"““"’-"/5 IN STOCK gï¬;‘:‘;&..\n&vn COVERs _oUEERSs | ==z 25~â€"50% ?‘r 1=mm1'fl. “.ï¬ Flight A: 1. G. Holman, D. Lesperance, L. Johnstone, J. Thibaudeau 2. L. Woods, D. Baker, P. Gostovic, J. Heffernan. Flight B: 1. A. Wells, F. McPhail, V. Mixer, I. Honsberger 2. S. Larsen, M. Stewart, S. Tully, W. Ramsay Bridge lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players will start the second week of February. For information and registration call Milos Polak, 885â€"4475 or 745â€"2122. Naval Association Club in Waterloo. Wednesday eve â€" Flight A: George Cross, Carol McMahn:; Kandis Smith, Denis Niven Flight B: Agnes Wells, Marie Armstrong; Betty & Ed Brick Thursday aft â€" Clayt Israel, Bob Auger; Glen Chrysler, Leyden Chao; Helen Fleming, Jessie Hawley; Norma Ingram, Don Lesperance. Friday eve â€" Flight A: Bill Sheryer, Jean Farhood; Audrey & Don Kilcoyne. Flight B: Bill & Maryâ€"Lou Armstrong; Audrey Dahmer, Inga Solomon. Swiss Teams Special: Flight A: 1. G. Holma Sunday eve â€" Peter Ciuciura, Aiden Fitzgerald; Don MacTavish, Bob Williams. Monday aft â€" Championship game: 1. Bob Auger, Clayt Israel; 2. Don Lesperance, Glen Holman. Tuesday aft â€" Reg Frid, A} Edwards; Ned Loubert, Gord Russell Tuesday eve (nonâ€"smoking) â€" Carol McMahn, Leyden Chao; Don MacTavish, Bob Williams. Wednesday aft â€" Reg Frid, George Beecroft; Barbara Petz, Eliska Polak, Norma Ingram, John i P P Eim dsc hedc relariicr dsn tsnnd ntrctradiinnbals® bubndibhiraiifiiotiiichhht Ariadbictedficiednl is dotd After taking his Ace of spades, declarer played diamonds. West ruffed his third diamond and dummy overruffed. Declarer switched to clubs. Third round ruff by East was overruffed from declarer‘s hand. Declarer then repeated the whole procedure, playing diamond, ruff, overruff; club, ruff, overruff, one more time. Now, the only trump left in opponents‘ hands was the Ace. Declarer led his last diamond and pitched his spade loser from dummy. Whether or not West ruffed with his Ace or chose another defence, the contract could not be defeated! WINNERS OF THE WEEKLY DUPLICATE GAMES: S: 62 West led the King of spades. H: K975 This interesting hand was played at the Canadian D: AQu103 National Team Championship. In a very close C: A8 match the losing team bid four hearts, mxmg an overtrick after opponents found a spade lead. The winning team proved to be more aggressive and bid a small slam. After the King of spades was led they might have had secopd thoughts. However, good declarer play secured 12 tricks as well as a 4â€"point victory in the match. Any lead but spades makes six hearts an easy contract. Once you are forced by the lead of the King to play the Ace of spaces the contract becomes vuinerable. Now, you cannot follow the text book advice "draw trumps at your first opportunity,‘"‘ because West after winning his Ace of trumps can cash a spade trick as well. You may try to discard your spade loser either from your hand or from the dummy by playing diamonds or clubs. The third round in either of those suits will be ruffed by opponents frustrating your attempt to get rid of your spade loser. What line of Pla‘}; secuned the six heart contract and helped win this important match? S: KQ103 H: A64 D: 97 Chambions{h!p games will be he_la Wednesday, Jan. 19 and Thursday, Jan. 22, 1: 00 p.m., at the > DUVET SALE BUY NOW! OUEEN STREET $T. N. (NEAR KING), DOWNTOWN KITCHENER UDIES TOWN CENTRE â€" 742â€"BEDS (742â€"2337) It‘s Bedtime! Liban; Dim Wellstead, Bob Auger. ALL DOWN INTERESTING HANDS by Milos Polak AS . QJ108 KQJ102 It‘s <Bedtime! From B 1 VÂ¥ All sizes available $115 We have a full assortment of custom duvet covers, shams, bedskirts, designer sheets, decorator pillows. C: Ta S: J9874 H: 32 . . . where quality is affordable. it‘s nonâ€"allergenic 1ID We also stock FAB“F“. . . . feels like down Pass From Pass STORE HOURS: $98 Pass Pass IN THE PAUL MARTIN CENTRE 10% off the book at the event for autographing. Refreshments | Everyone Welcome THOMAS HARPUR Who will speak on and answer questions about . "FOR CHRIST‘S SAKE" AT 3:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 1987 Syndicated columnist, author, cler%yman, broadcaster, lecturer, Rhodes Scholar SUNDAY DINNER SPECIALS MEET THE AUTHOR Chadd‘s , Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Shrimp, Crab and Apple plus Soup, Ice Cream & Coffee â€" 4:00â€"9:30 p.m. DINNER #1 [»]] +9. 99 The Bookstore in the Concourse Yorkshire Pudding plus Soup, ice Cream & Coffee DINNER # 2 Chadd‘s Roast Beef +9. 99 14, 1987 â€" PAGE 17