8315 "TRADE, BUY I SELL memos s CWACT noses airiiaTiria. qlIllMlr. - - - - - "IRI- - -riir, I STORY . 3%? .‘I- '?i1,'-,?i?2'?7a""iezi:' ---'. -. -.. “mm“ Ci,?.., ea. 4x mnemoo oeuvem om v seNrttsttantxottheunhmr. In! of WW txroet.i. ihirmi, "miainatt playoff game with Guotptt Gryphom Saturdaty d, W- V3"?! ion isa,rs-s,1sat and will play host to West- ern Mustangs in the 1AIAA M dimién firtait, Satur- day at r. mm cam photo t RNA ( .101 'treurtUpf_9..'t_t9v. Includes up to 5 litres of 10W40 oil, oil filter, chassis lubrication, We also inspect belts a_n_d poses, fluid levels, tire pressure, front and an" briees, wiper blades, exhaust system. "TER Wham "mequ -ttod"t-r1ertrtrtet_to comm! my Giiititutiamior tttttttgt if 3%; ,j' - (i: .q.--B- -iiifiiiimitm neon-nan Water Softener Sol! FREE DELIVERY Ff?ht, AYQQEEQE! 632-7441 576-9940 _iiiii,ir, 142-1960 sac-m "on: nx scam: I . 21liiilM%EiaIajiiIlIt, WHILE ll SLEPT"' Waterloo 664-2282 - v tat,aee, our 24 hr. 8 mm. . s p.m. taunting antic. 40 kg. bag -- from CLIP AND SAVE LUBE, OIL AND FILTER * ttt"tttttEtr-ttE,a-MiMtMtitttE * mmmrumvm * RttLttgattta"rRtfttE0tmlulBtE Most cars and light trucks Our Regular $18.95 in effect to Feb, 28 Ymertaxetumdetiveredtvcarriertosudbunt Minimalism “I LOST 81 lbs. _ THE SALT MAN Inc. mATERLoo 93A!1tErtr ONLY BAST TIRE u Northwnherhnd Strut. Ayr. 0mm (Listowel on 10W30) Kitchener 894-0360 sreN.Bk41ifr_fB., - - _-; at: - a Th-ttee-est WNW-now melanoma um»... 100% NATURAL HWY BACK GUARANTEE --ttliHtltrrttittg mum- son FURTHER INFORMATION CALL .0. 803-21 40 IT‘S LIKE A MIRACLE BE YOUR own BOSS JUDY 510-62 1 It $12.95 Listowel 291 -3020