"Tty,hd,',',"ei2teh"2cg,f,f,r " / /? ws"ii "yi",fd,e,Totos' . _ieiilliEiiititi,t, tti'b'qgjfr'giF,t // I, Ri [1/ f! ' Cg 'itre:5'2etegj.i.iir'sit. e84-Book(2665) .1 ‘6.’;â€//, i5i2jttifiiiij. , [I’w -.---" Notre, f, _ 10:11:01le 21% 'Wir, .. p, TU "uEiial. serie; - ' [.17 -.tt.'f1".L1'.'tft.l1?d'L, iil'jiEii5if ’97/1/ - 71"2?’ _ ii255Q _d )f9 9-7 es" W? re-ttr; --e J) tti) 1ti2iti7t "a,2et"i), 'talll E%t x ' " l $5 ‘0‘. ' T) ' - W? Fii . H H ', l] Eesic .V/ _ , I, / , l V / g [’“I ‘l T, Miti SN ’ ',,'.,ae,I'fs_,t itll, V . icSliRliilGiiital e iiliitiit ll . a:,-",' 'tlg - ore/f .9 ttitll wig Iiiitiif5eijahygieitiiii:' Ill ./ Iglllt2uf :- gr aâ€, n My Ir' - '5gitl1E iE Mlil, 9tiffi6 itlgieiilkiirt ‘ «~4- fd s v ra V 2tlt2Caliiiiii, Mi. W) "Welt - awe ec.aid fl)???" 1’: ll m r, _ StiiSti tliiii& rd IE! lAl!liliiiiiiii ' CiSjiS6, . )l-z ' O C2, ‘,§ ' , r - I " a†“a". P IOWUNC IS » A FAMILY , AFFAM. AVE YOU BEEN I LATE“? Words Worth Walchange tteaethegistobemitttttt*atearrx:ise istotbebody andttorAsort-ipetialoedersvbml searcttesandmailmders_te We aisostockastea-egrxxitretof reataindersaattttreirts Rod"! 'tttttttret The women's movement - tight to can“ mite-tttyin-ts-te-id-veto?- important tool for sock] change, says Mr tiGe-erare,asoeittueirtintreDqtartyerh.tof K1atesiokttgy and Sociology at the University of Water- loo. Addressing a and! gathering Monday at UW. ahetterrreeiittt-d-etesa!s9rei-t"t relation†of m. sport and Inductance. iiiiiGiisuoeonseireusi-rtivestutetPtte, mum Wynn†'""?."' "yrrty/',el -iiaieGreTiiéidGlsra1 conception of in: It Is to iiGGiGutneortst-e--itirtite-aetitit-d nmvhemnmandmcpn‘cunqmdscmr Exerx:iseyourmind at8meds%ethBooks -sirRichardMeek UW prof suggests examination of roles, trends oaneiiiartietrrsittmttr SI BILLION SPECIAL CANADIAN GRAINS PROGRAM. _ Tk Special Canadian Grains Program is assisting farmers with $1 billion. This initiative, announced by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, is the largest of its kind ever undertaken by any Canadian government on behalf of farmers. it is a national program that responds to a national need. It will help offset low grain and oilseed prices resulting from the subsidy war between the European Community and the rf8Tellrltlllhie'i?l'lltttl1l'l')'l eHrtgtemo'eti." 2NNetge claim that - am am and trtstttastg-tstut-N-t-smetttygnaV mahes,"amt-tottheOtratqes-nmMe" "ht-ttet-ttve-tti-son-ered-tid, by an. attttmtgtt “women make up the an at W"vuchmnstheommuon. "Yet,-tsareverymuettst-redtsyptrtttie ttrrtdtrttr---drettte-eyhrfteitities.and -et-tsttmmgttetredtaeat+yst-dtty od%e%gtatrt-ettstrr-tt-,"saM'Net-ge. "so-e-ear-tot-tUte-ttvie" involvedlofu." AttHrittghThehegqgenthrttttedttmtthmehnatteeet mmoverthehst t0years,aitekars up: damask: to the man's movement. The first $300 million will be in the hands of grain and oilseed farmers this winter. Another $700 million will be paid out in the spring. The details of this historic program are as follows: United States. 1 You will benefit if, in 1986, a you grew wheat, bartey, oats, rye, mixed grains, com, soybeans, canola, sunflower seeds for crushing or fiax. ‘Mbaml conservative Micah-because cl REAL Wm (an OPP“ tgsdleatesd to “mouthwash: mlartsy,"tmid'Nertterge. "tut-ttttSyst-ttttrot-ir-tdai-rate- Merge considers the growing popularity of may» television shows to be dangerous to the "At,,','".',",',",",",: . are trying to sell women on heterosexual attractiveness." said Mm. "What goes on In a -ti-eWo6nutismttetatymtttrtodtoryou, bat could even bednmagtng - the sluts (camera work) are often suggestive. It to directed more at the exploitation of women. not the development of a women’s health." The development of more team-sports for women is another are. that Mtge believes women would tte-tttt from. Pedigreed seed, high moisture corn, high moisture barley and farm fed grain are also covered. 2 The first cheques are n being mailed directly to Western farmers based on Canadian Wheat Board permit book data. 3 If your crops are not . included in permit book data, or if you are a qualifying producer who doesn't receive a cheque. you can pick up an application at the following places: . Offices of Members of Parliament q Grain elevators . Grain producer organizations . Agriculture Canada offices and research stations . Farm Credit Corporation Offices. You can also have forms mailed to you by contacting the Administrator, Special Canadian Grains Program, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa K1 A 1J3. Phone (613) 957-7078. APPLICATION DEADLINE ls MARCH 31st. 1987. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that agriculture remains a strong and vibrant part of our country's economy. The Special Canadian Grains Program is a part of that commitment.